Posts by GregoriusT

    >Would you like to update?


    Problem solved.

    Better: Backup your minecraft.jar, say Yes to update, rename the update to minecraft125.jar place your backupped minecraft.jar to its old place and you will never asked again (until the next Update) and you have a minecraft 1.2.5 Backup for the future coming Mods.

    You really need more energy? Holy smokes, and I thought the lappack was big enough. How do you propose to carry all that material? If you really need to, bring a second lappack.


    You don't need more Energy in a backpackformat, even if so then make a second Lappack to change it in a nearby placed MFSU, which you've prepared for that purpose. So: if ("empty") then "goto MFSU";"change the Lappack";"goto last Position";"begin work again" else "work".

    You are earlier full of Cobble as your Lappack is empty so you can change the Pack simply when you run to your Cobblerecycler.

    I kinda like the idea of changing modes, but I had a different idea!

    How about macerating leaf blocks to get saplings?

    Build a Reminer* with RP (even with BC is that possible but much harder)

    It places and then directly mines a block. Thats good for getting Flint from Gravel, Snowballs from snowblocks or Clayballs from Clayblocks...

    * = the Reminer is a copyrighted Brandname by Eloraam :D

    hmm.. Interesting. And why you started using them because normaly 1st batery for me is already re-battery and you lose recourses through those SUB's. I dont even know why alblaka made them :D maybe for IC2 newbies.

    They are Stackable (64 * 1000EU == 64000EU) and so better than RE-Batteries or Batpacks in capability of Storage.

    I use the Batpack/Lappack instead of RE-Battery since IC² 1.81 made it possible to put these packs in the Energyinputslot of Machines and Storages.

    1. Have you ever used them:
    2. If you did,then where and why and when(start of game or when you were rolling on that world):
    3. Why you didnt used them:

    1. Yes but no longer since i know the a bit more efficient Superfuel
    2. Only at Gamestart and maybe in Miners but i use now Lapotrons for that.
    3. Too inefficient. I just use manned Watergens to start power my Base (ca. 8000 EU per useless Tiningot)

    You own your server, correct? You are admin, you have access to server commands.

    What's keeping you from just saying "/time set 0" and having it be morning? It's not very hard, and you only have to do it every 12 minutes... Or if you are really in the mood to hit the hay, just /kick those idlers (it's not rude, they are being inconsiderate of all the other players on the server by preventing everyone being able to change the time).

    Server commands are your frieeend.

    the problem is that hes AFK himself and then the only player on the World. He cant sleep because hes indeed AFK.

    What could you do against these AFK-Admin-Problems? Yes, a bot can solve that problem! I gave him a bot that constantly rightclicks his Bed so that he can go AFK without having to be there to sleep. I should have written a bot that types "/time set 0" into the commandline every 10 minutes but i'm too lazy for doing it now.

    yeah motion electro dummy doesn't move. also spider can tell between you and almost any other mob IRL sure they are dumb but IMC they are one of your most intelligent threats

    Spiders? Nope. Creepers can see through walls like them and stalking you, until you leave your Base and BOOM, Baseentrance exploded.

    Planning? A Base? Yes i plan a bit. First off i mark an exact chunk (16x16 aligned to the chunkgrid) to be my Tower.

    Then, after i improvised a workshop there, i will build a RP- or BC-Factory in the first Basementlayer to produce "stuff" automatically so i will not have to Macerate or Smelt it manually.

    Maybe i'm pumping Lava for Energy, depending on IC²-Addons, which are affecting Energyproduction (like advanced Solarpanels), in the second Basementlayer (under the Factory). Did i said that my base is ever build upon a Lavalake?

    The layer 0 (above the Factory) is for my Workshop, where i'm putting stuff into the Factory and receive the finished Products to Craft anything i need. also theres the Only Surfaceentrance to my Tower (if there is one).

    After i build my Tower a bit higher with many empty rooms for the Enchantmentable, the Bed and other stuff, i will add the Roof where my Crops are Planted in direct Sunlight, and add a few Advanced Solars on top of the roof if they are installed.

    moment i have to place my netbook in another Lecture-room... Edit: that Room had bad WIFI, so i had to wait until i'm home now.

    The Advanced-Solarpanels-Mod (there are more than one) i'm using is not the "put 8 Panels around a Transformer"-Mod it's THIS more expensive Mod where the Superpanels are costing Iridiumplates and UUM made by SeNtiMeL.

    Iridiumdrill, didn't that got denied? Alblaka made Lappack/Chestplate/Jetpack to let you choose between diffrent styles of playing and the Mininglaser is instamining everything but Explosionproof material.

    So the result is NO!

    And welcome to the forums

    The remote is a cute idea...

    Haha, Cuteness can be used as Weapon against your Enemys!!! Just create something extremly cute and show it your enemy and he will be knocked out immidiately.

    But back to the Remote. As i said there should be a controlblock/computer for the reactor to link it to. If you additionally want to switch the reactor off then you should use Wireless Redstone for it.