Posts by GregoriusT

    lava damage is 85%+ at 85% the reactor starts turning nearby blocks into lava, then the lava heats the reacctor more and it explodes, that's usually the point of no return.

    Hmm i returned twice from that point with CASUCs by mining them fast with the drill (reactor lost but not the Base)

    But i blew up a Base with a CASUC so it stands 2:1 for me.

    And i would've got your "Hulk Angry"-Achievement for the exploded one.

    lol, in which case you could create "modular" facilities to sell from a Trade-o-mat. just have your trade-o-mat label as "automated 64/sec iceblock generator" or "Compressed CASUC Reactor" in which case people could buy an already set up CASUC Reactor from you if they have no idea how to set one up, and then they just place the pumpkin to make the Snow Golem, cap it off, and run the cable.

    CASUC is a bit more difficult becaue it needs a 7x7x7 place for the reactor and the Reactor itself is in the middle so where to place the Controlblock or how to touch the Reactor with that Basecapsule? The Coolantsystem need an extracapsule and i'm sure that most people are too stupid to properly hook it up to the Reactor.

    I could sell those systems but i rather use them myself to get more resources, so i have to use the resources of the Player to build his Factorypart for a few Stacks of :Matter:.

    7x7x7 is enough for me to set up a fully automated Redpowerbased Megafactory. with 9x9x9 i could also add a Coalhydrator and a Reminer (places block and breaks it immidiately, usefull for decompress Clay/Snowblocks)

    usually things that only make life harder get rejected, especially if there is no way to gain from it, and even more especially if it causes an already hazardous mechanic to because even more hazardous when 75% of people don;t even use it anyways because it is to hazardous for them to understand and deal with. so when your making a suggestion think to yourself about who might want this in the game, who might not, what kind of deteriments and benefits are gained from it, will it better the minecraft experience, does it cause an imbalance in stuff that already exsists, does it itself seem like a reasonable idea that everyone might like. if you think even 25% of the people might say no, then think of a way that it might appeal to them as well.

    I would've added Radiation to ON nuclearreactors so that you need to wall around the reactor and have to swithc it off before going into the room, but i is already denied so theres nothing we can do with it, except you want to do it like the Lightningrodsuggesters, and just Spam Radiationthreads every once week.

    For that case i would borrow Alblakas Shotgun to BAM, DIE STALKER! 8)

    And by the way i see that slimeball to rubber is denied.

    since June 2011 and was nevermore suggested (and not even one has replied i think) and i said that in the Mainthread.

    Why we need a new Cable for Overcurrent. Ive never had that since the beginning of playing IC². And that only because i thougt that a MFE emits Coppercableusable current, because of Old IC1 references in the Wiki.

    - alternative Plantballrecipe

    Resin is already mentioned even if you say it doubles it (Slimeball -> Rubber == the same).
    Supercableinsulation (new cables are already denied)
    Batterie (All Batteries are denied)

    here is a great one! put a Slime ball in an upgrade slot of any Machine and have it as a Single use -50% Eu cost, that way we could use like 10-16 overclockers in one machine and then put in a stack of slime (lubricant) and a stack of ores into a macerator and almost instantly recieve all the macerated goods at 1/2 the cost. this would be a single use for the slime balls that would make them widely wanted and used to almost all players! :D

    keep in mind players harvest far more ores and coal then they do slimeballs. even now, daily my town makes about 4 stacks of slime balls, but over 30 stacks of maceratable goods. also if you spend your time hunting or farming slimes then you'll be taking time away from gathering your ores. i feel this is a fairly basic trade-off.

    i also agree with it's use of mixing with scrap fer fertalizer, maybe have it replace a Water Cell in a CFoam recipie, i agree with Sticky Dynamite and maybe put in it an extractor for 2 rubber? :D

    My Oilingsuggestion was already one-use and so Slimeballs would have a similar 1 use in increase of efficiency.

    The amount of rubber is left for Alblakas Balancing

    - somehow in CF-recipe

    Got a few random ideas, none great. Throw it in an extractor for fertiliser or grin powder, slimeballs + tfbp to give a "make this (not) a slime chunk" terraformer blueprint, electric tool grease to add 10% eu - only works on tools at 100% normal eu (must be fully charged, can only be used once until tool is recharged).

    - Slimechunkterraformer (Antiversion too)
    - Grinpowder
    - Fertilizer

    machine greasing? what do you mean

    I know that there was a Slimeball->Rubbersuggestion which got denied (Why?), but actually there are NO uses for Slimeballs, since Pistons can be stickyfied with resin and Magmacubes are dropping Magmacream.

    Does anyone has an idea what Slimeballs could be needed for? I have only Resin/Rubber.

    I want to get rid off these Slimeballs without using the Recycler or crafting not really needed (in large quantity) sticky Pistons.

    List of Ideas:
    - Resin/Rubber
    - Sticky Dynamite
    - Slimegun for "freezing" Enemys
    - Slimechunkterraformer (for getting even more Slimes???)
    - Antislimechunkterraformer (for less Slimechunks) // I overreaded the "(not)"
    - Grinpowder
    - Fertilizer
    - Increase Machineefficiency with Slimeballs like Oil as one-use-item (I had an Oilsuggestionthread for similar purposes for Oil)
    - somehow in CF-recipe
    - Slimeball + Sand == Clay
    - alternative Plantballrecipe
    - As fuel in Generator/Furnace
    - glitchy Boots (FUN)
    - better electrotreetap (collects directly into Inventory)
    - As nonreagent in a new Liquidmixingmachine (Miscelator)
    - In the Nanotechnology
    - Sticky Boots (for climbing imaginary Ladders)

    Every not ridiculusly stupid (Like Dirtbatteries) Idea will be added, no matter what i think about it.

    Make it have a miner attached and start drilling below base for resources after placing (draining internal energy reserves)

    This is going to be a ALL-IN-ONE-Machinesuggestion and i thought that was denied.

    Mobile Bases like Tents or these Capsulethings of Dragonball are a good idea for IC² anyway.