Posts by GregoriusT
Arch, I made a new Config for Block Hardness, which is better than using the UB Config for Stone Hardness as it affects all Stones the same way. Just for the time we both update GT to .42, so you know about it in advance. You should then set the UB Stone values to their Default, because otherwise the GT Pickaxes break way too fast on Rocks.
You try to use ServerSide only Code on a Client
After removing galacticraft, input hatch accepts oxygen (that is, blast furnace works perfectly).
That line of code: return mRecipeMap == null || mRecipeMap.containsInput(aFluid);
part 1: mRecipeMap == null
Is true when chunk is very recently loaded. Not very interesting.part 2: mRecipeMap.containsInput(aFluid)
then:…/util/ line: return aFluid != null && mRecipeFluidMap.containsKey(aFluid);
where mRecipeFluidMap is public final Map> mRecipeFluidMap = new HashMap>();So there is a map with a key of class Fluid (from forge). When keys are equal for containsKey() method?
I didn't find this specified for HashMap, but for Map it is: (key==null ? k==null : key.equals(k))…Key%28java.lang.Object%29
Does forge Fluid implement equals() or hashCode()? No:…ftforge/fluids/
Then equality implementation of Object is used. Which may be comparison of internal addresses (pointers?) of objects. Oracle java documentation about that:…bject.html#hashCode%28%29What happens, when there are multiple oxygens, and only one is in a hash mRecipeFluidMap? Only that one will be accepted.
I don't know what exactly happens, but:
without galacticraft - everything works
with galacticraft - right after chunk load some oxygen (like 5000 liters) is accepted to input hatch (because mRecipeMap == null). After that, no oxygen is accepted. My base is far from world spawn, so chunk actually unloads/loads when I reconnect to server or switch dimensions. Oxygen in electrolyzer's output looks like the same GT oxygen, but that is just a visual, so might be disguised galacticraft's oxygen.The thing is that there are NO EQUAL Fluids with Forge, meaning a simple == Check is all it needs to check if a Fluid is the right one (and equals is not implemented in Fluids because there are no equal Fluids, anything else would break Forge itself). If GT Oxygen and GC Oxygen happen to share the same Fluid Name (and they do share it) then the one added later will not exist at all, because Forge doesn't allow that. Either GT Oxygen exists or GC Oxygen exists, but both cannot exist at the same time, meaning GC Oxygen cannot disguise as GT Oxygen and also not vice versa.
And even if that so called broken Oxygen enters, the Recipes will not accept those like 5000 Liters of it, meaning they are stuck in there forever being unused.
The only Bug here is that it accepts things when the RecipeMap is null. Maybe that should be changed to not let anything in when that Map is null. Maybe GC does something to the Fluid Registry that breaks Forge Fluids as a whole and that is the actual Problem. -
That Line only refuses to let the Fluid in if there is no Recipe using said Fluid. So even if it were able to enter the Machine, the Recipe would not process.
And if you happen to be piping the Stuff into the Hatch from a Side which is not the dedicated Input Side then this is your Problem, because Hatches only accept from one Side ONLY.
Why aren't the Configs on the Website too? I mean if everything else is there.
enabled the thread
Okay did you guys only vote the things which would result in a Rainbow? Anyways, this can't be taken serious anyways as this Hammering was intentionally added to make a difference compared to other Mods.
Does Classic still have the old Refined Iron or the new Steel Refined Iron?
The Plates are there to prevent Crafting Recipes from colliding with other Mods, and the Item Casings are there because Plates are too expensive in some Recipes.
Since I can't do anything productive right now I decided to watch a Speed Run of "I wanna be the Guy". That Game is extremely funny to watch as you get killed in pretty much every Situation.
Lol, Twilight Forest (The Mod itself, not this Server) should have a large Area around 0 0 where no special things are spawning, so the Spawn Points are always safe.
The last time i died in TF, i was send back to overworld spawn.
How many years was that ago? I once had a Base in Twilight Forest and I always respawned inside the Twilight Forest even without Bed.
I allways expected the spawnpoint to be inside the save spawntown. I tought is was made so you do not get killed right after spawning. There should be, like on the other Kirara servers, a place were you get a free flint axe to start and also some food. Then you can wait until morning and set out to adventure.
Exactly. This time we will have a Spawn Town preventing shit from happening (not that it ever happened). Last time Spawn was just a bunch of Portals and a Beacon with an Axegiving Hut.
What i also would like to have, but is likely much too dificult to implement would be a rising dificullty with distance from spawn. It should be possible with mob properties, but quite a lot of work, so i do not really expect it to happen.
My idea would be like: 500m around spawn, mobs are about as difficult as in vanilla but have no drops. After that with rising distance, the mobs become stronger and more and more special mobs start to spawn. To encurage people to travel away, the drops would also get better and maybe they would start dropping also some stuff needed for progression.
What do you think about that?
This would be a good Idea. Maybe not the drop thing, but the rest would be really good.
enabled the thread
Since when are Mobs hard to defeat? As long as they cannot break through Walls (without having a Player being close enough to the Wall to blow up a Creeper) and most of them don't walk around at day, they are always easy to beat. And Mobs have absolutely nothing to do with the ability to break Blocks without Tools.
Adventure Mode, the same thing we had on the last Server the whole time and never failed us, has nothing to do with Mob Hardness or Recipe Hardness. Adventure Mode is a different kind of Hardness, the smart kind of Hardness, where you have to think before doing things, like in the entirety of GregTech.
And Adventure Mode is almost unnoticeable to any normal playing person. Everyone is afraid of somehow getting stuck in a hole or something forever what never happened on a previous Server.
You guys are just trying to convince us that this slight inconvenience of having to think about what you do before you do it, is worth throwing a great Game Mechanic overboard, just because you want to punch your way through the World like an overpowered Karate Steve.
We need more votes for letting him enable Adventure Mode on the Hardcore Server. There are multiple Servers and those won't have Adventure Mode, just the Hardcore one should have! Don't listen to those people who don't know what they talk about.