Posts by mczapkie

    Hello, I have problem with changing recipes for IC2 blast furnace.
    No matter what I define for output, for example
    customitems:transfer_ladle-pig_iron = customitems:transfer_ladle-steel
    always I will got refined ingot and slag instead of output specimen (however it accept input as redefined).
    I'm using industrialcraft-2-2.2.826-experimental.
    Is it possible to fix such issue?

    Thanks for fast reply and whole support.
    It is working fine now, except one bug with oredict entry for iron workbench.
    If more than 1 quantity is stated, it is not possible to craft.
    For example, oredict(plankWood,4) would be displayed like 1 item, and regardless of stack size (1 or 4), nothing appears at output slots.

    Another minor issue is, that tools placed in iron workbench slots are not displayed after world load, upon right clicked.

    EDIT: I foun another bug related with getDamageValueViaNBTTag. It is easy to reproduce: right click on IHL chisel in NEI, than click left arrow to scroll recipes - it will make crash.
    This crash occurs even without custom recipes.

    EDIT2: seems that it is related with tool oredict - this crash is caused for every tools, which have oredict defined, for example chisel, hammer.
    Tools without oredict, for example hand bore, reveal no issue.

    EDIT3: I added standard (3x3 grid) recipe for one IHL tool and there is crash during crafting.
    All these are related with Damage NBT flag.

    Seems, that workbench custom recipes are not working properly,I got crash whenever try to display customized recipe in NEI:

    Here is recipe code example:


    By the way, I got similar crash when trying to use minetweaker .transformDamage() function with IHL Tools (reuse() work fine).

    Is Fermenter working properly for latest industrialcraft-2-2.2.8xx-experimental versions?
    I see no recipes for biogas nor fertiliser, which should be produced from biomass.
    Tested with 823 and 826 version, to gether with NotEnoughItems-1.7.10- and Forge *1558.

    If Iridium is supposed to be catalysator, whether it should not be also in output slot, instead of being consumed?

    BTW, above example with electrolyser is not working, generally oredict is ignored for output, item must to be defined explicit.

    What is trichlorosilane reserved for? Synthetic rubber?
    why iridium dust is involved in its production?

    PS. I cant find where to click to obtain recipes list for devices such lab electroliser, electrolisys bath or paper machine?
    It is a bug or feature?

    I was looking for any missing semicolon or syntax error and just oversight that this recipe and sodium sulfides already exists - everything is now ok, thank you.

    Is it possible to use NBT tags? For example in engineering table recipes?

    There should be no "ore:", definitely. Also all items and fluids should be registered in time of IHL post init., when recipe config is loaded. Write a crash report here.

    I changed oredict to ordinary itemstack:


    and got crash again: 'ambigous recipe'.
    Crash report under the spoiler.

    I'm using these fluids and items with other recipes and everything was OK (and is still OK, when above recipe is commented out).

    Awesome, it is not only practical, but also look like real messy wokrbench! Thanks for patch.

    I have once more question concerning recipes: how to add properly oredict entry?
    I tried the following:


    but it caused crash. Removing ore: either. Or maybe I'm doing something else wrong?

    I'm sorry, but this is not possible by a IHL to skip a certain IC2 recipe via config.

    Nevermind, I just added custom items and created independent parallel line from bauxite to pure alumina oxide.

    By the way, idea with iron workbench and associated machines is excellent,
    although a small improvement would be welcome: displaying icons of tools inserted into tool slots (for example first 4 slots would display hoovering icons if not empty). It would be help with checking table state (where I put my bore again?)

    As long as i remember, fluid output should always go to chimney.

    Indeed, I discovered now, that this slot is just for solid output, not for fluid cells.

    Another question - is it possible to remove/alter ihl recipes based on ic2 devices? For example purifying bauxite ore in centrifuge
    (I want to implement Bayer process and it interfere a bit).
    Minetweaker doesn't support removing recipes, native ic2 recipes can be removed/altered via ic2 config, but I don't see any added by ihl itself.

    You have two options you could try. The first is put the outputs of the recipes you want to disable on the disable= parts of the [recipes] section of the config file. The other is to copy the shaped_recipes.ini (or shapeless_recipes.ini depending on what you're doing) from the IC2 jar and put it in a subfolder in the config folder called ic2. Any changes you make to it in there (which in your case would be removing recipes from it) will be used instead of the one in the jar.

    First option doesn't work, I tried to put disable = "IC2:itemPlates@5" and got fatal error 'no such item'.

    Nevertheless, second method is great, I didn't know that are ini files inside jar (main .ini file instructions were unclear),
    thank you very much for clarification.

    Now I understand, why there is no minetweaker support for removing existing recipes.
    These ini files are much more convenient way and probably faster on startup.

    Hello, I need to customize my modpack recipes and change some ic2 recipes for sake of game balance.
    I found that there is no recipe removal supported by minetweaker, however there is something like 'remove ic2 recipe list' in ic2 config file.
    Unfortunately I didn't observed any change for items added to this list.
    Is this feature supported for industrialcraft-2-2.2.826-experimental ?

    OK, it works well, each processed turning blank have unique damage and tag, for example
    <IC2:itemTurningBlanks:332053>.withTag({state: {l0: 5, l1: 1, l2: 1, l3: 1, l4: 5}})
    and I can add tooltip for describe such item:
    <IC2:itemTurningBlanks:332053>.addTooltip("Minecart wheels");

    The one small issue is, that still 'Blank' text is displayed above my custom description, but I can live with it.

    Thanks for all your above reply, to clarify, I'm not a mod maker (yet), I'm just using minetweaker and custom items mod.

    If you want to use a custom variant of an existing item, you can just inject the tooltip name into the language registry. The icons are dynamically rendered.

    Yes, it is exactly what I want to do. If item icons are rendered dynamically, seems that it is possible to add variant of existing iron turning blank and just use minetweaker addTooltip function.


    It was not quite clear for me, how to add Minetweaker support for my mod, so i design my own recipe modification handler. Please check file, named "ihl-recipe.cfg" in your config folder after first launch. There is examples in it as well.

    Is it possible to add some other examples?
    Let say, electrolysis bath for refining copper in CuSO4 solution, with some platinoid-like metals mud as byproduct.

    By the way, what is a current state of art for this project?
    I'm using custom items mod for some lacking chains, but maybe it would be obsolete in future?