Posts by Sebra

    Hmm, but on this point I would say that whe should co a step further. At least we have industrial-craft so we should be able to come up with something better than a large chest :P

    You want a big chest with "Quantum" quality? Look:
    Quantum chest: made from 4 Iridium Plates, Gold, Diamond, Obsidian, Glowstone blocks in corners, Ender Pearl in center. External size: 1 m*m*m, internal size: doublechest for each Quantum chest stored together. When closed, contains all items, anyone placed in any Quantum chest in any world. When opened, disconnect from others Quantum chests and contains random proportional part of all items stored. When destroyed, common storage room decreased and some items can be dropped to the ground. If you try to get some item by tube/pipe/... you can get any random item contained.
    So it basically a single, not limited in size, universal randomized container.
    For SMP some other rules can be added like: unable to get items, added by other players; tube can get only items, added by tube...


    But I agree a larger chest would be cool. Not necessarily made from Iridium large chests aren't that strong. But to be honest Iron-Chests with the capacity of doublechest using a single block would be enough. But I'm always a bit hesitant, if they fit into already used blockIDs fine, but waste a BlockID with a chest does not seem reasonable, exspecially since there is an Iron-Chest-Mod that provides you with a lot of chests to use, with also reasonable balance.

    Personal safe is exactly what you want.

    Not only jump, but energy of fall too. Are you want this energy from nowhere? Moving energy be it from jump or walk is from food of course.
    How about storing fall damage as energy, but release it if Boost Jumping ? Seems good for Quantum Boots.

    Thermal protection and Energy collection is quite opposite tasks. I don't think Hazmat suit should give or spend energy. I do not know Alblaka's thoughts about it. Can only write my own about Hazmat if anyone interested.

    I've seen Direwolf's 1.65 preview and think something should be changed:
    Energy from walking should not be boots, but leggings.
    Boots can get energy from jumping/falling effectively lowering fall damage.

    (helmet is so fun, more fun if wind/water variants added) ;)

    Not possible due to lighting engine limitations. The max amount the initial light source can have its 15 and it goes down by 1 per block of distance.

    Is it possible to set light to 15 to several air blocks in front of luminator?

    Just to create an empty slot you made expensive receipt and increase power usage? :O

    I already suggested Control Upgrade:

    No upgrades: Machine do not change state on RS signal except lever/button placed on machine directly; (to stop RS interaction in tight places if unneeded)
    RS Dust or RS Torch in upgrade slot: Machine in changed state constantly; (to make external signal unneeded to Transformers and such)
    1 Upgrade or Electronic Circuit: Machine can take external RS signal to change state; (just as supposed now)
    2 Upgrades or Advanced Circuit: Machine can take external RS signal to change state and emit RS signal if output full; (this turned off now "due to interference with nearby transformers")
    3 Upgrades or ???(Advanced Circuit for each slot may be): Machine get external RS signal and emit RS signals to the different sides separately based on that side slot state. (described below)
    Developers can make a Control Upgrade or use already present items as upgrades. As you wish. :)

    For final upgrade level:
    For Processors:
    upper slot is input, so RS signal on when slot empty (unable to process);
    right slot is output, so RS signal is on when slot full (unable to process);
    bottom slot is energy input, so RS signal is on when machine is out of energy (unable to process);
    For Storage blocks:
    upper slot is charging, so RS signal on when item fully charged or cannot be charged (unable to charge);
    bottom slot is energy input, so RS signal is on when out of energy;
    side slots absent, so RS signal is on when storage full;
    For Pump:
    upper slot is for liquid containers, so RS signal is on when there is no empty bucket or cell (unable to process);
    bottom slot is energy input, so RS signal is on when out of energy;
    For Miner:
    upper slot is pipe slot, so RS signal is on when it is empty (be it empty of pipes or of cobblestone);
    right slot is scanner, so RS signal is on when ore value reach 0;
    left slot is drill, so RS signal is on when cannot drill farther (water, lava or bedrock on the way);
    bottom slot is energy input, so RS signal is on when out of energy;
    As you see, each slot have something to tell about.

    Input and output RS signals will not interfere because of output RS signal on always mean "cannot operate".

    I understand all this. But whole game is for fun. I can suggest an Infinity laser, but it would not be fun any long.
    Enchantments are for those, who gain and spend many xp levels. At that stage game overpowered in any way and no need to balance it. Player mostly have all he want.
    I want an Industrial way to get some ore block intact. By using a special laser mode, nanocells or anything else. For some reason I did not get any opinions on my Nano suggestion, so I assume it is so bad, noone want to think about it.
    Somehow I lost my drill stored in chest :( It seems it was not stored with world.

    If it's rubber suit, logic says worn out if damaged. But damaged only by enemy attack, not suffocation, lava...

    Also for fun: If you jump in rubber boots the same moment, you touch ground, invert vertical impulse and add a little :) untill you get fall damage.

    It would be cool if air resource used only if you almost have no air yourself, helmet allow to breath from air 1m above your head and pair of swimfins increase swimming speed. :)
    Dynamic light seems off limit of this mod.