Note this is the IC2 support board, not the one for Singleplayer commands.
also note that ssp commands might need to be installed before forge. Next time though: don't use the auto installer. Never liked it. (just don't put worldedit.jar in minecraft.jar)
Posts by FnordMan2
Remove the ability of people to delete their own post. At least if their post its the first one in the thread.
Agreed. Seen nothing but abuse of that "feature" lately. -
Hoping its out in the next week, people on my server got to mad about staying on 1.1 and one guy couldn't downgrade to 1.1 so his anger was worse, they blew up everything then said they quit until I could get the mods on 1.2
Wow, bunch of idiots there. Sounds like you should just not let them back on if they're going to do stupid stuff/griefing like that. "Gimme! Gimme! NOW!!" self-entitled idiots. -
I just arrived back from a stay at my Nether base, back in the overworld I hit "Save and quit to title" when suddenly the screen was replaced with the "Out of memory" error.
This seems ridiculous and more importantly my world is now corrupt!Specs:
CPU: Core i7-2760QM
GPU: nVidia GT540M 2GB
Windows 7 Professional 64 BitThis seems strange as I do have a good 8GB of RAM.
Also it's not related to IC2 or this thread but do Buildcraft pumps actually remove Nether lava lakes? I have ran one for a good half hour and made 2 UU Matter from the proceeds yet have not seen any lava vanishing from the lake? Not that I'm complaining with 40EU/t of what seems like infinite energy.
1: You never mentioned your java version. It's best to have a 64-bit JRE installed on a 64-bit os.
2: buildcraft pumps have a quite large radius they can slurp up liquids from so it is in fact doing something, it just may not look like it. The last pump I had in the nether I had to fly around before I found the boundary. -
java.lang.RuntimeException: IndustrialCraft 2: MinecraftForge Too Old, need at least 1.3.3
reading works.... -
Just wondering might be a bug or me being stupid but the power output from multiple fusion reactors can run through a glass fibre cable i'm reading 900eu/t and the cable is still intact?
Try reading the forums or even possibly the wiki for a change.repeat after me: the EU a cable can carry is per *PACKET* not total. aka: it's perfectly possible for glass fiber cable to carry that much as it's only taking 120 or 30 EU/t packets.
I got this error message, please help!
I also have the whole of redpower 2 and of course i have industrialcraft 2, but they are not shown. (sorry about the smiley faces, but the computer turns some parenthesis into faces.)note the [v1.23] in the subject line, as in it doesn't run with v1.71 at all. Note this is a *very* dead and rather old thread you just pointlessly necrobumped.
On that should be locked by a forum mod. -
No actually, the computer boots, fans spin, single short beep sounds, but nothing displays on the monitor. Then, it is unresponsive to me turning it off, requiring me to remove the power source (I don't like to, but nothing I can do about it.)
hmm.. sounds like a DOA video card then. If you know what kind of BIOS you have (award, ami, whatever) you can look up the beep codes but something tells me it'll be video. -
Thanks, I'm using the radeon 6850, which freezes my computer if it is plugged in. I'm probably going to buy windows 7 (although I don't want to) so that I can get this $800 machine going. I can't update my motherboard either thru ubuntu. Do you think updating the drivers would fix my problem, or do I have a dead video card? Sending it back to the store for a refund will cost me $13 in shipping, so I'm really hoping its ok.
hmm, by "freezes my computer" you mean no hdd activity (booting an OS) and no BIOS beep? (i'll assume there's a speaker hooked up) Sounds like a DOA card if that's the case.
Only way to be sure is to try it in another machine if an appropriate one is available.Setting up windows may be interesting with the Virtu stuff. You'll want to keep the monitor plugged into the onboard video.
Alright, so I've purchased the parts, they arrived, and I successfully assembled the computer (Yay for me first time!) However, upon trying to hook the monitor up to the video card, the screen shows it briefly, then blackscreens. The only way I've gotten it to work was to remove the video card and use integrated. I was able to install linux this way. Any idea on what the problem is, as well as advice on how to update the drivers (they require windows, which I really don't want to buy)
it may be trying to do the magic z68 stuff (which may requires winblows), can you turn off the integrated in the BIOS? If you can then installing the video card should work. Then you can go about installing the nvidia binary to the nvidia drivers, which distro? Ubuntu and it's variants should be able to fetch and install them automatically.
edit: just confirmed it, the Virtu stuff doesn't work under Linux, you'll have to disable it and force it to only use the graphics card. Note that you will lose the quick sync video encoding support.
Can you describe the 'nasty little hack job'? I thought there were murmur's of this having been fixed since 1.0 (which I'm still at) so I wasn't really too worried about it.
But I have a solution that I've been using with no real issues. It's a hack job, but I'm not sure I'd label it as 'nasty'.
It was fixed for a while but the fix has since vanished.
the nasty little hack involves a fat32 partition image (~40Meg) loopback mounted to the mods folder directory. A "solution" i'd rather not have to use. -
Thanks, yeah, I plan on buying another 140mm fan for the front port, as an intake, and having the rear fan as an exhaust. Too bad my case only has 2 fan ports
eh, that's pretty standard. I've seen some with side vents but those are just evil. I've been plotting to block mine up for a while now as it's just a dust inlet. Entire front has dust filters, do a decent job but need regular cleaning.
Others may have a giant 200-something mm fan on the top but those kinds of cases are rather expensive. As it is, the aluminum case I have was expensive enough, those get worse. -
Just wondering, what vehicle mods are compatible with ic and bc?
Pick one that uses the forge. Any forge mods should be compatible with each other. (except default Block IDs of course) -
Impressive! If you have room for another mod, you could install Forestry mod and use Electrical engines to power your Quarries. They convert 6 EU into 2 MJ, and having a few on a said Quarry gives more than enough power to run it constantly. If not, biomass and peat engines can give off plenty of power as well, with renewable costs in terms of maintenance...
But overall, this is really brilliantly done!
I find 4 is enough to get it nearly to full speed. Probably 5 if you absolutely want full with 6 quarries that'd be 24 electric engine and 6 different teleport pipes. With bc 3.x you really want one machine per power tp pipe, it's more efficient that way.
A bit ouchie in the power department though. 144EU/t for just those guys. Possibly a bit more if you want to put a few extra engines in there to run other things. -
So I got another little question
, The case comes with a fan mounted in the top rear. Should I keep it there, or would it be better suited to being mounted in the bottom front?
better to have both really, that way there's an airflow that moves over the cpu area. The one in top back points out and the one in the bottom front points in. -
Wow, pointless Tekkit hate much? It's depressing to see such random unsubstantiated comments parroted a community rather then trying to be constructive.
I'm guessing confusion is something to do with the section on the IC2 wiki (not the tekkit wiki, I suspect that was a slip of the tounge) with no longer working unmaned water tower designs. As theres nothing that says anything like this on the tekkit wiki I can find. Manned mode is still in, there was just a mechanic update that borks those designs.
If you did mean tekkit, tekkit still has unmaned water mills. It includes IC2 as is. Tekkit is at the end of the day just a redistrabution of the mods with conflicts fixed. The content from the individual mods is as is. As such the best sources are ususaly the individual mod wikis.
Nothing unsubstantiated about it, technic/tekkit outright stole the mods without permission to redistribute them. Last I knew they still don't have permission to use some of the mods.
I'm trying to make a 1.1 server with rocket science but i can't find the minecraft_server.jar for 1.1
can anyone send me it?
I'd prefer if it'd be arleady modded,with ic2, rocket science and redpower
and here's someone else that hasn't read the board at all. This has been asked and rejected multiple answer you: not gonna happen as it's not allowed.
What OS?
Linux, it's rather murder for servers requiring a nasty little hack job to get around. -
Repeat after me: Mod packs are evil, watermill still exist just fine, look on the IC2 wiki.
]Lex has expressed his intention of moving forge away from ModloaderMP and integrate forge with its own version of ModloaderMP.
Woot! ModloaderMP rather blows. Won't load any mods in alphabetical order anymore. It did once but not anymore...