Posts by Sebra

    IMHO recycling must be random but better chance from better source. Even several Scraps from some valuable thing.
    Assign some values for basic resources, then calculate values of complex things based on cheapest recipes.
    Wooden hoes recycling seems reasonable, but golden helmet and other metal things asks for macerating.

    Sorry, I never tried. Test it yourself.
    Unlike water Lava is limited and alone IC2 Pump capable to get only 1 bucket under itself.
    Doubt it will work with Geothermal now, but good if it will be added.

    Seems laggy, but fun. A way for people to farm Uranium, but with great precautions. Alblaka will not allow it.

    Last time, I tried, Pump, paired with Miner works good with brackets and cells. But I never tried Pump with Compressor. Wiki says about separate Pump with Compressor, so I do not know, will Compressor work with Miner/Pump pair.
    It seems it is a Suggestion.

    So it seems if Pump got water but do not have bucket/cell it search for nearby compressor. If it got lava but cannot store it Pump search for nearby Geothermal. It looks good in pair with Miner too.

    you ignored my other 2 points
    1. coal is unsuitable cause it will catch fire!

    It doesn't catch fire in solar panel, should not here.


    how many uses do iron furnaces have right now? i can only think of eu when making generators and 2.cook things. that is only one more than mirrors so pick one from the following list
    1. increase the eu/t of adjacent solarpanels but runs risk of frying the panels(needs more details)
    2. increases how long during the day adjacent solar panels work

    Oh solar panel reworks again... no.


    3. a mirror with a horizontal line of sight to another mirror that is getting sun light counts as being a source of sunlight meaning crops, solar panels, and solar furnaces under it will believe they have a straight shot to the sky.

    Too hard to code based on my low knowledge of sunshine in MC.


    4. anti-zombie Archimedes death-ray(not hand held)
    5. anti-zombie Archimedes death-ray(hand held)
    6. laser proof armor

    worse and worse. :(
    Still not enough uses for silver for IC2. And yes, I play with RP2.

    Thanks, passinglurker. Now I think I understood you right. You want fuel cell powered machines. It is not bad. But if they would work slower, it would be pain to keep your machines charged. If you want full line of compressor/extractor/macerator/bottler, what are you want from each?

    Macerator ( Mill ? )- ore and coal to dust?
    Compressor ( Press ? ) - compress plant clump and coal clump?
    Extractor - ( Distiller ??? ) coal and bio cells to fuel cells?
    Canning ( Bottler ) - coal and bio fuel cells to fill cans?
    All machines powered by fuel or can. Easily detached by any tool ( by hands or pickaxe ).
    Current iron furnace stands good at this line.

    Is it what you want?

    I can understand tool like jackhammer charged by fuel cell ( plus water cell may be ) , but it will eat tin as well as coal. Should it work on clumps instead?

    Cannot reply in both threads at once. Do not want to steal ideas. My posts here are for discussion.
    Minecraft physics more fun than real. I'm unable to count whole weight of pockets.
    It's not rare for me to find copper+tin before iron and I can choose to spend bronze on tools instead of iron.
    But to get bronze now I need EU.
    Rubber used as energy insulator. No EU -> no rubber needs. Also this resource absent underground.
    This lead to "no rubber, no bronze" condition.
    As I state before it seems no need of early compressor and extractor. Only dust needed and mostly for bronze.
    Jackhammer is obvious precursor for drill. BC's Steam engine do not need water.
    As a sum of all above if steam jackhammer will drop 1-1.5-2 dusts of resource instead of ore powered by coal(&water) there is no need in other "preindustrial" machines.
    Like that: you spend several first iron ingots on jackhammer, then you are able to make bronze tools/armor. Now for this you need generator/macerator -> to find rubber tree and to go deep for redstone.

    Preindustrial mostly means steam powered. Huge machines, not to carry on yourself. Also it means double feed by coal & water. Is it worth to code it?
    Also it seems this machines must be build without rubber and bronze. At least macerator needed to get bronze.
    But if jackhammer gives out directly dust instead of ores, maceration not needed.
    Stem powered compressor look good. But what are you want compressor and extractor for? Diamonds? Composite?
    It seems single jackhummer fulfill preindustrial role.

    On second thought jakhammer can be charged by water and coal simultaneousely, having "unified" charge.

    No need of GUI. Light sensor can give RS-line signal, proportional to light level. Under sunlight it can be as far as from RS torch. Torch light would be enough to run RS signal less distance. This way you can sense different light levels by one sensor without GUI. Just place repeaters at different distances.
    PS. How much light Redwheat need?

    ... with bright text in different colors:
    - ore(contains " ore" in name;
    - garbage or ground (stone/dirt/sand/gravel);
    - nether ground;
    - lava;
    - water;
    - machine with some details possibly (IC2/BC/Forestry/RP2/other friendly mod);
    - container (chests/safes);
    - human (players);
    - aggressive mob;
    - passive mob;
    - plant (cactus/tree/flower/grass/mushroom/...);
    - artificial block (all bricks and unknown blocks which has recipe to make);
    - ...
    Seems too many categories.