Posts by shoe7ess

    Are the script sets you provided so kindly seven months still usable in their state? I am too lazy to check everything manually by hand. Anyone using them?

    All of the recipes he's provided that I've viewed fit the criteria to work in the 1.7.10 version of minetweaker. I've only pulled two specific recipes for my larger script (mainly to debug and use as examples), and those were for gregtech/ic2 machines, so I'm betting the rest work as intended still.

    Nothing gets gregified here, the Fluid Registry is a Forge thing and "glue" is the name for both GT Glue and TConstruct Glue, making both of them identical. I don't have my own Fluid Registry, I use the Forge one...

    Maybe I used "gregified" incorrectly. In my game NEI shows that a certain type of dynamite can only be created with the glue from the gregtech machine, where if I show the uses for the TConstruct "Liquid:Glue", a completely different set of recipes show up (probably because Gregtech and TConstruct don't work too well together in 1.7.10? I assume that because that's what a line in the log when I'm booting up the game tells me). Regardless, issue is solved, I think NEI just threw me off with the moueover metavalue for the glue inside the gregtech machine so I assumed it had separate metadata.

    The author doesn't seem to still be working on this mod, but you can use this other mod to get retrogen:…ger-v0-4-4-updated-to-1-9

    You seem to have all the answers Mauve, thanks again for the help, this is exactly what I need. I add in more mods every other day to my current playthrough (currently sitting at 194 :P) that this will be indispensable.

    This mod is discontinued due to the lack of time.
    All the blocks, that don't have a texture, don't have texture support, so textures will most likely not work at all. If you still want to try it out, in the log file, (fml-client-latest.log) it shows the expected texture location.

    Well I'll give it a shot with some 64x textures and report here. You are a busy man aroma, but I think so long as the EU teleportation block works with the version of IC2exp I'm using I'll be satisfied either way. Thanks for the help on the log by the way :D

    *Edit* So I'm very late getting back to you on this, but in the mod pack I'm using and with either the blocks from this mod or complications with other mods I get constant crashes when using the blocks, so didn't want to waste the time texturing for it. If this mod gets picked up by someone, updated, and maintained though, I'd love to use it and will definitely supply textures as needed.

    I don't know java very well at all, however I spend a lot of time texturing mods (first real release was recently for tennox's assembly mod on sphax's forum, and am in the process (about 75% complete) of releasing one for colorful armors. I know how to grab textures from mods, however unless the I know the name of the texture (which i find under the assets/textures/...) I can't texture anything. So I was wondering... could you at least put some placeholders in the assets folders so I may create textures for the mod? or if you provide me with the texture structure for the blocks in this mod (i.e. textures/blocks/block01.png or textures/items/item01.png) I would be extremely grateful. After creating sphaxified textures for them I wouldn't mind creating the base block textures for you if you'd like.

    I just HAD to find this addon after spending a total of eh... 30 hours writing a minetweaker script up to make IC² (for the most part) work the way they did in 1.4 when GT is installed. Either way, awesome stuff. I still don't know all the changes IC² experimental made from when i used to play in 1.4 (just started playing again last month), so the changes to the enet and uu-matter are foreign to me. I may wait until I get the full info about the more dramatic changes, but then I'm coming for this mod afterwards.

    Seriously though, thanks.

    To use fluids in Minetweaker, first find a container of the needed fluid in game and look for "fluid registry" its uses. If you cannot find it, then check NEI (addons) options/configs. then in the "fluid registry" hover over the box and record the fluidname in the tooltip. Finally, in your script type:" <liquid:fluidName> ".

    Problem is the machine needs to output a specific kind of liquid glue (I have tinker's construct installed, and it showed the usual NEI "Liquid:Glue" tag needed, so I'm afraid it will output TConstruct glue), and I do not understand how to access gregtech's fluid registry (I figured the .Fluid_Display:# would be the ID). It was easy enough outputting glue to cells (even though that was tconstruct glue as well) so I added in the cell option as well as the outputting to liquid glue option to the script an hour after I posted my message. However, I was in game, and since adding recipes to gregtech machines involves having to quit minecraft in order for the recipes.cfg to update your minetweaker change I haven't had time to play and check if the liquid:glue will be converted to gregtech's version automatically. I'll post here after I find out.

    So it seems that the gregtech fluid output added through minetweaker automatically gets "gregified" (liquid:glue will turn into gregtech's liquid glue). Good to know :pinch:

    Still trying to figure out how to enter the output fluid for the gregtech centrifuge recipe. I would assume that:
    Setup Rules: OutputArray, InputFluid, InputStack, InputCell, OutputFluid, OutputArrayChances, Time in Ticks, EnergyUsage

    Centrifuge.addRecipe([<gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:2896> * 3, <gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:30726>, <IC2:itemFuelPlantBall>,], null, <IC2:itemRubber>, null, <gregtech:gt.GregTech_FluidDisplay:117>, [10000, 10000, 5000], 300, 5);

    Where "<gregtech:gt.GregTech_FluidDisplay:117>" is liquid glue. For whatever reason thought I get: ERROR > 2 methods available but none matches the parameters (minetweaker.item.IItemStack[], null, minetweaker.item.IItemstack, null, minetweaker.item.IItemStack, int[], int, int

    I'm honestly at a lost and can't find one example outputting fluid on a minetweaker script

    Also bug FTB to update their mods.

    For real, I've manually updated like half of the major mods in the Inventions pack... As for the issue I was having, I can't say for sure (about to test it) but I changed the lines in Techreborn's config: B:"Ore Unification"=true to false, and since it's sort of a subset for IC²/replacement for Gregtech I changed the line: B:"Enable RF support"=true to false until I know the problem is fixed. I'll probably turn that back on (as well as a similar line in Gregtech's config) when I start getting the correct cards back from EU storing/producing machines.

    Edit: None of those config changes fixed the issue, still an RF Energy Sensor Location Card when I use it on a Batbox... this is so frustrating
    Update: Well, didn't figure out the answer as far as what mod is causing the issue, but finally figured out the /give command for it. So for those that need to know this (if for whatever reason you have a similar issue) the command is:
    /give [playername] IC2NuclearControl:ItemEnergySensorLocationCard 1 0 {x: [x-coord], y: [y-coord], z: [z-coord]} with spaces between the commas and each coordinate (may be able to do it without spaces, but it worked for me this way)

    For whatever reason when I use the Energy Sensor Kit on the Batbox or Generator from IC² (and I'm assuming the rest of the IC2 energy units, though I haven't tested any others yet) I'm receiving an RF Energy Sensor Location Card, as opposed to the regular one; so the information panel shows nothing for the Batbox/Generator (I assume it's looking for RF output and not EU). I don't know how to rectify this, nor do I know how to use a /give command to trade out the RF card for a regular one at the same location. I've a temporary solution right now which is creating two cards, making an array card (for one batbox), and using that in the information panel. It's a pain and gives me more information than I need, but it works. I'm using FTB's Inventions 1.0.1 Mod pack, but I've also added Gregtech and a number of other mods to the mix. I just don't understand why I'm receiving RF cards from EU machines. If I could figure out the /give command for switching them out I wouldn't mind that, but I couldn't find out how to do this anywhere online, so I'm hoping some of the fine folks here may offer a solution.


    Edit: I took a look through the .class files with jd-gui and it seems like the sensor is supposed to autodetect ic2 machines as default output EU, so I assume whatever mod is doing automatic inventory unification is causing an RF card to pop into my inventory. I tried using Minetweaker3 to make a shapeless recipe to convert the RF one to the regular one and it works, but resets the coordinates to 0,0,0. I'm thinking of either going through the source and just clipping out the RF crossover (the modpack comes with power-converts mod), or trying to figure out how to spawn one with coordinates if it is possible. I'm wondering if Techreborn seemed to be trying to auto-unify my inventory (at least I believe it was Tech Reborn), so I may start with checking out that, but I needs my info screens :P

    I've got a new issue. I'm trying to edit a gregtech centrifuge recipe to take ic2 rubber (fits in with the rest of the changes I've made in my script) and spit out the same as the current sticky resin recipe (i.e. 3x wood pulp [iirc], 1x plantball [50% chance], and 100mB of liquid glue). I've basically made it so sticky resin is just used in an IC2 Extractor (like it used to), and converts to ic2 rubber instead of rubber ingots (which I made available to craft via putting rubber into a furnace). However, I can't get the output variable to work for liquid glue. I've had to stick with outputting a glue cell (but it contains 1000mB, 10x more than it originally outputted) instead. The script I have now that puts out glue cell is: Centrifuge.addRecipe([<gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:2896> * 3, <gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:30726>, <IC2:itemFuelPlantBall>,], null, <IC2:itemRubber>, null, null, [10000, 10000, 5000], 300, 5); When I use the meta id for liquid glue (forget what the name was, something like _displayFluid:13, or along those lines) it would not take it as a usable variable. It works for now, I just would rather it not be as OP on the glue output if it doesn't need to be (basically want to clean it up a little bit and add the functionality that it should have). I tried looking for similar scripts everywhere, but can't find a single example using gregtech's fluid registry...

    I did a little poking around the IC2 code with jd-gui, and it looks like IC2 doesn't provide a method for Minetweaker to call to remove a machine recipe, while Buildcraft and MFR might have been persuaded to add such methods at some point. You could try posting a message in the suggestions section to encourage adding the ability to do that (I doubt Blood Asp's justification for not allowing code-based machine recipe removal in GT would be significant for IC2), but the IC2 devs seem to mostly be focusing on the 1.10 port, while MT3 is still in 1.7.10.

    Oh right on. Well that's understandable in that situation, hell I'd prefer to be playing a modded 1.10 game rather than 1.7.10 and IC² is pretty popular when it comes to mod packs. Thanks for doing the digging though, it's been on my brain since I first started thinking about it but I've been to busy with work to put the effort through bugging around with java coding. Plus I have a patch I need to figure out how to add to a different mod that is more important than this anyway in the meantime (can't place items on natura slabs in my mod pack for whatevever reason and it's pissing me off lol), so it's at least nice to know that the IC²~MT3 thing has been looked at. Thanks for the replies and help Mauve, it's appreciated.

    Edit: Small world, just saw that you're the OP on GregTech's Sphax page. I just got my Tennox Assembly Mod Patch posted, working on a couple more mods and missing textures. Gotta love this community.

    Oh, sorry, you hadn't made that clear. I'm not sure about other mods like BuildCraft, but fwiw, I think IC2 processing recipes can be changed without even using Minetweaker, based on these lines in IC2.ini:

    ; To modify recipes or add custom recipes, copy the corresponding .ini file to
    ; "minecraft/config/ic2" and modify it.

    Oh I'm sure there's a way through IC²'s config, but just not through Minetweaker, where there is only a class to add a recipe for each IC² machine, yet that class exists for most all MFR machines (contextually; i.e. for the grinder, theres a class to add a grindable and remove a grindable) and likewise for Buildcraft (Refinery$AddRecipeAction.class and Refinery$RemoveRecipeAction.class, etc.), yet for IC² there is only a MachineAddRecipeAction.class as well as other contextual class files that only add to existing machine recipes. This may be due to how IC² machines handle recipes, but I would assume that if it's possible for most of the buildcraft and mfr machines, it's possible for IC² as well. You get what I mean? I'm not saying there are ways around it, just that it would be less work if integrated.

    Oh yeah, and no offense with that "chill" comment, that wasn't exactly aimed at your post. :thumbup:
    Edit: Actually just re-checked out the wiki page for gregtech handlers and MT3 and saw just above the recipe lines "Each of these handlers can have recipes added or removed:" wut.

    I thought I already mentioned that GT5u currently doesn't support machine recipe removal, but even if Blood Asp can be convinced to add support for it, I don't think it would work well to make it possible via "recipes.remove" (which seems to be what you're suggesting, apologies in advance if I'm misunderstanding) - many items in GT can be made on the crafting table, but more efficiently in machines, so Minetweaker would need to be able to disambiguate which recipe you're removing, which would be simpler to do by using Extruder.remove, Wiremill.remove, etc.

    BTW, as far as decompiling java code, I find jd-gui easier since it doesn't require extracting the class files ahead of time. However, Minetweaker has a GitHub repository so you don't actually have to use a decompiler for it:

    In GregTech, you can remove all recipes in the config files. That should have been mentioned on this thread a few times already.

    The remove option missing code wise is an technical issue. The recipe handling is highly optimized leading to some limitations. There are things like lists of all items a machine can accept made from all recipes. After an recipe removal, a complete rebuild would be needed what takes quite some time.

    So use the config to stop recipes from being added in the first place since removal is extremely laggy.

    Was more talking about the IC² Recipes and those other mods that don't have as verbose configs as Gregtech. That's why I used Minetweaker3.jar as an example... ch-ch-ch-chilll

    mkay that would work. Need to make a tutorial after I get this done. Not very well explained how the syntax works.

    Actually, the easiest fix for this would be for StanH (Minetweaker 3 maker) to add in recipe.remove classes for the machines. You can do things like remove furnace recipes in Minetweaker, and even some mods (buildcraft is one iirc) allow that .remove function. Just not many mods have that function added. It's actually a fix that someone with some java experience could make themselves with MT3's source if they felt like it (I'd try, but I only know enough to read and change certain lines with the .java syntax, like back in 1.4 days when AE3 didn't allow microblocks to cover their cable unless it was painted. In a case like that I know how to add the regular cable to the array so I could use microblocks on the cabling myself, but that was pretty easy. If I knew more about accessing oredicts and how Minetweaker 3 worked I might be able to do something similar assuming I'm correct).

    If you wish to learn more about which machines allow which syntax, open the Minetweaker3.jar in zip, travel the folder to minetweaker/mods/"mod name"/ and here you should see some "AddAction/RemoveAction.class" files, you can then go to /machines for more *Action.class files (similarly you can do the same with GTTweaker.jar.) If you get something like ce2.23 (or another .class editor) you can extract the class files for all the machines in the /machines folder and open them with a class editor, and see which other classes they use. You'll see AddRecipe as one of the handlers, but if it's from a mod you likely won't see RemoveRecipe.

    Recipe outputs should never be ore dictionaries, because it should require specific items.

    And to use ODs in machines that just are not compatible wrap the recipe add in:

    for [i]item[/i] in .items {

    and replace the OD with item.

    Yeah, I worked around it, got two scripts up now and am constantly committing changes to the git pages for each of them. Took a lot of example surfing, but I got the method(s) down pretty well now for how I like coding this stuff. I love MT3 so much after making the ExtraBiomes scripts, made some things that should be in config or in the base mod possible.

    I've got a new issue. I'm trying to edit a gregtech centrifuge recipe to take ic2 rubber (fits in with the rest of the changes I've made in my script) and spit out the same as the current sticky resin recipe (i.e. 3x wood pulp [iirc], 1x plantball [50% chance], and 100mB of liquid glue). I've basically made it so sticky resin is just used in an IC2 Extractor (like it used to), and converts to ic2 rubber instead of rubber ingots (which I made available to craft via putting rubber into a furnace). However, I can't get the output variable to work for liquid glue. I've had to stick with outputting a glue cell (but it contains 1000mB, 10x more than it originally outputted) instead. The script I have now that puts out glue cell is: Centrifuge.addRecipe([<gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:2896> * 3, <gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:30726>, <IC2:itemFuelPlantBall>,], null, <IC2:itemRubber>, null, null, [10000, 10000, 5000], 300, 5); When I use the meta id for liquid glue (forget what the name was, something like _displayFluid:13, or along those lines) it would not take it as a usable variable. It works for now, I just would rather it not be as OP on the glue output if it doesn't need to be (basically want to clean it up a little bit and add the functionality that it should have). I tried looking for similar scripts everywhere, but can't find a single example using gregtech's fluid registry...

    I posted this on the GTTweaker thread but saw this thread may be more active as I haven't gotten any replies for a few days (most of the answers I found myself). I recently went about creating a script so i can play FTB Inventions (or any other heavily modded pack with IC²) and add in Gregtech (as well as Immibis's Advanced Machines for a few T2 machines I miss from 1.4). Basically it removes a lot of the restrictions placed on IC² by Greg that aren't able to be turned off in the config files (also added a little script that has the same function of a mod I used briefly in 1.5 allowing you to place coal in a crafting grid and receive charcoal and vice-versa). Some more things may pop up as I progress through the game, but I believe I have fixed all the "major" limitations so one can do the usual industrial craft 1 and 2 tiers and then move on to the higher end gregtech machines without having to do the bronze age stuff if they don't want to. I did have one problem with writing the script however; instead of being able to reference steel dust as <ore:dustSteel> as I should with the GTTweaker mod installed, I had to use the <gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:#> for steel dust and the NAND gate alternate recipes.

    Update: Added ExtraBiomesXL script that adds easier slab/double slab recipes as well as Natura integration (see below)
    Minetweaker 3 Scripts:
    Gregtech 1.4 Mode
    ExtraBiomesXL Changes

    So I'm mostly done with my "Old School IC2 and Gregtech Makeover" script, but I wanted to include a recipe for the Immibis Advanced Machines Rotary Macerator. The closest I've found to attempting to find out the syntax for it is from Immibis Microblocks, dreammaster's saw recipe:

    What I want to do is duplicate:
    Macerator.addRecipe(SteelDust * 2, <ore:oreSteel>);
    but instead of the IC2 macerator I need it to transfer over to the rotary macerator as well (for when I get to tier 2).

    I've looked through the Advanced Machine source and checked out the java file for the (rotary) macerator, but I have no idea how I'd implement it.
    My idea was to create a val RotaryMacerator = <*> where * is where the macerator would be set then just type RotaryMacerator.addRecipe etc.

    Please help. The recipe I included is not the only one. I've removed the recipes for crushed ores and have it so the macerator directly spits out the impure dust versions of whatever ore it macerates (to save me the step of macerating it a second time), and I would like to do the same for the Advanced version.

    Edit: Just looked at the java file again and it looks like it adopts the IC2 recipes for the machine, so this may not be necessary. However if anyone has some experience with this please let me know.

    Update: So after about 3 hours of troubleshooting I finally got all 155 lines of my "GregtechEasyMode.zs" ironed out. I'm currently waiting for the game to re-launch because after scratching out all the errors it was throwing I got it to just throw "13 Modifications Were Stuck" message which should be fixed after this restart. I was running into a handful of problems I shouldn't be having however, since I have GTTweaker for the the version of Gregtech and Minetweaker 3 I'm running. The issue was I was unable to use the ore dictionary for anything gregtech related. There were only a handful of things, mainly steel dust and the NAND chip. For whatever reason I couldn't use <ore:dustSteel> or <ore:circuitPrimitive> for these two things; instead I had to type out the full "<gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:#> for each gregtech specific item I was changing (which, based on the sample scripts, didn't seem like I should have to). I just updated GTTweaker from 1.4.0 to 1.4.1 but I still have to reference GT's metadata for the GT stuff to work for now. Everything worked properly now so if you want to be able to use IC² the way it worked in 1.4 (i.e. build T1 and then T2 [if you have the mods installed to add back in the rotary macerator, etc.] and then finally move to the advanced GregTech machines).

    For reference, here's my script. I added two (possibly) unnecessary import lines after errors were being thrown, so I'm not sure they are entirely necessary, so they may be redundant, but maybe someone with some experience can take a look and figure out why it isn't loading the GT oredict additions on its' own:
    GregTech 1.4 Mode

    Update: Added ExtraBiomesXL script that adds easier slab/double slab recipes as well as Natura integration (see below)
    ExtraBiomesXL Changes

    Yeah, was kind of hoping they would have deleted the first 3 posts because they were triple posts, the "quadruple" post had updated information saying that I had set up the config incorrectly for the basic machines. Should make the job much easier with those machines workings, just got to update the recipes for some things so no GT machines are needed in order to make the TI and T2 IC2 machines.

    I actually have a followup question. I have everything I need to write the script and have started writing val's for a number of the changed/added recipes. I was wondering if there is a syntax for something I'd like to do.
    Basically I'd like the IC² Macerator (as well as the advanced version added by Immibis Advanced Machines/Tech Reborn [forget which re-adds the tier 2 macerator]) to convert ore blocks from the crushed versions straight into the impure version with one line for each IC² ore instead of adding a recipe for oreCrushedTin = dustImpureTin and so on. Does anyone know if this is possible?