Posts by Shedar

    The IC2 team does not have any rights to implement any part of my mod

    Can be used for "patent trolling" =) Something like "I have a cubic block in the mod"

    redistribute it or host it and such without my explicit permission.

    The user is allowed to redistribute this mod partially, in totality, or included in a distribution. (c) MMPL
    So either your mod is not licensed under MMPL or redistribution is allowed by license

    Server owners and popular players, who share mod configs.
    I'd be grateful if you will delete uuid parameter in the shared version of IC2NuclearControl.cfg.
    uuid is random value, I use it to estimate addon popularity without logging of logins or any personal information. But as I can see, multiple players use same uuid.

    Ok, that piece of Code itself did not help, BUT, I just got the Idea to send two Shorts to form one Integer, and then i got the Idea "What did Alblaka do to fix that?...", *looks at decompiled from IC² 1.95* oh, he did the same thing.

    Now it should be finally killed.

    I decided to use another way. I want a long field in my Energy Counter, so even two shorts wouldn't help. So I used my custom packet with long data instead of Packet105UpdateProgressbar. Sending of my packet only when gui is opened allows to have all required data and do not spam with extra packets when user doesn't see GUI of the block.

    There seems to be a bug with the addon, and something that Personally I think is a poor design choice. The bug is that nomatter where I put the sound files the game only shows 2 alarm options in the howler GUI, the files i added are ogg. The poor design choice imo is that you can't choose what sound the industrial alarm makes like you can with the Howler. Industrial should be an upgrade to the howler, not a downgrade(or lateral move, personally i see it as a downgrade because you can't choose the sound anymore).

    Try to add your sound to allowedAlarms param in config.
    As for industrial alarm. Industrial alarm is inherited from howler alarm and it was even easier to keep sound selection. But in my opinion, such type of device shouldn't have a sound selection.

    What do you think of making the thermal monitors invert their redstone output?
    When the reactor temp is above the set threshold, it emits a redstone current.
    However with the new way that reactors work, requiring a redstone current to run, it seems like the thermal monitor should STOP sending a redstone current when the temperature reached the set threshold.

    The alternative would be to build an inverter between the thermal monitor and the reactor, which takes up some extra blocks of space if you only have IC2 and Nuclear Control addons installed. Sure it can be done, but it takes up more room, and it would be really handy if the thermal monitors at least had the option to invert automatically.

    Seems it would be most frequent question for this release =)
    I like idea "Let me know (emit a redstone signal) if something happened (heat level is reached)". Thermal monitors can be used to display heat progress with lamps, turn on an alarm etc. Probably I'll add additional checkbox to the thermal monitor gui to configure redsone behaviour in the next release.

    Documentation says, that first plus sign is allowed. Probably it was changed in java 7. Try redownload updated version. I can't test it with java 6, but hope it would work with older java versions too.

    v.1.3.1 Released
    - mc 1.3.2/IC2 v.1.106 compatibility update
    - InfoPanel labels can be turned off (especially handy to display just one value)
    - Energy Counter added (dot side is input, accepts up to 4 transformer upgrades) + Info Panel integration (Counter Sensor Kit)
    - Info Panel titles/names (actually a card titles).
    - Additional states for Info Panel: "Out Of Range", "Invalid Card", "Target Not Found"
    - Basic internal stat system (it sends generated id and addon version on client start to my server). Can be disabled via config (please don't disable it).
    - Thermal Monitor/Remote Thermal Monitor GUI changed (up to 1 mil heat level)

    Big thanks to Kane Hart and his team, CrafterOfMines57, TampaPowers for great help in testing!

    I've been looking at the source, and I noticed that you have already been working on the code for an update. A fair bit too, as far as java n00b like me can tell.
    Just wanted to say thank you. Thank you.
    Waiting eagerly

    Update is ready and currently at beta-testing stage.
    I guess I'll release it tomorrow (GMT+3 time zone)

    I don't understand how to build it, what's that at the top in the middle?

    Orange dye

    EDIT: Just tried it out with a lever. I can put it on the Thermal Monitor but when I put the lever on / off nothing happens. Am I too stupid again?

    There is no sense to put lever on remote thermal monitor. It always consumes 1 eu/t. Use splitter cable to turn it off.

    Велике спасибі тобі за мод! Але у версії 1.106 реактор змінив свою роботу, та працює від редстоуну. Як буде працювати монітор, що випромінює редстоунний промінь? Чи треба використовувати інвертор від RP?

    Так, доведеться використовувати або інвертор RP2, або інвертор з редстоун факелу.

    Use Shift-Right click to prevent gui opening. You can check at 8:41 to see that lever can be placed/