Posts by mijnboogje

    Just a tip, computercraft computers can output directly to bundled cables and control coloured insulated cables.
    Now back to redpower
    I think your tutorial can use some more images with the key parts labeled.
    Also, I think you should explain the fundamentals of redpower, such as the uses of the various circuits and all that, since that seems to be what is tripping up beginners
    Hope that helps!

    certainly good feedback! i tried to use as little images as posible. i only provided some key information in to what the parts actualy do.
    (some back ground knowlage is now needed) but i might edit that in the feature with an full new and rewriten tut, this thread can be seen as an "test"

    after some time i wil write the final tut, and then hopefully new rookies can use it to control their reactors. (might be handy to provide an link to the repower page?)

    i dont know, might be usefull to make an video tut i gues?

    edit: the computercraft mod looks GOD **** dificult, must learn the lua programming code to even use it properly. darn....

    please stay on topic of the redpower part, if you wish to use computercraft i can make an seperate tutorial on how it works to control an reactor. it wil take me some time to figure it all out though

    ok i downloaded it. i wil try to use it to control an reactor. might add it to the tutorial.
    redpower - computercraft reactor control. coooool? "sigh" sounds like homework hahahahaaa

    Ok, I have been fooling around with my bucket CASUC for some time now, and the limit for bucket CASUCs seem to be 1590 eu/t. I have not been able to make mine go over that number. This is the design I am using. If I add anymore uranium, the reactor slowly heats up until it is on fire. Seems like the buckets are not able to get into the reactor fast enough. Is anyone able to make a design that can go over this limit?

    might try it this week, stil working to set up an new map with all required devices for my factory.

    or i could use my old map and terraform some land to perform tests.... i wil take an look into it. rest assured.

    Just want to add that you can also control a reactor using computercraft if you know how to code. I personally use computercraft and I can make the computer actively monitor the reactor and shut it down if necessary. It save me once, when it prevented the reactor from going :Nuke TNT: !

    wel, that is one posibility of control that doesnt fit into redpower. personaly, i dont have any clue about how this might work.

    yea, gota look into it one time. and maybe, write another tut ;)

    Nice finally someone with a serious design thats worth looking into.

    Improved to this: http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…1k101010037ps011111101110

    wel rick, i took your design, let it sink in. and improved it to this:

    it trades some eff for an higher EU/T

    the current eff is at 3.0 right now, with an effective EU of 78,49 and an generation time of 0,2 cycle exact.
    looked like an more stable design to me then the current version. here is the link:

    Hello guys,

    decided to take some time into explaining how to control an nuclear reactor, in we wil take an look to limiting the reactor.
    meaning, how to stop an reactor when the mfsu's or other storage devices are filled.

    please note: this is my first tutorial, critism is welcome in how to improve this. if requested, i might even do an video tutorial if there is enough people asking.

    wel, lets get started shall we?
    needed components are:
    1 timer,
    1 pulse former (when using an lever to toggle system)
    2 toggle latches
    1 invert cell
    1 EU detector cable.
    1 button/lever
    1 repeater (rp version)
    about 1 stack (depending on size of the circuit you want to create) of red alloy wire.
    1 redstone dust
    1 redstone torch

    wel then, first off you should place the button somewhere you want to control your reactor from,
    when you have placed this button, make sure you run red alloy wire on the block you put the button on (after the button)
    run the red alloy wire to the pulse former (this is the start of the controlling circuit.
    the pulse former we use wil in turn send an pulse to an toggle latch, (this wil trigger it into an second state)
    the state the toggle latch should be in is the on position, when this latch is on, the reactor wil be off. when switched off, the reactor can start up. and begin its cycle.
    next up, put the repeater at the side of an reactor chamber and run red alloy wire from the toggle latch to the repeater. this wil control the reactors on/off position.

    ok, now we have the verry basic of our system. with only this the reactor can run, but isnt controlled with the features we want it to have, for that part we wil have to use the EU detector cable.

    as you might now, when eu flows, the cable wil give of an signal. we wil use this signal to control the reactor. sounds easy no?

    do it as followed, place the eu detector cable 1 block above the circuit (costs less, yea call me cheap) place 1 block (dirt stone cobble whatever) to collect the redstone signal from the cable. and place 1 redstone torch on the side of this block (this is required to make the crossover from IC2 - RP) this crossover wil go from:
    IC2 - Vanilla - RP

    from the redstone torch, run red alloy wire throu an invert cell and have the signal be inverted,
    next up, place your timer and run the red alloy wire from your invert cell to the timer. set the timer to 5 seconds (this wil give the system time to power up)

    now comes an complicated part, we wil need to hook the timer up to the toggle latch we used in the verry beginning of the system, we wil need to do this as followed:
    when the toggle latch is on (reactor off) the latch wil also provide an signal to the timer, stoping its function and puts it into an slumbering state.
    next part is to let the pulse from the timer be able to switch the toggle latch off (so power down the system)

    when you got all of this hooked up, the system should work. (also note, if you want the reactor to be CASUC, you can easily use the toggle latch to hook up an seperate CASUC system. (like ice cooled)

    next up, TEST the system. put in an uranium cell which is nearly depleted, let it run. and look if the system powers down when the uranium runs out.
    next test, put an BATBOX in the output and fill it up. when it is filled look if the reactor powers down.

    if this all works, the system is good and you wil have an functional reactor which is limited to the storage capacity of your system.

    in the future i might look at an aditional feature to this system allowing it to automaticly refil the storage when power is drained.

    the next tutorial i am working on is the Mark 3 reactor controller. allowing for the reactor to run x seconds and cool down x seconds.
    and when the cycle is completely finished, turn off the entire system again. (or when storage is full)

    i hope this all makes an little bit sence to you all. and please, critism is more then welcome! i wil need it to improve my tutorial.

    attached is the first system in its off an on states.

    Mark V EB (http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…=1k10101001501521s1r11r10)

    This reactor was specifically designed to be a set-and-forget Mark V reactor with good efficiency. With a simple redstone timer circuit that keeps it active for 2 ticks out of every 8, it can be run indefinitely with no heat buildup. It's not a fast reactor (full cycle takes 4x normal), but it's completely safe to AFK from--needing zero replacement parts, and has an decent efficiency at 3.00.

    take an look tot the first post of this topic, there are quite some designs that beat yours concerning effective EU/T

    But reactors ingame should perform exactly the same as the reactor planner says?

    yes rick, it actoualy should.

    but since reality is hard to simulate inside of something there might always be an small "miscalculation"
    this might be fixed to by making the entire planner to work with the same base codes, i dont know anything about it.. somebody prove me wrong? :P

    be verry carefull when going on experimenting with an bucket CASUC.

    if i may advise you, i suggest you make an simple test setup as followed,

    replace the reactor with an chest. just any chest wil do. and try to get lets say.... 6 buckets of water be pumped in and out in 1 second. or 1 reactor tick. (just set the retrievers to retrieve water buckets.

    it is REALY dificult to make an bucket CASUC, if you dont know what you are starting, experiment on the safe side. (big explosion proof room) and start slow. say, 10 uranium cells. then slowly ramp things up til you feel you got it down.

    also, ice is cheap. real cheap to make using Equivelant exchange. just use one energy collector - relay - and condenser. the collector and relay at mk3 wil get you PLENTY of ice to ceep things running smoothly. or, use this setup to make water buckets from nothing and convert empty buckets into EMC, in turn the EMC back into filled buckets etc...

    like i said, start off easy, if you dont know where to start. your system should look like this:
    deployer (to fill buckets) - filter (extract buckets from deployer) - reactor (consuming buckets DOH :P) retrievers (pull back empty buckets to the filter) and make the rotate,

    also, if you feel like doing easy startup. i suggest to make the system as COMPACT as you posibly can. reducing the amount of buckets needed to spin the system.

    take in mind, i like to use 1 deployer for 2 buckets/second. this is REAL fast. and especialy dangerous if you dont know what you are doing. use 1 deployer for 1 bucket/sec to be safe. and ramp things up as you go.

    but beware, if you dont feel safe with your reactor. babysit it for 1 cycle and ceep measuring the heat levels, making adjustments as you go.
    to be safe, have 3 ice stacks ready in your inventory and 3 empty inv slots. (pull out 3 uranium cells and replace with ice) this should buy you the time to shut down the reactor and let it cool down rapidly using ice.

    wel, this is getting an long post. i wish you goodluck. for questions, Rick is probably your best bet since he knows an bit more of Bucket CASUC then i do.


    It appears to me that this reactor is doing two things that seem unique: decoupling hull heat from component heat, and (utilizing said decoupling) maintaining a constant hull temperature both when the reactor is operating and when the reactor is not in operation. A "heat neutral" reactor would be one that produces as much heat as it dissipates, resulting in constant hull temperature during operation only (a neutral breeder). This is technically a positive breeder, as it produces more heat than it dissipates. However, the heat gets sunk into the reactor components instead of the hull, maintaining the temperature (and keeping a high heat initial state from becoming "interesting").

    Someone correct me if any of this horribly incorrect. As for what this type of breeder should be called, my vote is for something like "Stable Offline Heat, SOH"

    wel actualy you are totaly wrong! wait, your right ;)

    it realy is the point to separate hull heat - component heat
    with my breeder i actualy cut out the components and go CASUC for coolant. also works fine. only consumes 3 buckets/lava cycle

    wel, to be honest i have such an system currently in my single player map, and is working like a charm. i wil upload an design picture shortly.

    sit tight.


    picture uploaded, how this works is as discribed:
    hitting an button on the exterior wall (outside cirquit system) wil activate an pulse former (obsolete and can be left out) which in turn wil trigger the toggle latch.

    in the off position this toggle latch wil also ceep the timer in an slumbering state (off)

    when the toggle latch is triggered it wil turn off the signal running to the reactor and thus activating the reactor. (on position)

    the timer i mentioned is set to an time of 10 seconds, and linked to the toggle latch. when the latch is switched to an off state, the timer wil start ticking... but when the reactor starts to produce energy, and EU detector cable wil produce an signal, this signal is collected using good old redstone and inverted by an redstone torch (this is needed in order for the system to run from vanilla - RP)

    and ofcourse, the cable used to transfer eu must be connected to an power storage device... or else the system wil auto shut off within 10 seconds.

    i hope i covered it all, if not the pictures should speak more clearly then i can explain redpower cirquitry.

    if it doesnt work for you, try experimenting with this system using: toggle latch, timer, invert cell and ofcourse.. the good old repeater at the side of the reactor.

    and yes... this is an CASUC reactor... breeder to be exact. (stable at 7400 heat and perfect breeder) might make an topic of it sooner or later.

    wel, goodluck!

    small edit: fucked up with the file upload.. 1st picture is ON postion. second is the OFF position.

    if you were to go CASUC i suggest not to use such an design, go with something like this:

    it is 4,33 eff which is about the best there is, and an EXTREMELY high EU/Tick output.

    this can fill up and MFSU in an verry verry short amount of time, run this for an few minutes and you have power for an day of minecraft. 24 hours easy.
    say it, isnt that effective uranium usage?

    nice setup, nice screens.

    i do have to ask, u made the design yourself or just claim to have made it yourself by mistake? since raGan does have an point. it is the same setup as the first post.

    all wel and good, ceep on going and maybe one day go CASUC with 1800 eu/tick

    Hello pat, since u are new i wil tell you all basics.

    bucket falls under CASUC in an reactor, it wil empty it, but retain it since it is an vallid reactor component, for this fact you wil need an 5 chamber reactor, the empty side hooked up to an pneumatic tube (VITAL!) if you do not have 5 chambers but 6, the tube wont connect. with recievers you can suck - feed your reactor with ice blocks/water buckets. i suggest for starters to start using ice CASUC. since ice stacks it is more reliable then buckets.

    any questions? feel free to ask throu pm or in this thread.

    hello everyone checking back in with some test results.

    used the setups discussed earlier:

    my results: removing one lava block indeed removes one exces heat, it seemed that isotope cells transfered heat to the hull directly, without any HD. thus resulting in an slight modification.

    Ragan, it is comfirmed that removing one lava block compensates for 1 exces heat. i found this throu trial and error.

    overal result: about 10 cells refined at this setup. no meltdowns.
    dumped 1-10 ice blocks after ea cycle to maintain an constant temp. (yea i know, i love casuc)

    concept plausible, it is posible to maintain high hull temperatures while not effecting internal components. thus making it posible to ceep hull heat to lets say : 5000
    and tranfering all heat to internal storage ONLY. then using an alchemy bag - repair talisman to repair damadged items in after ea cycle.