Posts by MagusUnion

    Two different blocks would be a good way to do it, but not as large as HP boilers?

    Nuclear steam Mark Is top out at 1344 mb/t of steam, more with gregtech. I believe the largest boiler is 720 mB/t. You're suggesting killing nuclear output.

    No, I'm suggesting a drawback to using said block... And when I was referencing the 'size', I was taking about the virtual space of the mutliblock structure that is 'Nuclear Boiler'..

    Considering it would have its own 3-6 column grid, and Water/Steam internal storage, it would make the current nuclear reactor a tad bit obsolete in terms of pure MJ output (or possibly Steam EU production)

    ...yet it return, the current reactor could be better focused for breeding...


    However, if you dont wanna make a Machine for it, then make a special Component called "Bottle of X + Dust of Y" as one Item and then use a Machine with one Input and multiple outputs to decompress it. Also possible would be making it a Container Item to give he Bottle as Container and the Dust as Crafting Output.

    It'll be for a Custom Crafting Bench (Lab Table)... It won't require power (other machines will), but I guess that makes more sense...

    So for clarification, It would have to be something like:

    :Iron Dust::Water Cell::Water Cell:
    :Water Cell::Empty Cell::Empty Cell: = "ReactantX"
    :Empty Cell::Empty Cell::Empty Cell:

    Input -> Output
    if Input = "ReactantX", then Output = "ProductY"

    thus the Table gives you "ProductY":
    :Gold Dust::Electrolyzed Water Cell::Electrolyzed Water Cell:
    :Empty Cell::Empty Cell::Empty Cell:
    :Empty Cell::Empty Cell::Empty Cell:


    Ok, since this relates to my question, I'll post it here...

    How would I go about creating a multi-input/output recipe system? I want something akin to the Railcraft Rock crusher, but with more 100% outputs, and requires more than just one object for a single input...

    Would I need to save the whole recipe layout of input/output a a single value (encapsulating, if that' the proper term), and have the custom crafting table handle only those single values? Or is there another process to go about this (if possible)?

    Example: (simplistic)
    bottle of CaSO4 + 1 Na Dust + 1 Na Dust ------> bottle of Na2SO4 + Ca dust
    if Input = CaSO4 + 1 Na Dust + 1 Na Dust
    then Output = Na2SO4 + Ca dust

    ... if that makes sense?

    Yes i know this part but i need this mod for a personal use. May be it's possible to make a mod with step ? for create uranium we have to create 9 items X, items X are created by items Y, created by UU matter (for example). I play with IC2 and atomic science on FTB, but atomic need a lot of uranium, and I don't want to mine hours and hours to get some uranium, i have UU matter, that's more technic, isn't it ? :D

    Here, have a Custom Recipes mod...

    Now scoot...

    Thats nearly the same as making spoiled food consumable again just by adding salt.

    So? I miss that feature alot... although with rotten flesh, I figure it needs to be chemically treated a bit better...

    I'll try to add this into my Chemical Engineering Add-on, but no promises. I'm still trying to remember exactly how to code, as my understanding of Java is a bit shotty..

    Oh, and inb4 "you copying Gregtech", lol...


    Don't do that xD. It's extremly laggy for what it generate . If you don't think they're OP/playing Gregtech (if you're you've tons of other means to get EU), better prefer Greens gens.

    The non-laggy versions include an Emerald Pipe, an Autarchic Gate, and an Igneous Extruder. For about 2*2 blocks in size, you can generate tons of EU...

    :Recycler::Mining Pipe

    :Compressor: = Igneous Extruder
    :Mining Pipe = Emerald + Gate

    a.k.a The 'Scrap Battery'... lol


    Moreover, Generator are used, by users of cheaty-Forestry.

    Wow, so Forestry is considered 'cheating' now? Good grief...

    OT: this change won't change much of the player base's behavior. All they'll do is store their energy into items (which can't passively change states afaik), and keep either their fuels in storage or items in chests till they need to use the Storage block as an intermediary to discharge that energy...

    Example: Using Batpacks in a Batbox to store solar energy during the day, which to later take out and place in chests at night.

    And I do happen to be one of those TE users who prefer the MJ network over the EU network. Course, that's mostly because MJ and materials are more flexible via liquid and energy teleportation, and losses are alot less than with IC. And even when I use IC, it's from direct piping of lava into Geogens to run whatever machines I need...


    All you would need to do would be travel to unloaded chunks.

    Not really... just add a random occurrence weather effect like what mystcraft does in their ages (but at a MUCH greatly deprecated frequency)...

    Those are cheaty ways to convert EU, another cheaty way is using Enderchests to store filled lapotrons and empty lapotrons with MFSU's to empty them. Otherwise, use crystal portals to transfer MFSU carts.

    OMG! it's 'cheaty' to take advantage of energy systems from various mods and use them in a unitarian manner! >.>

    But seriously, if you readjust MJ:EU conversion to a reasonable manner, then why consider it OP? I use Combustible engines to generate EU in order to fuel Transformers and Mass Fabs. and such, and I still don't hit the same numbers of, say, a nuclear reactor...

    Which leads back to OP: Endgame is all about applying your excess EU for more resources and the expansion of such. The constant battle between EU and materials is, imo, what makes IC/BC/Forestry so appealing, because of the many ways you can go about solving these means...

    Why people want to patronize others for their solutions (outside of direct NEI hacks) is beyond me...

    lol, Are you intentionally trying to fight with the meta-game? If so, you are failing...

    Geothermal is the new 'attractive energy' for the mods right now. Look at Thermal Expansion. That mod alone buffs the hell out of geothermal that, if done correctly, can convert the Nether as a whole into pure energy (moreso if you have GregTech Soul Sand fuel, but meh at that kind of investment)....

    Meta-game is meta-game. They'll just spam something else when people get the feeling too. Only reason people won't spam nuclear is that it's too much risk to do so, and in many ways too much of an investment...

    I never really understood anarchy servers. Seemed like something people design to play in order to purposefully be dicks to one another...

    But as far as an energy source goes, you're going to have to go hydro. Manned water mill mode may be your best bet if you can create your own infinite water source, and then you can later automate it with some machinery down the road...

    I do think this actually sort of makes sense from an electrical standpoint, IRL (don't tell me about how unrealistic Minecraft is) I assume that machines don't automatically explode from receiving a slightly larger than normal packet.

    No, they actually do. Ever brought a game system from one country and hooked it up in another? Friend of mine who used to be in the Army had a guy in his unit bring his X Box during his deployment. He hooked it up to the gird there, and not a moment later you heard a loud pop and a trail of smoke coming from the top of the console. It was quite hilarious when he told us about it...

    But no, this is the most realistic attribute in IC, and it honestly does not need to be changed. If you knew how many times RL electrical apprentice mess up devices and receptacles due to bad wiring practices, you'd wonder how ANY building (at least in the US) is kept from burning down because of that...

    If you go mining yourself, you need at least one slot for each ore. It is inconvenient with many different ores around.
    If you use Quarry, Miner, "excavate", Arcane Bore or any other "industrial" method to acquire ores, you lose adventure part of game.

    One word: Backpacks...

    Lots and lots of backpacks. Even the cheap 15 slot ones are real spiffy for storage...