Posts by CiderCraft

    Sounds right up my alley. Would this work as a "standard" crafting table (no recipe restrictions) but powered, or more like forestry's carpenter with a limited recipe list? What's your stance on requiring this to actually craft the more advanced IC recipes?

    Personally I think everything that can be automated should have a price (beyond the cost of the items used to craft the machine), which is why my energy base is EU, and my buildcraft engines are from bcic2 crossover. I really want to use logistics pipes, but while they're expensive, they're ultimately a "fire and forget" item. Add this to the crafting table's lack of ongoing cost, and they become too cheap for my tastes.

    A crafting table that would actually require energy input? Gimme!

    Apologies if I rambled a bit, had a few tonight.

    i'd imagine it's be very similar to jello, it's 98% water and when the water is extracted it's all sticky and crusty in places.....

    Slime + extractor gives water source block? Or slime + bucket = bucket of slime, slimebucket+extractor = water bucket? Not everyone uses man-made infinite water pools.

    Got a few random ideas, none great. Throw it in an extractor for fertiliser or grin powder, slimeballs + tfbp to give a "make this (not) a slime chunk" terraformer blueprint, electric tool grease to add 10% eu - only works on tools at 100% normal eu (must be fully charged, can only be used once until tool is recharged).

    I believe it's actually the pipes spitting the items out, not the machine. Standard buildcraft pipes only test for enough inventory space when the item reaches the end of the pipe, not when it starts moving in that direction.

    Try finding the Advanced Buildcraft Objects/Pipes addon, one of them has advanced insertion pipes, which will check if the connected inventory actually has enough space to accept an item. If there is enough room, it will instantly put the item in, and if not it will continue along the next pipe (if there is one). Alternatively, try redpower tubes, they will bounce items that can't enter an inventory back along the tube.

    Last solution would be an obsidian pipe close enough to where the items are being dropped, that it can suck them up and send them back into your sorting system.

    Single cross-bar for normal, double for reinforced (middle 3 blocks in pic above). Credit to sirbrandino for the awesome top texture.

    I hope that he will add that too.

    agreed, single bars on the side sounds like a good idea for non-reinforced, all the temporaly stucture scaffold around my work is single angled bar. so having 2 bars would make perfect sence in making it reinforced, i'd still levae it about to be seen through though.

    Done. Save the pic, rename to block_0.png
    Open your IC2 jar, then the ic2/sprites folder. Backup and replace your block_0.png with this. First attempt at a texture "pack", hopefully I didn't break anything. Always backup!

    Modloader 1.2.4, MLMP 1.2.4v1, Forge, IC2 1.9
    Just a couple of things that I would like clarifying, assuming they're bugs unless I hear otherwise.

    1: Iron Scaffolds cannot stick to walls without a block underneath. Aside from the look which would have been easily changed via texture pack, the ability to attach them directly to walls without support from below was the main point of the suggestion.
    2: Scaffolds of one type cannot be placed above or below the other type, and forcing one onto the other type with a piston will break the moved one.

    Please don't take this as "Hey you didn't implement my suggestion exactly how I worded it!" rage, I'm truly grateful that you even listened and put them in.

    actually instead of the raised Diamonds like on Steel Diamond Plate, how about make them holes to see through? :D makes it alittle more convinient and realistic. realistic because they usually leave it hollow the decrease weight and strain on taller structures.

    holes better
    Explain: It should be possible to see through. Hard so see something special, but definitely possible to detect moving things.

    I don't particularly mind either way, but given we only have 16x16 pixels to work with, it's easier to make a good looking diamond plate (which sirbrandino did a great job of) than a grated floor. I'm quite happy to be proven wrong here, so if you have any cool designs keep them coming! For higher res texture packs, it'll be far easier to have good looking holes in it.

    Implemented, currently debugging.

    Sweet, thanks!

    Hey, Al, what's your take on my suggestion of reinforced CF by using this? Slight tangent, but thought I'd bring it up again.

    I think myself and Snoochy (not trying to put words in your mouth) are agreed on this, it's an interesting concept. Personally I prefer Snoochy's idea of using foam on vanilla iron bars, but make a thread for it and see what happens. You never know, it might just happen!

    Nice job, will give them a go at some point!

    I know anything that doesn't exist in the overworld apparently shouldn't exist at all on these forums, but any plans to use cortinar as an alternative to spider eye in brewing poison potions?

    I doubt this will take longer then a few hours for someone to come up with a good sprite.

    67 minutes apparently, sirbrandino to the rescue!

    that'll work! :D the diamond plating looks pretty good, or would we prefer to be able to see though the top like we do leaves, that way we can see if there if anything below the floor like a creeper :p

    Given that the base IC2 is 16x16 textures, it might be hard to get a grate-like pattern (your second pic on page 1) without looking like it's about to fall apart. For simplicity, Diamondplate works for now and maybe someone can come up with a grate for their highres texture pack?

    And let's face it, sirbrandino's top face is just too good not to use (and bonus points for being almost seamless), so we're left with sides and reinforced to go.

    Opinions on a single cross-bar for sides?

    Perhaps use double crossbars for reinforced?

    Consecuence free game its a dull boring game.


    but why would i WANT to waist hours upon hours cleaning up something that's just going to assively get dirty again and again specially with the huge facility that i've been known to make,

    Because then you'd have a reason to add robots (as if we actually needed a reason) to go cleaning the place up for you!

    Backspace deleted my initial post, RAWR!! D=<

    And you made me do the same damn thing. Any particular reason undo was disabled?

    Reading about all this talk about CF gave me an idea, Cider - what if there was a second form of iron scaffolding, only for construction purposes, that could be used to act like rebar does in concrete? It'd be nice to have something that was comparable to Reinforced stone, but a MUCH cheaper alternative - it would also give me an actual incentive to build a canning machine, as I usually just build a massive 2+ thick wall of Reinforced stone to keep my reactor from causing any harm to the environment.

    To be honest that sounds like a separate idea, which could probably (wild guess) be implemented by changing the "hit wet foam with sand, become dry foam" code, to also detect "hit wet foam with iron bars, become reinforced foam". Or what Snoochy said, infact his way sounds better since that's how it's done in meatspace. Sneaky bugger.

    Not really a fan of a MUCH cheaper reinforced stone of comparable strength though, would render re-stone pretty much useless.

    Like... a bed... with some batterys wired to it?
    The last time i tried, applying electric current to myself, it did NOT heal me XD

    Last time I tied a battery to a sieve and put it on my head, I didn't grow gills.
    Last time I kicked an electric fence with my steel toecapped boots, I couldn't jump over my house.

    Can't we just give it the good old "This is not the logic you are looking for. It's IC2! Everything is better when you add power, HAYO!" handwave?

    By the way, Steve's Anatomy has now gone gold. No changes from beta 7, we just want your money now. Dance puppets!
    (By allowing your heart to beat twice for yes, you agree not to sue us and take sole responsibility for anything that ever happens to you. Even if we directly cause it. Which is now irrelevant, since by the time you get to this point you will have already agreed several times.)