Planning? A Base? Yes i plan a bit. First off i mark an exact chunk (16x16 aligned to the chunkgrid) to be my Tower.
Then, after i improvised a workshop there, i will build a RP- or BC-Factory in the first Basementlayer to produce "stuff" automatically so i will not have to Macerate or Smelt it manually.
Maybe i'm pumping Lava for Energy, depending on IC²-Addons, which are affecting Energyproduction (like advanced Solarpanels), in the second Basementlayer (under the Factory). Did i said that my base is ever build upon a Lavalake?
The layer 0 (above the Factory) is for my Workshop, where i'm putting stuff into the Factory and receive the finished Products to Craft anything i need. also theres the Only Surfaceentrance to my Tower (if there is one).
After i build my Tower a bit higher with many empty rooms for the Enchantmentable, the Bed and other stuff, i will add the Roof where my Crops are Planted in direct Sunlight, and add a few Advanced Solars on top of the roof if they are installed.
moment i have to place my netbook in another Lecture-room... Edit: that Room had bad WIFI, so i had to wait until i'm home now.
The Advanced-Solarpanels-Mod (there are more than one) i'm using is not the "put 8 Panels around a Transformer"-Mod it's THIS more expensive Mod where the Superpanels are costing Iridiumplates and UUM made by SeNtiMeL.