here, there is the deal. more mods.
what i ment is using redpower to generate ice blocks. then using the ice blocks to cool the reactor. for example use snow gollems to make it.
here, there is the deal. more mods.
what i ment is using redpower to generate ice blocks. then using the ice blocks to cool the reactor. for example use snow gollems to make it.
hey guys, running into an mayor problem, i cannot get my buckets out of the reactor using an filter. what am i doing wrong?
edit, i have fixed the isue.
You've just got way too much heat, even with just 4 cells in square configuration, half of what you have there, I was only able to get it down to a Mark II. Thus with the amount of pulses you have its impossible to get below a Mark III I would say. Any more experienced Reactor techs prove me wrong, but that's my best guess.
you are right, it is imposible to achieve an mark 2 with this design.
not realy posible to get it to run on mark 2.. unles you wish to make an ice plant to produce stacks of 64 ice blocks. then maybe. MAYBE you can get it to mark 2 or beter..
i wil have an look at it shortly
edit: this is the best thing i can get with stacks of ice blocks.
using rp you can achieve this althou it is not even an mark 2. but has an high generation time, take an look. practicly it means replacing any coolant cells with ice stacks.
hello guys,
my current project is to create an casuc reactor,
i will be posting quite frequently during the next few days on this topic. so... stay tuned and maybe have an good laugher becouse of massive meltdowns
actualy the mk2 designs let you run an full cycle without the need to babysit them. that starts at mk3.
the mk2 is ideal for running an cycle (usualy 2) and then cool down.
do note, they produce more power and have an higher eff, so the overal costs may be initialy higher. but has higher EU/T output and lower costs.
your choice thou i also prefer to mine
if i may suggest something, it is to read this post all the way. should get you kick started on how the system works.
Display MoreBuilt an amazing reactor design, but low efficiency...
This design was based off from a design on the IC2 wiki then I branched off from there.
100 EU/t but 1.67 Efficiency...
Mark I-O ED
try this one instead, also 6 cells but more EU/T and higher eff
small edit: i know this is an mark 2, 40 minutes cooldown is not realy that much. after i finish cycles i just cool it with water until it is not using it anymore. then fire it up again and lets go. never melted down on me
Display MoreThanks for the feedback.
Btw, the reactor design you posted is identical to mines, problems with the link?
Anyways, I need a good breeder reactor setup and I can't seem to find it, if anyone can link me a good design, that would be thankful.
- Winterpwner
gues there is an small link isue yes, here is the other one.
your first reactor design that you posted is wel... how to put it nicely. rubish. expensive low eff
second reactor, also rather low eff 2.00 and low eu output.
i am sorry, i cant say they are real bad, it is an start. try doing more designs. trial and error.
feel free to ask me any help throu pm
look this one, made it in 5 minutes and beats your reactors. high eff
agreed, costly design. low eff. however, ceep on trying designing your own reactors. dont be afraid to try new things
looks like somebody beat me to it making an ice cooled reactor verry nice design. can say my design is not even close to the perfection this one has. you win
Was there any rule for a reactor that cannot run infinite cycles in theory but in reality it can run so many cycles you can consider it infinite like http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…=1o10101001501521s1r11r10? It can run almost 25 cycles IF you somehow instantly refuel it without any time loss.
agreed, since that cooldown time is so low. it is vertialy imposible to replace the fuel cells that fast.
also, you can use an CASUC system to remove nearly depleted cells, and replace them with full. just like the cool system but only then with fuel cells, (that is what i did)
I can break down how I built my reactor in more detail if you'd like. The mods I used were RP2pre4b and EE (for the alchemy chest). Take a look here
thx for the info, i already found one error.. i used gold ignots instead of the needed brass ignots. so one mayor flaw
also, cadde is suporting me throu pm with questions i have. il try to post the setup as soon i am able to.. first il make an working bucket circulation..
il do that tomorow rick, i got an healthy tutorial to sleep on right now...
Redpower has only 1 pipe for everything (pneumatic pipes). Filters and transposers can be used to pick items up (for instance from a chest or from the ground) and put them in pipes. Just mess around a bit with the pneumatic pipes and all the machines. Thats the best way to learn.
1 more thing to note the redpower pipe system is smart and it tries to prevent overflow. However sometimes you want overflow thats why ppl also use buildcraft pipes.
i tried using the pneumatic piping system. only it does not transport my buckets.. thats why i am asking.
how do i set this up?
i am having problems with the transportation of the buckets. what pipe can i use for it? i am using pre4
You would be better off with filling your reactor with just U-Cells and pulse it for 1 second every X minutes.
Or even better yet, build a CARUC (A rector that is supplied with water buckets constantly allowing you to run that forever.)
Those cooling cells are just ineffective at best.
yea, i am working on that right now. (gues u saw my other topic since u replied to it)
hey cadde,
do you have any msn - skype or other way i can talk directly to you?
if so, please send me an message becouse i wil have quite some questions
ok.. left my reactor unatended for an few hours in an test world. 4 massive craters now dot the landscape, this need real fine tuning..
now thats some good advise, thankyou for that.
the only thing i do NOT know is how to work rp in the more complicated levels, normal redstone is easy for me. but rp.. i just scratched the surface with my quadriple mark 4 reactors...
if you know an large (i dont care bout time it takes) tutorial on rp.. please share it with me
thanx in advance
with a few changes i was able to increase the running cycles from 2.36 to 3.24 here is the newer one. it seems to be running fine its a expensive build so i dont want to go to crazy and waste my time and resources http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…=1k10101001501521s1r11r10
true, it is expensive. i build this one (and designed) but it is working rather well.