The server should be back online next week, I don't have a local copy of these files.
Posts by Player
In my opinion MC's experience system doesn't fit IC2 and other tech mods at all, it's way too magic/exotic/unrealistic and a completely different way of obtaining better tools/weapons/armor from the more upgrade driven path we use.
It should work if you encode the file in UTF-8, Notepad++ and others allow you to explicitly do so.
You need the full quantum armor set to block all (blockable) damage. A full nano suit absorbs 90% and runs out of energy quickly.
IC2 supports shipping language files now, we need your help to translate it to the various languages.
Please create a thread per language and attach the properties file. The file name is using the same country codes as vanilla Minecraft, the file extension is properties instead of lang. Language files have to be encoded using UTF-8. Using Notepad++ and setting it to UTF-8 is recommended if you are on Windows.
I'll add the properties files to the usual IC2 download/distribution, posting in this area implies you giving permissions to do so.
The server is currently having some issues, use in the meanwhile.
Well the (integrated) server was just busy processing for a long time, it'd eventually finish.
GregoriusT: They'll eventually get removed, not using them prevents compatibility with any 3rd party energy net implementations (which could be added through addons) or probably an alternative IC2 energy net using different mechanics.
Lordmau5: This sounds like you're not posting the event properly and your isAddedToEnergyNet always returns true. Have a look at ic2/api/energy/usage.txt in the api source zip to see how it's supposed to be used.
Implement IEnergySource and post the events EnergyTileLoadEvent, EnergyTileUnloadEvent and EnergyTileSourceEvent to the forge event bus when appropriate.
I'm getting geo gens making between 17 and 19 EU
Looks like conduction loss to me, the EU reader just shows the net amount with loss subtracted.
Something is way wrong with your configs, they seem to be corrupted (IC2's and at least TE's as well..)
[WARNING] [IC2] Error while trying to access configuration! java.lang.RuntimeException: Unknown character '\00' in 'C:/Users/******/AppData/Roaming/.minecraft/config/IC2.cfg:1'
IC2 is being distributed with names translated to srg names, which are mostly consistent across mc versions and independent of the actual names you see in mcp, name changes don't affect them.
FML translates every class to use those srg names while loading it at runtime.
I'll update IC2 to the latest forge/mappings after finishing these inventory changes.
Try the dev-deobf jar at
It should work as a library in eclipse, no trickery required. You need compatible mcp mappings though, using the same Forge version (see included build.txt) would be the easiest way to ensure this. -
IC2 is compiled against srg names, mcp's decompile expects the normal obfuscated names. You can use bon ( to turn it into mcp names and use the output as a library in eclipse.
You need BC 3.5.3 or later for working wooden pipes, 3.5.2 had a bug which basically ignored the whole side aspect.
BC does btw. still support the old Forge sided inventories.
Teleporters are a very advanced option to move around, the energy cost reflects this. Mystcraft or Portalgun are simply not balanced, they work just like admin-tp with predefined endpoints.
I'm considering a higher tier teleporter with support for inter-dimensional TPs, "pull"-TPs from/to mobile or configured endpoints and more storage.
The documentation on discharge says: @return Energy retrieved from the electric item
You are returning 0 = it's impossible to get any energy from your item, which is quite the opposite of an infinite energy source. You should return amount instead.
I think RailCraft may eventually add an electric locomotive. Their train concept seems much more appealing than just simple standalone minecarts imo.
The later builds at work with 1.5.1, expect plenty of breakage though.