Ha, ha!
I like both. Except Egg should be near generator, not in recipe.
At last place, where to spend a lot of seeds.
Posts by Sebra
And you really believe eloraam won't release similar stuff like that? According to her we are barely scratching Tier 2 of her tech three and shes got most planned all the way up to tier 3. So there is a crap load of things to expect from her and automation will most likely be some tier 3 stuff.
Beside like i told ya, there is immibis tube stuff mod that add an automatically crafting table that works with both RP and BC so you can cover the automation part without needing to install a whole big mod for it.
She said Computer is Tier 3. Thanks for tube stuff.
During a quick reading to the logistic pipes wiki i concluded that those are indeed nice.
And that its quite possible for RP2 machines to cover the same functions but with less automation (Although the arrival of Computer Blocks its going to change that soonish i bet)
Automation is their target.
RP2 Computer (as it is out now) will help you to automate mechanics, not crafting. Exactly as ComputerCraft. The only exception is ComputerCraft Peripherals, absent for RP2. -
If you make fishing automate, you loose all joy.
1. I said, she forgot to release it together with pr5a.
2. IC² can do it standalone, try the Redstonebehaviour of Energystorageblocks.
3. Great, but i don't autofarm this way.
4. Go to the Offtopicsection there i have shown the constructionprocess of the Machine.
7. Computercraft is another Mod that adds programmable Robots (called Turtle)
8. because of better overview.1. Let see when she release it;
2. "Redstonebehaviour of Energystorageblocks" is badit works probably, just bad;
3. autofarm is so BuildCraftish, new materials are good. Especially Bees;
4. where is it %) ? ;
7. ComputerCraft has it's own problems: Trying not to be overpowered it chooses to be blind(hope RP2 comp show itself good) ;
8. and you loose here -
... and let it auto boil all beta testers in those waterblocks.
-What addons?
Logistic Pipes and Forestry.
...I like the tanks more than RP2's and how BC handles liquids in general but that's just my opinion.
So you like how 8 m3 of liquid stored in 1 m3 tank? Like 27*64 m3 of cobble in 1 m3 of chest. So minecraflish
1. Eloraam you forgot something.
2. Only applies to BC-Blocks so without BC you will not need them, also they are not SMP-Compatible
3. Logistic Pipes? Then whatfor is my Projecttable good?
4. Quarry? QUARRY??? This thing is Shit! Look at my Redpower-8x8-Tunnelboringmachine at Bedrock and say it's not better than that
5. Yes Tubes are better and bugfree-er.
6. True, Electricity and Blutricity are better than BC-Pressure.
7. You mean the Builder? I already have Turtles for that.
8. What did you say?
1. Eloraam did not made it auto;
2. IC2 blocks too and chests;
3. Foprestry is great too;
4. can you show it better?;
7. Builder in point 4. Just cannot remember all.
8. Why you number it? It is not in the list.[/quote] -
BC is still alive. It has :
- autocraft table (almost the only under forge);
- gates (almost the only way to know most block's states);
- two great addons (which should be incorporated imho);
- large scale machines like quarry and builder (kind of magic but works);
- simple transport system (Eloraam's are better);
- simple energy system (Eloraam's are better, IC2 too);
- something else I forgot.
To kill BC you need alternatives for all sides. -
I think examples what to leave would be better:
You place basalt, dirt, stone and other things, you do not need - all mods ores would be digged.
Never dig chest, machines, signs and other entities.
And do not forget status like "digging down", "digging Iron ore", "wait for pump" etc. -
Replace only dirt or sand under non solid block, please. No chance to find something below surface.
Alblaka mentioned Hazmat suit several times. Lava protection included.
If I understand RawCode right it means "tell somebody something" will "whisper" something to somebody.
Close. I want to at least be able to use sebra's rs-torch-o-lantern idea to build that circuit though.
again, I want something that doesn't float away.
Problems though.. For example, any circuit which requires hanging a torch on the side of a block (lol, ok thats most of them) built with rs in a glass could become a more complicated programming hazard as it would cause redstone state conflicts, because there is not a good way to represent hanging the "rs in a glass" block off the other side of the block like you can a torch. Directionality of which way the torch was hanging would have to be controlled similarly to the voltage transformer's three dot system. Maybe a 2d representation of a torch on the side where it would be? But sometimes I hang more than one torch on the side of a block.
My english isn't perfect but I lost in your sentences. %)
"Red eye Lantern" was not intended to be like torch on side. Only sense block below and only if it solid. Glass considered air in RS circuits so it cannot be powered.
If you want side version then it should not be turnable by wrench. When placed direction determined as for normal torch. Lantern on or off based on that block state if it is still solid. Should Lantern drop when block destroyed? I still like simple (not sided) lantern. -
Agree. Copper to cables, Tin to Cells. Gold should be used for Advanced Circuits.
Please keep working on your english, it gets even less possible understanding you and people like you at times.If im understanding right, then this version of Wool Insulated copper cable may be used in "Some" Recipes only, you can't place them on the world. That should stop that little oversight. (Mmm, this gave me the idea of Gold Plated Circuits to give Gold Cables more uses and define the mid game a little better)
Sorry, I tend to build phrases as in my native language. Almost no practice.
For recipe only as it is too vulnerable to rain in the open world.
May be 6 strings and 2 wool around a copper cable? -
If you make it equal as rubber insulated cable, then you can cut rubber from it. So need be separate.
here are my ideas for implentation and recipes from stupidest(just number 1 actually) to best
1. build a satellite and using high technology and lasers have it project an image onto your map that your always pointing at the sky
2. just use the already existing book item as the album and use a crafting table to copy your finished map into the book
3. incorporate into alblaka's already hinted at ICpad1. Will not work in cave.
3. Never hear about it.
2. Will not update map in album already.But from another point of view it is possible:
Combine Book with Map to create Album with one page only with the same number as map. Map destroyed.
Combine Album with another Map to add new page to Album. Map destroyed.
When in hands Album simulates Map defined by opened page page. Picture updates. Waipoints overlaid.In my opinion this way allows to reuse big parts of standard MC Maps code. Center of page will be where map created.
Yes. Zodiac as Cousteau calls them.
Five Rubber Trampolines (or just Rubber or combine it) in boat pattern and Wind Mill in recipe.
Shift click open GUI with slot for battery. Right click with battery insert/swap it. Right click by empty hand enter boat. Jump - exit boat.
When powered speed greatly improves. Unpowered moves slower then standard boat.
Can moves on surface/Lilli pad but with braking effect.
Easy breakable, drop itself and battery.Should it be lavaproof or will be still boat for this task?
Sorry but i have to build a BC-Quarry above your Base, because my OV-Scanner said, there are much Resources, a long time ago, so i have planned to build it there before you built your Base there. Now, i have to call the Creeper-Demolitioncompany to remove your Base from there at your costs, because you were able to easyly arrive at my Base to see all the Plans, and you were also able to veto these Plans in an acceptible Timeintervall.
Creeper-Demolitioncompany redirected to BC-Quarry.
QuoteAnyway a good Idea, but why not save it in a Tabletcomputer, which is DEFINETLY NOT AN IPAD. (Sorry to say that, but Apple is expensive shit)
I suggest a kind of Notebook to Computercraft, but it seems Dan200 will never add graph API. Even with graphics there is no (and will not be) way for comp to see tiles around. So my hope on specialized Map Album here.
I do not need it really, but would like RS_torch_in_a_glass in the same manner as Jack-o-lantern. Works as a RS torch on a block below even if only air below.