Posts by Snoochy

    i had an idea, i realized that we are being all industrial but what is an industry without coffee? :D every refinery, contractor office, ect. has coffee. so i think we should somehow impliment a Coffee Plant or Coffee Beans, maybe have them drop from the new Jungle Biome trees, or make them growable from the Crop System. you then take the Coffee Beans and put them in a furnace to make Roasted Coffee, and then you put them in a Canning Machine with Water Cells to make a "Coffee Shot" or Cup of Coffee? this would be consumed like a potion and would fully cure hunger and increasse your movement speed like that is a plain Potion of Swiftness 1, but would cause the "hunger effect for 2 minutes" which would be similar to your afternoon "Crash" from drinking coffee, or you can just chug coffee all day long to stay hyper and energetic.

    i'm aware that Programmable robots are already approved, this was actually my resolution on implimenting them. the diamond elementals would be the best and current idea that they have for the programable droid, all the lesser elementals would just be cheaper and crappier versions of that.

    i think the only way this might be possible is by making a Light Source based off the Force Field idea and bring a specified area to a specific lighting level to prevent spawning by "energizing the blocks around it".

    Snoochy true but i think there should be a low yield "no macerator option" cause the idea doesn't boot-strap you need to mine for redstone to get redstone from a macerator in the first place(its the same problem with redwheat) i think red dye and copper ore to craft an item that leads to redstone will be fine(copper ore has the stone medium built in and its easy to find near the surface) so how about this rose dye in the top center and a copper ore in the middle creates redrock(A) (needs better name) this is macerated for a random number of redstone (1-5). or you can throw apples in to the remaining slots to get redrock(B) which can be cooked in a furnace for a lower random number of redstone (1-3)

    negative on lemons, melons use the same letters and are hard enough to get that and melons puts us one step closer to unmodified IC2 skyblock

    ahh true, i forgot macerators need redstone. :p lol, ok so dying sand red and black and add copper :p

    hmmm forgot about the block id limitations
    wouldn't dyeing sand red be too easy? my worry is someone calling op on this

    rose dye+sand=redpaste cook it and there is a 1 in 8 chance of getting a piece of redstone dust and glass panes the rest of the time? maybe surround the sand with rose dye? i think cause of what it is used for there should be a metal ore in there somewhere maybe just replace the sand with an ore block?

    i think taking a red dye, a copper ore, and a cobblestone and combining it, red dye for color and magical effect, copper dust or conductivity, and cobble for the "Stone Median" and then macerate the Red Stones. also for alot of people it's not very easy finding a red flower to start with unless you kill a skeleton and start mass growing grass in hopes of a red flower, and even if you start growing red flowers for the dye, you're not going to get much very quickly, maybe like 12-36 by the time you get a diamond drill and start mining the redstone blocks

    Couldnt imagine this to be possible, code-wise.

    maybe code it as an excessively powerful teslacoil that would one shot non player characters in a designated radius? i know this would cause a significant amount of server strain but would mainly be used when initially constructing a building. once the building is complete and lighten up then you would turn it off... atleast i'd hope the player would :p

    what would be even more interesting but doubtful is if you could use
    several Zombie Flesh and UUM to create a "Life Block" and then use that
    to create several different types of golems or elementals, like take 4 cobble stone, 1
    life block like this:
    :Compressed hyd. Coalclump: :Tin Ore: :Compressed hyd. Coalclump:
    :Tin Ore: MinecraftZombie :Tin Ore:
    :Compressed hyd. Coalclump: :Tin Ore: :Compressed hyd. Coalclump:

    :Compressed hyd. Coalclump: =nothing
    MinecraftZombie =lifeblock

    would be created like your current golems but would provide an
    alternative to growing pumpkins and also create costum elemental
    villages. Lava, Stone, Water, Earth, Iron, Gold, Diamond, ect. and
    Diamond Golemns could be tameable "programable robots" or just wandering
    Elite defenders.

    Then each Golem Type could have an automatic
    function (that you would specify what items they interact with) like Earth Elementals would recycle items if you have a recycler
    nearby, Cobblestone Elementals would take items to compressers, Lava Elementals would take
    nearby dusts to Furnaces, iron elementals could do programable transferance of items like in their inventory (like a command line 9 long) you would put something like this:

    :Tin Dust: :Generator: :Tin Ingot: :Personal Safe:

    this would tell them to take any nearby Tin Dust and put it in a smelter, then take any nearby Tin Bars and put then into the nearest personal chest.
    Gold Elementals would be able to be programmable up to 18, and Diamond Elementals up to 36 (or more if able, possily even have a scroll down inventory for programing so you could programs them with some very complex stuff like going to "this" spot, mine the nearst visable tin with an iron pick, bring it back and manuall place it onto of this type of block nearest to the elemental or programs then step by step.)

    Diamond Elementals would also be the only elemental that can manually use tool and relocate placed blocks.

    use the rotten fleshes zombieness and your exp to reanimate it all the way and create a living villager(testificate) stored in a spawn egg for our convenience more than 1 piece of rotten flesh will of course be necessary(like allot of rotten flesh and maybe some uum)

    what would be even more interesting but doubtful is if you could use several Zombie Flesh and UUM to create a "Life Block" and then use that to create several different types of golems, like take 4 cobble stone, 1 life block like this:
    :Compressed hyd. Coalclump: :Tin Ore: :Compressed hyd. Coalclump:
    :Tin Ore: MinecraftZombie :Tin Ore:
    :Compressed hyd. Coalclump: :Tin Ore: :Compressed hyd. Coalclump:

    :Compressed hyd. Coalclump: =nothing
    MinecraftZombie =lifeblock

    these would be created like your current golems but would provide an alternative to growing pumpkins and also create costum elemental villages. Lava, Stone, Water, Earth, Iron, Gold, Diamond, ect. and Diamond Golemns could be tameable "programable robots" or just wandering Elite defenders.

    maybe each golem could have an automatic function like Earth Golems would recycle items if you have a recycler nearby, Cobble Golems would take items to compressers, Lava would take nearby dusts to Furnaces, ect.

    Edit: Continuing this Off-Topic part of the thread into a new post.

    one problem with that. cactus farms

    creepers are like leaves according to notch and we already know gunpowder has redstone in it not uranium

    OH! other use for lab equipment turn zombie flesh into village spawn eggs

    cactus farms aren't really a problem if you go about making then right.

    notch said a creepers texture if that of dry leaves, kinda of like a Rock Lobster, just because if looks like a rock and feels like a rock doesn;t mean it is always a rock, also gunpower might not neccisarily have "redstone" in it, redstone might just be a catalyst to a chemical change and a higher output then most other chemical combination. real gunpowder is from charcoal/coal, sawdust, saltpeter and sulpher. so where are the sticks in our recipie? lol

    and i'm not sure what you mean by using zombie flesh to spawn a village. you mean like somehow using zombie flesh to basically create a "town-in-a-box"? i think you'd need alot more then just alittle bit of zombie flesh, specially since zombies aren;t even lured to dead meat, so you can;t even really set it as a "zombie invasion point" realistically (i know, i know, not everything has to be realistic, it's just a game.)