i'm not sure if you'd even really need 16 more, although it would be cool if some of the common Wool Blocks could be added (white, black, blue, red, yellow). this way you could Troll Greifers that try to burn down your house made from "wool" lol
Posts by Snoochy
Probably a concurrent to my Energy Drink thing, since both sort of produce the same effect... but why not
yay! much appriciated that you'll take this idea into considerationhope all is going well.
if you want a stronger benefit that means you are trying to be realistic and if you are being realistic then coffee needs a stronger crash than hot chocolate or at least you can't sleep in a bed while under the effects of coffee
lol, yeah that seems like a reasosnable side effect, the no sleep thing that is.
[EDIT:also making the battery initially emit more than 5eu/t would make it unusable with my macgyver'ed machine suggestion
i suppose but that was a different post
also i was looking for a possible renewable alternative to using mass solar panels.
i'd probly just take your current vines and flip the texures upside down and add a small ball of dirt, and when the vine touches the ground have it spawn a small pumpkin the size of steve's fist roughly.
lol, true, it would be alittle easier to code and they could make both i suppose, just make the coffee effects greater. :p
agreed, i might even build an entire refinery out of these and BC Pipes and what not to make it look like a real life refinery instead of a building.
sounds like a pretty good idea, not sure if i'd every make them unless it was to make stuff go even faster when i don;t want to wait. like an extractor on Water Cells for Coolant cells.
yeah but Hot Chocolate isn;t industrial, coffee is :p just make Coffee Beans a Crop thing produced by breeding coffee beans selectively till like Teir 8, and then yield Coffee Beans that look like Cocoa Beans but are green, and then baked till they are black.
chopping with a wrench?... you obviously don;t work with alot of tool in real life or in a refinery/industrial setting, people use wrenched for everything in refineries. they are used as pry bars, hammers, Cheater-Bars, dead weights for pulley systems, even as a...wrench. lol also, incase you didn;t notice Steve "chops" the machine with his wrench. also, yeah i forgot destorying it with a non-wrench yeilded the machine block/brick as well, it's been forever since i made that mistake.
P.s. if you don't know what a machine brick is then your not an engineer or industrial. /trolololol
silver does not generate electricity when it's under acid, it merely oxides into a black dust. Glass and diamond are actualy insulaters and restone doesn't produce EUs. also, why would you waste a fiber glass cable on a cheap energy source that depletes and causes you to perminently lose it anyways? this idea was originally intedend to be a Teir 1, early game energy source apart from having to try and stumble on a melon seed in some mines. so why require them to use the more expensive metals? Copper, yes, tin, maybe. and if you want to move the melon then move it before you make it into a battery, that way he wouldn't have to code it for the melons to maintain and record how much energy is in it as a placable block, that would be like trying to make MFSUs maintain their energy when moved. also for every change in color you'd have to use a different block ID, just don;t have it change colors and have it vanish when it's drain, or don;t have it vanish and just require the player to make Detector Cables to signal when the melon is dead. but i'd prefer them just vanish. also, i'm sure running an electrical current and increasing acidity would destory the seeds or not allow then to germinate in the first place, so no seeds, that you be a moderation thing, you can either harvest it for seeds or power.
also i think these should probly produce around 8-16Eu/t when you first get them and then increase that with Crop Cross-Breeding to make Super Melon Batteries eventually. producing up to 52eu/t?
And what about using 8 Copper instead of the Iron for a machine brick? Would make more sense to me and you dont waste any precious iron on these low tier machines
by the way, your iron isn't wasted. if you keep chopping at it with a Wrench then you'll eventually get the machine block back instead of the lower version of the machine, for when your ready to upgrade.
alblaka isnt that active lately, i think becouse he is busy coding for the 1,2 release...
that would be F***ing magnificant! i've been uber excited about playing the new IC2 stufff like crops and everything else added since MC1.0.0 and now that there are jungles and cats and all this other stuff... it's like christmas to me. lol
now back to the OP: i highly agree with this idea, maybe we should be able to make 1 or 2 colors into Redstone dye, even if it's just Red and Blue dye. in my opinion that's all you'd need if you set it up right, this would be very usefull in more compact systems like running a redstone signal down a fiber wire for putting Induction Furnaces against it so that it forces them to stay on all the time. you could also use this to shut down several things at once on seperate lines if done right, unlike the current Detector cable.
most effective manner would be 1 or 2 MassFabs6s hooked up sucking 6144eu/t
As far as I'm concerned, if it can be stuck to walls and looks good, I'll be happy. Anyting else about it I don't really mind.
well what i ment was to make a CFoam Sprayer not replace it like it does wooden Scaffold. but then again we could just place the Iron Scaffold after the construction if we can't it to be a walkway, so either way.
why would you need that and how it would look? give me better example and then i may try, because now i just cant imagine
but im not pritty good at texturing things but it might be challange for me.
i wouldn't really "need" this bur mirairi said it looks wierd with how pumpkins grow and sit at the top of a stick so i think a ball of dirt at the top of the stick with the vine going down, instead of up, and once the vine hits the ground a small pumpkin would appear on the ground, would be a good idea.
these are coal powered or pull the same power as a normal machine but run at half speed so really they suck more power in the long run so I don't think people will spam these till the server feels it(at least no more than anything else in IC2) these would also make industrial pvp and prison servers more practical cause when something bad happens to your machine its not as big of a loss
if they only ran off coal then i could see how these would bee great Outpost or "in the mine" machines and i could see them being used, that's quite a few more block IDs though
hmm, i'm still using MC1.0.0 and the IC2 version for it (can;t remember at the moment) but i don;t think i have that problem, that is apparently a bug, if you're using a more recent version then i'd report it.... or never log out
i think th melon battery should just vanish instead of turn grey, that would require another block ID. also once a melon grow onto a farmland it turn back into a normal dirt block, so you'd still have to come back and plow the ground occassionally, and then come back again later to make them into batteries. so this still requires 2 manual passes of a player to make these into batteries. as long as a player is not trying to power mass fabs i could see this being a plausable energy source for their needs, all you would need is an uninsulated copper wire per melon. so even these would still require alittle bit of "fuel".
so this ideas balance would be a decent amount of power at the cost of a bit of manual labor and maintenance, copper wires to activate them which you would never get back even after the battery is depleted.
or instead you could just charge into their base with an electric wrench or a fist full of redstone torches and start inverting all their transformers. lol (pvp-server) i'd imagine this would be similar to declaring war, atleast for me :p
yeah the idea is interesting but even in the end game, some people would simply mass prdocue these in a factory to save on resources until their server starts feeling it. then they might start with overclocking. maybe that would be their limitation. these are alittle cheaper but cannot be overclocked at all and opperate alittle slower then your current Tier 1 machines.