Posts by MagusUnion

    Is it too much work too recode the REExtractor? cause i'm getting pretty pissed that i can't make advanced water mills. MinecraftGhast

    Let me guess, you used ID Resolve to change the ID and wonder now why it doesn't work?

    Go into the config. file for the Add-on, and change the two block ID values there to what ID Resolver has set the number values as. Then they will work...

    (Be sure and click 'Override Old Setting' afterwords)

    I have to say that I saw this coming. I assume that you've read only the title. :D I know that Al is planning to make some new weapons, but this idea is about changing the gameplay, not about adding some super new guns that would penetrate quantum suit.

    I don't think you quite grasp the things Alba plans to add in regards to the PvP direction. So yeah, I read the blog post.. point is, gameplay won't be directly changed with the content, but game style will be shifted towards what the OP wants in terms of options...


    The only "difference" is that you find one choice palatable, and the other is not. You're not "forced" to use IC at all

    However, the option of both should still be available to him... regardless of if you agree of the 'need' of said enchantments in the game in the first place. Optional configurations can settle this, but I can't same I blame Alba if disabling them outright is the only way to ensure IC stability. Regardless, if he wants both, let's find a way for him to have both...

    But on another light hearted note: If the Forge allows for 255 Meta Data slots, and meta data can be assigned to modded blocks, is there a way to go back on vMC slot placements and add 17-255 meta slots for mod items? Course I don't know how that works on sprites, but nonetheless if Forge Meta-data could be applied in such a way, you could end up with over a thousand slots of meta-block placements that way...

    (Just a thought. Although double check the amount of meta slots that Forge actually adds plz, because I personally forgot now, lol...)

    Nope, not exactly.
    The idea would be to assign a new value to the static "Block enchantmentTable" variable. It's kinda like relinking the ID to something new one.
    In worst case it will delete all special attributes associated with those blocks (do they even have a specific data storage?).

    At least in theory.

    And if it doesn't work, i will just burn them with fire.

    O.O.... which means that, assuming that this works, my ideas for Forge-like compartmentalization of original vMC content could work (thru a tedious, yet effective, system of remapping blocks to meta-data slots via ID reassignments) :D

    But there is the problem with world generation, as I think Notch set that to being hard coded to each ID... *thinks*

    Guess I know what I need to be doing over Thanksgiving break... lol

    Considering the bugs and abusable possibilitys of the enchantment system, me and a studymate considered the possibility of plainly disabling enchantments via IC.
    It wouldn't be hard to plainly override the ID of an enchantment table with something like dirt. This would cause any people using IC not to be able to cast enchantments, as long as the mod is active. this would prevent the basic issue of enchanting ICTools and Armors (which should be per se possible, causing super-ueber-QuantumSuits and stuff).
    Instead i would probably offer a machine where players could convert their exp into research points. Research will be a feature of the CPU, reworking the current tiers and linking quite all stuff to new recipes containing blueprints. Blueprints are produced by Item+Loads of research .

    Sounds great!, but question though.. wouldn't such overriding parameters require (once again) base class file modification? If not, then how does the Forge handle these exceptions to the Minecraft base overall?

    Yeah he was supposed to release mod support...and better villager AI....and multithreading...but instead he wrapped his flabby arms around as much money as he could and exited stage left.



    One thing that kind of fell between chairs is the mod support.. Sorry about that, I take full responsibility for letting that get forgotten about. But when it comes to the new launcher, it got folded into a new exciting project I won’t talk about yet.

    That's the most Notch has spoken about mod support in too long of a time span...

    I just expect plenty of mods to remove the new broken content, so as to free up those nice sprite IDs, and replace it with Useful content. Heck, I think last time I installed my huge set of mods I play with, I hit 8 IDs. I imagine notch used at least 8 more ids, so I suppose I will have to drop one next time, unless someone comes out with an anti-notch fix.

    Been my biggest fear since modding day 1 with me... I'm still hopeful for a Forge fix where we can condense Notch's 'block footprint' to something much more managable... however, idk how to go about this without altering the architecture of Minecraft base entirely... Which, ironically, translates into a completely different game altogether... :-/

    Still, I hope it can be done... otherwise a force-extend on our current slots limits may be the only other option that we have...

    I can read just fine - I didn't say "they are useless", I said I have no use for them. I hope you can read well enough to understand the difference between those two statements.
    I'm sure the upcoming Moon content will be fun and interesting - but for me, it goes a bit beyond the bounds of how I want to play, so I'll pass on the rockets. The fusion stuff is what appeals to me.

    You no likely no EU loss cable? You're weird... :P

    No 1.9 either way. We either stick with 1.8 or move to 1.0 if other mod developers do as well.

    Eloraam and Player are quite happy about the upcoming "release", as they want to stuff in another load of hooks within MCForge without being afraid of another update frenzy.
    I seriously doubt the title "release" will change anything about Notch's update-madness though.

    Update Madness indeed... I feel sorry for Jeb for having to work with the guy almost..

    Another load of hooks? I'm guessing more cross-functionality or more ability to overlap features than previous?