how do you think i mine towards end game? my problem is when i start a new world it takes a while for me to get started with industrial craft cause you have to make that first trip to bottom with nothing more than a crude pick and your wits for your lapiz and gold and stuff(not so much diamonds I save all my coal for that. a stack of coal is a diamond after all) come to think of why not have a redstone equivalent to industrial diamonds?
so aside from my reason for suggesting them do you actually have a problem with these ideas?
when you start at the begining, just make plenty of torches and use the Diamond Sifting technique commonly used by all and avoid caves, this will prevent your "defending yourself" portion from mining.
secondly, with plenty of practice of slaying mobs and pushing into a mob while beating them in the face with proper timing prevents you from ever taking damage, apart from the occassional skele arrow.
i do agree with the redstone diamon idea although i'd probly prefer to compress them directly into Energy Crystals, instead of diamonds.
back to the OP: i guess i'm for your ideas although it's unlikely i'd ever use them, unless we could Cross Breed and Selectively Breed these Melons to make better Melon Batteries potentially leading to a alternative to solar panels :p like my Amendmant of your idea and being able to cross them till you can make them into a 2-3 million EU single use-battery that outputs at 32eu/t