Posts by Bratzi
Power Tier is exactly what Su5eD meant.
Tier 1: up to 32 EU/t
Tier 2: up to 128 EU/t
Tier 3: up to 512 EU/t
Tier 4: up to 2048 EU/t
Tier 5: (no machine has that): up to 8192 EU/t
I think that a few recipes could use a little adjustment. Namely, the electric furnace.
Would make more sense if it required a coil:
= coil,
= tin cable,
= iron furnace,
= Redstone,
= circuit
The MV transformer could use coils too:
= coil,
= copper cable,
= basic machine casing
EDIT: not quite finished yet
Pumps have a weird recipe. Why use pistons when IC2 has motors?
= copper cable,
= iron item casing,
= motor,
= small bronze pipe
= gold cable,
= steel item casing,
= motor,
= medium steel pipe
Also i suggest a HV-Pump to make full use of the large steel pipe with 9600mb/sec
= iron cable,
= steam turbine blade,
= motor,
= large steel pipe, :Electronic Circuit: = circuit
idk I build Fluid Reactors because it's just fun to have a big complex machine. I don't really care about material to energy output ratio or efficiency or any of that in late game.
I'd rather nerf the other generators to make nuclear more appealing.
Ahh ok now I understand it. I enabled advanced tooltips already and I was trying things like appliedenergistics2:material#certusQuartzDust
With and without underscores. Also tried dustCertusQuartz etc.
with @3 it works for me too. Already implemented the recipe for normal quartz which would be
appliedenergistics2:material@0 = appliedenergistics2:material@2
if someone wants to add it too.
thanks again and sorry for the inconvenience.
EDIT: imagine all the customization possibilities now that I understand the whole system.
no but for real i dug through the appliedenergistics jar aswell and found all the recipe files. I really learned a tiny bit about modding or atleast about how these things are arranged and how they work in the progress. thanks for that too!
This is great, thank you.
With 7Zip I see it too. The compiler didn't show the assets folder.
I was able to add the charcoal to coal dust recipe that I copied to validate the method. Works.
But now I need to find out the ID of certus quarz, certus quarz dust and nether quarz dust.
I tried the following so far but didn't work:
minecraft:quarz = appliedenergistics2:nether_quarz_dust
minecraft:quartz = appliedenergistics2:dust#nether_quartz
minecraft:quartz = appliedenergistics2:#4772/3
How can i find out the ID's?
Ok, thank you.
That explains why I was unsuccessfully looking for that file. I can't see the assets folder.
So I've opened the ic2.jar via an online decompiler, as seen in the attachment, but theres no assets folder. Where do I have to look?
So I know now that I have to copy the macerator.ini file from the IC2.jar and put it in a folder in the config and add the recipe to the file. Like
minecraft:coal@1 = ic2:dust#coal
for making coal dust from charcoal.
But under what path can I find macerator.ini in the jar? I clicked through all folders that seem to make sense but I havn't found it.
This post seems related to my problem:
I can't turn Nether Quarz and Certus Quarz from Applied Energistics 2 into dusts in the macerator.
I think it worked back then.
Is it supposed to not do that? And more importantly: how can I add the recipe quarz->dust ?
Alright, theres a new wrench. haha. Didn`t knew that. Doesn't work with the old wrench.
Thank you very much.
I'm playing 1.12.2, great that you guys still developing this mod.
I've seen theres pipes now, which is awesome. (the ol' fluid distributors were a bit clunky to be honest)
The tooltip says "make connections with a wrench", but it seems like I'm too stupid. Or am I ?
Is this a buggy thing or am i doing something wrong? I can't connect my pump to the ore washer. Is there a special trick or key that i have to press to make connections work?
Thanks and have a nice weekend everybody.
Ok, I see...
Well so it's more like
appliedenergistics2:material@4357 = 1000
appliedenergistics2:material@4357/0 = 1000
appliedenergistics2:material@#4357/0 = 1000
even tried
appliedenergistics2:material@[4357/0] = 1000 ?
But none of them worked. At least now the game doesn't crash anymore, but i still can't scan Certus Quartz.
If i hover over the item it says "Certus Quartz Crystal (#4357/0) 4357"Do you have another idea what i could put in there to make it work?
Thank you for the answer,
I tried that already, but it throws me this error
"The game crashed whilst there was a severe problem during mod loading that has caused the game to fail
Error: net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoaderExceptionModCrash: Caught exception from IndustrialCraft 2 (ic2)"
The section in my config looks like this:
; Additional initial uu values, a value of 1 equals cobblestone.
; Recipes may cause the final value be lower than the one specified here.
; Format: <name>[@metadata] = <value>
[balance / uu-values / predefined]
IC2:misc_resource#iridium_ore = 12000
IC2:misc_resource#iridium_shard = 1333
appliedenergistics2:material#certus_quartz_crystal = 850
Any ideas?
Hey there,
I'd like to add certus quartz crystal from applied energistics 2 to the UUM system of ic2.
as of right now it seems to not be scannable and thus not replicatable, which is unfortuante because I can replicate everything I need but certus quartz.
Is there a way to make it work on the scanner?
Thank you soo much!
Oh thank you, that helped.
and how to figure out what <name>[@metadata] for CertusQuartz or any other item is?
I tried AppliedEnergistics2:itemCertusQuartzCrystal = 350 , but it seems not to work? -
Hey everybody,
is there a way to copy Certus Quartz from Applied Energistics 2 via UU-Matter? I can't put it in the Scanner, so i think the UUM-System works for Vanilla MC/ IC2 items only. But is there a way to add recipes from other mods?
; To modify recipes or add custom recipes, copy the corresponding .ini file to; "minecraft/config/ic2" and modify it.
; Disable IC2 crafting recipes with the specified output, comma separated list.
; Recipes in the additional section below aren't affected.
; Format: <name>[@metadata], e.g. minecraft:bucket to disable IC2's bucket recipe from tin.
disable =
; Purge crafting recipes with the specified output, including vanilla and mod ones, comma separated list.; Recipes in the additional section below aren't affected.
; Format: <name>[@metadata], e.g. minecraft:tnt to disable crafting tnt.
purge =
; Enable crafting of IC2 coins, otherwise they have to be spawned in and are thus limited.
allowCoinCrafting = true
; Allow only IC2 circuits to be used in IC2's recipes.
requireIc2Circuits = false
; Adjust smelting recipes to always output IC2 items if available.
smeltToIc2Items = false
; Ignore invalid recipes.
ignoreInvalidRecipes = falseThis is the part in the config that i mean. I think that it must be something in the red colored line, but what do i have to write there?
I tried to disable the crafting recipe of the Kinetic Gearbox Rotor (Carbon) and the one made out of refined iron, since i read something about disableing recipes in the config, but i made no success
Can someone help me with that?