Posts by Snoochy

    you can agriculture roses or in the future harvest iron golems for them to but yeah the recipe needs to be shortened so how about rose dye + sand + inksack = redpaste then surround the copper ore block with redpaste, cook, and smash

    EDIT: actually squids are a pain to hunt so rose dye+sand=redpaste cook in furnace to get activated redpaste surround copper ore block with it to get redplastered ore block then cook to get redinfused ore block and then place and smash with pickaxe to get 1-3 redstone dust

    but with that your using up a Block ID for something as simply as redstone dust :p, it's be better to use inksac, red dye, and cobblt, then macerate it or just dye sand red

    with my idea it takes a stack of dye and a stack of wool to make like 5 dusts. do you think that's balanced or should we go for easier(when i have this worked out im going to post it in its own thread)

    yeah, alittle cheaper, specially if your using red dye cause red is fairly rare, even using bones you only get like 1-2 red flowers from each bone in a field if your lucky. and since you usually need alot of redstone to make something then 16-32 isn't really that much. and once you get iron picks or a diamond drill it'd be faster just to go down and find 1 deposit and get like 32-52 dusts from that on deposit in like 2 minutes.

    try to moderate how much time it takes between finding Red Flowers AND copper, as to how long it takes to go down to your mines which are already built and dig out like 50 blocks and find some redstone. make finding the Ores alittle more effective and faster, the red dye and copper solution if just for a little quick start for something like RE batteries.

    make lab equipment that uses your experience points to convert rotten flesh or bones in to uranium fragments like an IC2 enchanting table almost. that way you have to kill them your self. its perfect for late game cause you've mined everything near your base so mob hunting becomes everyones new hobby cause they are bored

    using your experience to make uranium, now there is an interesting concept. i approve.

    your going to need more than 5 at that price

    well if you ever make 10 the that's equal 50 collant cells at 75% heat, then with all the heat dispenser and other coolant cells you could perfectly maintain it at 75% for breeders. you could do all of this at the cost of maybe 18 uranium Cells. then when you start breeding your uranium then that's only alittle over 2 uranium ore that it took you to make all that. and if you actually had or found your own diamonds instead of making them from UUM then you could probly make closer to 20 of these cells off 18 uranium cells.

    hmm, i have no idea how hard this would be to code but it sounds like a decent idea, atleast while your actually building on something. also i'd recommend you using Construction foam for your "stone-age" industry, it looks almost exactly like Solid Stone but is explosion proof and can be painted however you want, i painted my warehouse to look like it was something out of Tron: Legacy, using black with red stripes for the first floor and black and blue for the second. also if you don;t like torches all over the place you could impliment Glowstone as walkways.

    in regards to your idea i would bury them all around my house with a ring of iron golems and cats to keep them from wandering too close.

    so you mean to be able to extract small amounts of uranium from the undead like "Uranium Nuggets" extracted from rotten flesh and bones. not a bad idea but that's get abused horribly by Mob Grinders.

    i'm thinking making redstone not energy crystals

    oh ok, you started off talking about being able to make a diamond out of redstone, or so i thought, so you kinda flopped around there. yeah that wouldn't be to bad, or you could just take copper, cobble, and Red Dye to make Red Stones, and then Macerate it into redstone dust. :p

    it looks like the molten cell but surrounded by horrendously expensive iridium plates I think its going to take more than a stack of uranium to make that

    nah, specially if you use scraps, also once you make a couple of these you'd never have to worry about making more cause i'd imagine once you get a few of these in a reactor then that reactor would be virtually imposibly for a knowledgable player to cause it to explode, so you'd be set for life with a fairly easy to manage Breeder Reactor, then every uranium ore you found you could make NDU-cells and charge them. and even in a self controlled MArk2-3 reactor you can get 28million energy from 6 cells, 28million EUs with scraps yields just under 168 UUM, so even if you made the iridium and diamonds from the matter you'd still come out alittle ontop. like i said, it's alot of effort but it's pay off in the long run, kind of like hobbies and tradeskills in real life, the most expensive part is starting up and getting all your tools and materials, after that then it because significantly profitable.

    just send the satellite up with a chest of lapatron crystals it can drop them back to earth like meteorites for you to recover the energy and by the time it runs out its orbit would have decayed. or have the satellite use its immense power to start lightning storms but I think I would get flamed into oblivion for suggesting that.

    lol, that would be an interesting idea, or have it just condense the solar energy into "sun-crystals" and drops those freely down to "Earth" these could be used like single use Lapotron crystals that are not rechargable. maybe even be able to place these as a "torch" if your able to do that and maintain the "durability" if the crystal. i'd totally use these as torches in my house and place them on shelves untill i needed them for energy.

    cause solar panels can't be used to make WMD's? jk i think there should be some way to have free nuclear.

    well it's kind of not free because it requires alot of time, time is more valuable then money or resources. so if it takes a while to benefit alittle then it should be ok, atleast that's how i see it.

    lets see what would be need for industrial redstone? well first you need something red so throw in some rose dye then you need some thing sorta living i guess (SACRIFICE A PIG! jk) mabey throw in some apples(also red) or some of those magical undead bones(heck redstone probably reanimated them in the first place) now it needs some thing earthy more coal? or maybe copper for conductivity? and then how do you put it all together? any thoughts?

    9 redstone to make a Redstone Ball, then 4 restone balls to make a Redstone Clump. then 4 Redstone Clumps and 2 uninsulated HV-wires to make a Incomplete Energy clump, then compressed to make an energy crystal? :D

    9*4=36, 36*4=144, 144/4=36, so it's only take 36 Redstone ORES found to make one.

    i think you should inpliment iridium in there somewhere cause iridium in real life has a melting point of 4471`F / 2466`C. iron melts at 2,800`F / 1538`C. that is about the 75%-50% range your looking for as a molten coolant: in which case you could make a perminent coolant cell with the recipie of:

    :Iridium: :Refined Iron: :Iridium:

    :Iridium: :Electrolyzed Water Cell: :Iridium:

    :Iridium: :Refined Iron: :Iridium:

    to make a Iridium Coolant cell.

    also with such a recipie the maintain a reactor at 50-75% it makes for perfect breeder reactors, so once a player burns though like 32-64 Uranium Cells then they would have enough energy to make these Iridium Coolant Cells to make a Breeder Reactor in order to start recharging their old cells and make better use of their uranium ores as well at the initial cost of and expensive reactor setup.

    how do you think i mine towards end game? my problem is when i start a new world it takes a while for me to get started with industrial craft cause you have to make that first trip to bottom with nothing more than a crude pick and your wits for your lapiz and gold and stuff(not so much diamonds I save all my coal for that. a stack of coal is a diamond after all) come to think of why not have a redstone equivalent to industrial diamonds?

    so aside from my reason for suggesting them do you actually have a problem with these ideas?

    when you start at the begining, just make plenty of torches and use the Diamond Sifting technique commonly used by all and avoid caves, this will prevent your "defending yourself" portion from mining.

    secondly, with plenty of practice of slaying mobs and pushing into a mob while beating them in the face with proper timing prevents you from ever taking damage, apart from the occassional skele arrow.

    i do agree with the redstone diamon idea although i'd probly prefer to compress them directly into Energy Crystals, instead of diamonds.

    back to the OP: i guess i'm for your ideas although it's unlikely i'd ever use them, unless we could Cross Breed and Selectively Breed these Melons to make better Melon Batteries potentially leading to a alternative to solar panels :p like my Amendmant of your idea and being able to cross them till you can make them into a 2-3 million EU single use-battery that outputs at 32eu/t

    lol, nah don;t worry about posting them here, once Alblaka reads this thread hopefully he'll reconsider and if he doesn't want to fool with the annoying/lazy folk then i'd be more then happy to do it for him and make a compedium for his more easily vieing pleasure, i'm on these forumns, seriously, about 7 hours a day because it's the only think i can do at work other then work and i brose them casually at home while i play other games so that i can reply to other's posts. atleast helping alblaka summerize and condense the ideas that he may feel of interest seems like a much better use of my time.

    lol, i wasn't trying to make a new Plant Suggestion thread, i was trying to make a suggestion to re-open the current one and for people to actually follow the rules and guide-lines this time. we can help alblaka make this system into something even better then it's already magnificant state. Alblaka had locked the current/old crop idea thread because of too many people being lazy or complete idiots and not reading his OP on the matter and completely removed 80% of the postes people were putting, more then likely becuse they were a completely rediculous idea that took up an entire page for 1 plant that simply combined like 8 other peoples ideas and made 1 super plant for all uses. in such case i'm sure (and hope) that they got banned since Alblaka made that obviously clear at the top of his OP. if you want a general idea of what to do and what not to do to check out the Thread as it currently is, it looks like he left most of the proper formats but left a few of the bad and then locked the thread.

    Move a few Posts upwards i've already suggested that (next to a Solaridea) and got pwned. :(

    lol, that you did it seems, i'd actually probly prefer to see the laser that way i don;t get curious and try to look down the hole of someone's roof like an underground base to see what is in the hole and get fried by an invisible laser :p they could be made from a laser but give it a texture like Water has so that it looks like the beams are coming down and not just some typical laser.