Posts by gorzak

    Hybrid reactors:

    This breeds as much uranium as the standard breeder, and outputs 12x the energy with 3.0 efficiency. Run it instead of the standard breeder and get energy and efficiency while you breed.
    Link: Breeeder Replacement
    Cells charged per uranium cell: 22
    Total Cells Charged: 88
    Eu/tick: 60
    Efficiency: 3
    Cost: Iron 240, Copper 926, Tin 97, Gold 12
    Credits: gorzak

    Slight modification to Ricks standard breeder, making it cheaper and removing an unnecessary chamber to make it attatchable to frames. Take note that the costs are short by 63 heating cells, but listed this way to be consistent with competition.
    Link: Efficient Breeder
    Heating configuration (with timing): Autopilot
    Cells charged per uranium cell: 88
    Efficiency: 1
    Eu/tick: 5
    Cost: Iron 155, Copper 1160, Tin 75, Bronze 50, Gold 8
    Credits: Gorzak

    Back to the original post, Mark V are considered a joke because of their extremely short run times in comparison to their cool down periods.

    I consider Mark V designs that melt parts to be sissies. If it takes the time to melt a part before going critical, it doesn't deserve the classification. Also, the only thing that higher class reactors can do better than lower is efficiency (more total power per fuel consumed). Therefore, I will restate your goals thusly:

    Make it better without taking out the uranium cells.
    Make it last longer.
    Make sure the hull explodes before any parts have a chance to melt.
    More effective Eu/t for more power in the same timespan.
    More fuel efficiency, because 340k power more per fuel is worth waiting an extra 13 hours for!

    So, this gem is created:
    Mark V
    Efficiency: 4.17
    Effective Eu/t:52.08 @5sec on &91sec off

    If you want better effective output, both Draco and Ragan's suggestions are superior, but looking at a mark V suggests you don't care about output.

    What are you looking for to help fill out the blank positive breeder section? If I know what you are looking for I can whip something up and help fill some holes.

    I had posted a couple hybrid positive breeder/ producer designs. I was hoping these fit the bill, but despite lack of negative feedback they did not get added.
    Another I plan on using soon:
    Breeder 1: Mark V - Positive Breeder
    Heating configuration (with timing): Same config. 22 total minutes, but at 18 minutes switch the cooler cells with the hotter ones near the uranium, or add brief 1s off heat distribution cycles.
    Breeder efficiency: 0.89
    Efficiency: 3.67
    Eu/tick: 330 Eu/t
    Effective eu/t: 55.6 Eu/t at 6s on 29s off, 55 Eu/t at 1s on 5s off
    Cost: Copper 274, Tin 142, Bronze 119, Iron 212
    Credits: Gorzak

    A few comments:

    Safe breeder - Yes. I recommend 2 features for safety.
    1. Chicken kill switch. http://forum.industrial-craft.…page=Thread&threadID=4646 . Shuts off reactor after radation starts.
    2. Nuetral breeding config - found http://forum.industrial-craft.…page=Thread&threadID=2963 and http://forum.industrial-craft.…page=Thread&threadID=4915 Neutral means heat is neither growing or fading, achieved by balancing heat generated and cooling. When the isotopes finish, it starts cooling because it generates less heat.

    50% heat - Cold start to 50% is so bad at enriching that you may not get 1 uranium cell per 1 consumed. I encourage you to try it, just so you can see the abysmal returns.

    Water evaporating - Put your source block 3 above the reactor and let flowing water fill the cooling spaces. 4-6 chambers it only takes 1 source block. source block 2 above the reactor (the layer above the top chamber) will get evaporated. One block above that and you have no trouble with evaporation.

    Designs - I'm not gonna lie, from your designs it looks like you are just starting, and don't have a firm grasp on how all the parts interact. I like that you want to dive in and get your hands dirty with radioactives, so i'll go deeper into detail in the hopes you will learn from it. My main gripe is that they are positive breeders. Large net heat gains can and will result in explosions. I've done a few positive breeder designs around hybrid energy producers. To break even, you have to play it close to the edge. Safe & positive breeders are mutually exclusive. There are none on the list of good reactors, and even my suggestions have been shot down. My secondary gripe is there is a lot of parts that don't seem to be that useful. Yours - http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…6xdp0lbsp5ey7wfaypmz379kw , Slight modification - http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…mindgppffo5orxstm9n6mxcg0 The modification is still not good, but it does a better job at breeding (due to the higher heat) than the original with less parts and cheaper, and still a mark II. Still not something i'd recommend due to the low breeding efficiency. My recommendation: Read the first couple posts of the links, and in my how to preheat use the Heating and Neutral breeding in section II. It's my bread and butter when I'm not trying to be fancy, and super easy to set up. It takes a little attentiveness during heating, but once you switch to breeding config the only negative consequence to leaving it alone for long period of time is having to reaheat it and fuel spent inefficiently (but still more efficiently than any cold start breeder).

    I am going for the mining space ship challenge. To make it harder but also more rewarding, I am doing this on survival, not creative. These download links should be good until may 20 2012. Redpower 2 & industrialcraft 2, buildcraft.

    Mark I is currently in operation.…oox/n/1_2_5_with_mods_zip.
    Also working on a side project, automated wood. almost complete. Use bone meal on the sapling behind the melons and pumpkins with a timer on it, then stand back and watch the show. Once that side project is complete, I'm going to make mark II, much like I did in this creative test world:…kicb9g8j/n/New_World-_zip The engine is more compact and the bridge is complete, with an incomplete raising and lowering mechanism. Then I will improve and expand the mining module (4 miners, automated pipe/cobble, automated pump cell replacement, monitor for completion with an alert sound & light.) Then refinery. I wouldn't mind seeing links to other in progress worlds.

    Minor miner change.

    As title, right now items tubed in or piped in to the side get put in the scanner slot, and pulled out get removed from the scanner slot. Please change this to the mining drill slot.
    This would allow deployment & retraction of the miner using redstone signals with buildcraft and/or Redpower2. With the current design, I cannot deploy multiple miners simultaneously, and I must be present to deploy/retract. I have plans to remotely deploy and retract multiple miners, and this small change would allow it.

    Top accesses mining pipe slot, please keep that as is.

    If it is easy, a second request would be to allow redpower retrievers to work with both slots as well.They do work with redpower retrievers, once you give them blutricity.

    Is it possible to get a world upload? Also, do you have a (semi) automated strategy for natural transparent blocks, tall grass, tree leaves, structures with torches/windowpanes, or do you manually remove obstructions?

    I'm also working on the galactic mining vessel mark 42 challenge.
    So far : The main power source of the spaceship MUST be (at least one) Nuclear Reactor[/s]. <<< As long as Nuclear Reactors crash upon being moved with frames, this limitation does not apply. Though you may attach additional "auxilary/emergency" energy sources.
    10% - Main power source is ground based nuclear with manual transfer via lapotron. Auxiliary Geothermal for pumped lava, and solar.
    Flight mechanics need to be semi-automatic. A pilot/player merely needs to flip a switch for each directional movement, the vessel will keep moving into that direction until the switch is flipped off again.
    50% - Omnidirectional modular motor created (dubbed by me "The Wonkavator"). Crude control panel that meats no criterion implemented for testing/use, needs to be replaced.
    (De)Activation of miners does NOT need to be automatized. //especially if you consider the enet bug.
    100% (25% of personal goal) - Full functionality requires relogging after completing a move. I do have a mining rig that meets requirements, but I would like to improve it and make it modular so I can add more mining capacity, minimum 4 miners, and reducing need for direct interaction as much as possible.

    The spaceship must be capable of landing/starting in a realistic fashion (f.e. by landing on leg-like appendages). Bonus points if you are able to expand/retract the landing pads via frames.
    0% - I have poured water off the side of it for access.
    The refinery complex needs to be capable of fully processing any sort of Ore, as well as storing or recycling any sort of material thrown into the system. As all refinery designs, it must contain a manual input (usually a chest) for players to dump any stuff in.
    0% - haven't started on refinery

    Here is my entry so far. Link valid only until may 9 2012.…hq9/n/1_2_5_with_mods_zip

    It's a mark V, as the simulator states. I like that it doesn't use SUC, I tend to prefer that. That said, there is significant room for improvement. The design is pretty, but the function is only so so. 20 uranium but only 2.7 efficiency. ~50eu effective output (because it has to be off 9 seconds out of 10). Only 14 coolant cells.

    Heres a similar config with more cooling cells. http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…xzivqnxjronp3n2y4oq2ydsg0 Slightly more uranium, so much more heat, despite that has slightly better efficiency and slightly better effective eu/t thanks to 20 cooling cells. Really, there is so much molten uranium in there though that it's gotta be off a lot.

    2.7 efficiency (like yours) 7 uranium. http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…j5uld77oso84pz282vyg8i1oh

    A key thing to notice about your config is that a complete cycle takes 30 + hours. The setup above can be run almost 5 times in that same span. It would use the same amount of uranium (21) in slightly more than 18+ hours.

    First I would like to thank gorzak for this fine tutorial.

    I tried to rebuild your setups and now I have a few questions, if you don't mind:

    1) After 40 minutes of heating I see small flames coming out of the hull. I then switch to breeding config. How long does it take to re-enrich the 4 near depleted cells? Full cycle? Half Cycle?

    It does not take a full cycle. With good hull temp, 1/4 - 1/2. I'd like to give a finer answer, but it has been a while since I got my hands dirty with it, I been playing hardcore for a while.

    2) If the cells are re-enriched and the uranium cell is used up - does the reactor keep it's temperature or does it cool down again?

    This might not be 100% accurate, because I have not devised an effective test, but my observations indicate that a re enriched (completed) isotope behaves about like an empty slot. I am sure the parts start cooling if you don't replace it with another depleted one. I suspect it is because it no longer causes the adjacent uranium to pulse an additional time, lowering the heat generated. This would also cause the remaining isotopes to breed less efficiently, as they are receiving fewer pulses. When the uranium is consumed, or the reactor is shut off, cooling continues inside the reactor. Cooling always continues inside the reactor.

    3) After my first try I removed the Uranium cells out of the chamber. I returned later to restart the testing - the hull still emits small flames but the cooling parts in the chamber are again nearly half "filled". Do I have to restart with heating config, even if the hull emits small flames?

    Typically yes... with a stipulation. Efficient breeders have heat dispensers. If you do, you do need to return to the heating config. If you don't have heat dispensers, then hull heat is disconnected from parts, and then no, don't heat it more. If you are doing this, it would be wise to design the the external cooling such that the hull heat never changes. No heat dispenser designs have an easy heating stage but cannot be as efficient and do require babysitting.

    4) How can I find out that I have reached the OVER 9000 when the reactor is in "half heated" stage and the temperature masurement mod ist not installed?

    I don't use temperature mod either. The easy way: Your heat dispensers are connected to the hull. If there hasn't recently been an quick event to drastically change it's temp (Lava, ice, water, putting a cold or hot dispenser in with the opposite temp hull), it will be a fairly accurate visual representation of hull temp. If it has been chugging away heating using a heating config, or slowly cooling itself while you've been away, the hull temp matches the dispenser temp. Switch to a heating config, and when your dispensers are about to pop, your hull is at the same temp (but has a higher maximum hp). The dangerous thing is short term drastic changes cause the dispensers to no longer accurately reflect hull temp. They take a while to catch up to what the hull is doing if the change is not gradual.

    Thanks alot!

    Best regards, Vudic

    You are quite welcome.

    Also this whole idea is based around a SB&S reactor (Sit Back & Sleep) without any babysitting.

    Not sure what you mean by Sit Back and Sleep. There are a few different types of hands off designs. Mark I and II are designed to run a full cycle without exploding. Those are pretty hands off and easy to set up, a good place to start. CASUC (Continuously Applied Single Use Coolants) use machinery to automate delivery of single use coolants. After a complex setup, it is hands off while it is running. Without ice being added while it is running, ice is inferior to a cooling cell. A stack of 64 ice with none added while running is responsible for 19200 heat, front loaded. A cooling cell is responsible for 19999 heat, 10k front loaded and 10k at the rate of 1/s. This is why you don't see designs with just a stack of ice, all designs that use single use coolant must add more during running to break even with other parts.

    With a single array of 4 depleted cells & one :Uranium Cell: cell, I can cool it without the use of Ice but depending on how well, it becomes non-viable - it uses up :Uranium Cell: as quickly as it recharges them. Alternative is to design the reactor to last as close to only one full cycle as possible, which improves eff somewhat.

    Alternative is to use Ice (lots) and massive arrays of :Uranium Cell: to improve the recharging speeds. The Ice can become quite expensive but in the scheme of recharging lots of :Uranium Cell: easily, is it worthwhile?

    This won't solve your problem. The rate that the depleted cells recharge is derived from the heat of the reactor hull. If you are keeping it cold with ice, then you will be lucky to break even while breeding, even with a checkerboard of depleted and uranium cells. It is not impossible to do a breeding CASUC, just incredibly difficult. Breeding is a dangerous razors edge. Too much cooling and you don't get enrichment results. Heat gain means boom, and soon because you start hot. Heat generated needs to match cooling, and you need to start hot, so lava goes in instead of ice to start, and it helps if external cooling matches heat generated while off (# of isotopes). To make this happen with CASUC, very fine adjustments to cooling time can make or break you, and careful attention must be paid. here is one I posted from a different post. I don't use CASUC, so use this at your own risk. http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…s587boc8kuj86bqiczju7elmp Notice that you will have to change the isotopes out 3 times. According to the sim, you get 80 enriched isotopes from 5 Uranium, so have that ready, and notice the 130.22 stacks of ice consumed.

    Since this is a different plan, should I run it for a different amount of time? Or the same 40 mins?

    Slightly less. The hotter it is, the better it breeds. Look at the meltdown time on the heating config. Switch configs shortly before that time. It is slightly different but still exceeds 40 minutes. A good rule of thumb is when the heat bar on your parts has lost the last red dot indicating it has some durability left, it's time to turn down the heat.

    Also, I plan to have a wire coming from the reactor to my MFSU.. Is this accounted for in these plans?

    Wires and redstone (for your off switch) can both be attatched to chambers, and need not connect directly to the reactor. I like my wire from the bottom, redstone from the side. A lot of people like redstone from the bottom. The only time you'd need direct access to the reactor is pipes/tubing to insert single use coolants continuously.

    Cold start breeder is a positive breeder.

    Positive breeders work best when they end their cycle at near melting, which is what your design does, so + points go to you for that...


    If everything goes perfectly, the hull temp ends up at ~81% of maximum. If 2 or 3 waters evaporate, its melting time, both internally and externally around the chamber, quite possibly culminating in a big boom. You cannot have imprecise external cooling and breed. Breeding is all about running it close to the razors edge of disaster. Rolling the dice and hoping for perfect luck multiple times is a sure way to end up with a bad result.

    Raise the roof. Literally. Put source blocks of water in a 3x3 centered above the nuclear reactor core by 3 blocks. They don't evaporate up there. When you add chambers, do bottom first, then top, then sides. Put solid blocks in the corners of the 3x3 centered 2 blocks below the reactor to make the water flow under the side chambers. If you cannot make these adjustments, breed knowing a meltdown is likely.

    So you're telling me to run this for 40 mins:


    And then use this to breed?: http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…c=1m101010114110101001019

    That's one way to do it, sure. Probably easiest for a novice. Another easy alternative is to store hot parts when a energy producing config finishes, and use those hot parts to breed with. Further down the linked tutorial post is more advanced techniques that can be done quicker, but require your attention.

    my reactor has six chambers, and is surrounded by water. Will this make
    a difference?

    Yes, but easy to adjust for. Additional external cooling reduces the number of cooling cells for neutral breeding config. Less parts means less time heating in heating config.
    Heating config http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…cve2ls31q1y0ymvq5c377i5mo
    Breeding config http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…vxtxx383h1exh7hpsdbj61khs

    And does the water around the reactor have to be a source
    block, or can it be running water?

    % of max hull heat Environmental effect
    40% Flammable blocks within a 5x5x5 cube have a chance of burning.
    50% Water blocks within a 5x5x5 cube (both sources and flowing) will have a chance of evaporating.

    Do not count on source blocks, at breeding temperatures they will evaporate and will not be replaced. Please use flowing water, it has the same cooling effects, without the unreliability.

    I haven't played much with SUC, but I can answer your questions and have a slight modifications to your design.

    1. Do the isotopes heat up even when the reactor isn't on?

    Yes, absolutely they did when I last tested. To offset this, have external cooling match the # of isotopes for a net 0 change to hull temp

    2. Should I be activating my cooling at exactly the same time as the lava buckets start?

    That would quickly undo the heating the lava gave, so no.

    you might look at this and think Why the 3 empty chambers? Your design has starting heat of 8400. That is 100 heat away from possible meltdown, and definitely in radiation territory. 70% is radiation threshold, 9k hull temp is 70% of ~12858, so 13k hp from a 3 chamber reactor lets us run at 9k hull temp with no radiation. A 5 chamber reactor is what it would take to eliminate the heating fuss and let you run at 10k hull heat. You could increase the hull hp also by adding armor plating, but that is only 100 per slot, and takes 10 to equal another chamber. The hull hp is too low on a single chamber to effectively breed.You could also tune the extra space, SUC and external cooling to match isotopes for increased yield.

    Positive Breeders (hybrid energy producers/breeders)

    Breeder 1: Mark II http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…dca441yfd31vzlu4zghm5q9kw
    Heating configuration (with timing): Precise heating to not more than 5300 heat required. Comprehensive tutorial on breeder preheating http://forum.industrial-craft.…3135&highlight=#post43135
    Breeder efficiency: 1.1 @ 5300 starting heat. 1.0 at 5k starting heat. Explodes at 5400 starting heat. 1.0 means as much uranium produced as consumed. It runs on isotopes. Isotopes go from 0 to full in 1 run, no need to switch out mid cycle.
    Efficiency: 2.33
    Eu/tick: 70
    Effective eu/t: ~40
    Lava buckets: No one uses lava buckets. Read the tutorial.
    Cost: Iron 217, Copper 292, Tin 146, bronze 122
    Credits: Gorzak

    Breeder 1: Mark II http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…7iwq04yt9uv63kza1ugjh0w74
    Heating configuration (with timing): Cold start. That's right, no preheating.
    Breeder efficiency: ~.67. 2 uranium produced, 3 consumed. Does require a check in to replace a re-enriched isotope with an empty one.
    Efficiency: 2.33
    Eu/tick: 70
    Effective eu/t: 40.7
    Lava buckets: None.
    Cost: Iron 195, Copper 266, Tin 131, bronze 110
    Credits: Gorzak

    Shameless self promotion :


    If your breeder has heat dispensers, advanced heating techniques can drop the heat up time to ~30 minutes from ~45+ with the typical heat up configurations from cold start. Storing hot parts is the only way to significantly reduce the heat up time. If you find any other way, let me know.
    Without heat dispensers, 5 buckets of lava is 10k heat in the hull, instantly, and hull is all that matters to breeders.

    That's a tall order.

    I'd suggest putting priorities on which of those is most important to you, because you aren't going to find all that in a single reactor. I responded to a much less ambitious request that also was unfortunately not possible with proof here http://forum.industrial-craft.…ad&postID=42434#post42434.

    I'll pull out some highlights, and link them up to your requests.

    -Can have external water cooling
    I generally assume this, it is factored in to remaining designs.

    -Can NOT be a CASUC
    This allows for 6 chambers, and eliminates SUC as even a stack of ice is inferior to a cooling cell.

    -MUST be AT MOST a MK2
    128 heat generated is over the maximum for mark II. At that heat and above, parts melt before cycle completion

    -Cooldown MUST be below 30 seconds
    73 heat generated is over the maximum for mark I (30s cooldown is approaching mark I). Above that and parts need time to cool down

    -Must be HV or EV
    this design constraint is confusing. HV is 512 eu/p. Reactors put out whatever eu/p they generate, a factor of 10. You may not need to make this a design constraint if you have a transformer on the reactor output it will just convert power to the voltage of your choice. If you need to make the reactor spit out 512 eu packets, it ain't gonna happen. Have it spit whatever sized packets into and HV/EV transformer and you get 512/2048 eu packets out.

    -Efficiency 3 or more
    4u in a square is the smallest config of u that generates energy efficiency 3. Surrounded by appropriate cooling, that is 96 heat generated. This exceeds your mark I requirement (or Mark II - e). 6u in a rectangle is the minimum u config to get > 3 energy efficiency @ 3.33 efficiency. It generates 176 heat, and thus cannot even be a mark II.
    Duezman's efficiency 3 mark II is the best (lowest cooldown, highest eff eu/t).
    Efficiency 3 will absolutely require a cool down period. Greater than 3 efficiency will require you to bust out your redstone skills on setting up a timer.

    With current available parts limiting mark I designs to well below the heat required for efficiency 3 uranium consumption, you have to pick between more uranium consumed or more time & risk taken to get the same energy. Of course it's easy to demand both, but design forces a trade off.