Posts by GregoriusT

    It requires you to either NBT Edit the block, or click 250,000 times. Not that easy really.

    Well, it becomes the new Cookie Clicker, Nerfed Edition, where you don't have anything other than the click to get Cookie Button.

    And clicking 250000 times is also needed for placing such a large amount of Blocks.

    Ignoring the lava costs (I mean, the nether - duh!)

    You grossly overestimate the amount of Lava in the Nether. If you go with loaded Chunks then you will get 21*21*16m*16m = 112896 m². Lets overestimate the amount of Lava by making it 8m deep resulting in 903168m³ of Lava. Every Geothermal needs a Bucket to work properly for a while resulting in 18063360 EU/t, what is barely a 13th of what you actually wanted to achieve.

    What about Solar Panels, remember that we have IC² Addons too (lets talk GT later), which can make 512EU/t per m² (at day at least), in which case we would make 57802752 EU/t if we don't use Chunk Loaders (there is a Network Anchor Addon meaning Railcraft is not required!). This is still a 5th of what we wanted to do, but it is closer than Lava from the Nether. With a 2048 Solar Panel we could almost do this!

    With GT Solar panels of ultimate OPness you can make 524288 EU/t per m² (m³ with the old glitches!). In that case you will need only 4768,37 Ultimate Voltage Panels. This would work for sure.

    Its simple!

    And that is why the Farmer people in Bavaria (Why does it have another Name in English for fucks sake, we don't call your Cities "Londinium" or "Neu York" too!) think Power Lines are so terrible that they basically wanna have Power outages to happen, just because they feel a slight cribbling when they are close to one of those things due to the grounding...

    Lol, prank doesn't count as grief IF the pranker undid the prank after that :)

    Wrong. The pranked person has to clean it up, BUT the Prank has to be fun and not extremely annoying. Correcting the Signs counts as a fun Prank (well it is not even bad enough to be called Prank, more like a reply),

    For example, if you put a Nuclear Control Alarm into someones Base there are two possibilities, an extremely annoying non-prankey one, and a well done regular Prank.

    The annoying one is just letting the Alarm ring all the time hurting your ears unless you turn Sound off.

    The Prank would be to let it ring randomly about every Hour, so you have no real chance of triangulating the Source.

    Note that this Network Lag only happens if the Modder decides to send the Data to the Client. In case of the GT Ores, the Data gets ONLY sent to the Client if it is not completely submerged in opaque Blocks. So only the Ores which are visible send their Data.

    Have you heard about the new Modding API, also called Plugin API, by Mojang which got released as Snapshot today? You know the kindof day people troll each other.

    So, there are 2 possibilities on how they wanna troll us:
    1. The API is not going to happen in 1.9.
    2. The API is happening in 1.9, and they posted it on April 1st just to make us believe that the API is not happening.

    Ofcourse the API will never be as useful as Forge and just works like early ModLoader, but will it be 1.9 or will it not be 1.9? And is 1.9 even happening at all? The last 1.9 got skipped and they went to 1.0 instead. So many Questions.

    But at least An Eggs Guide to Minecraft Episode 15 is finally out.

    Even stopped Wind Turbines would wear down IRL. The Force of the Wind against the Blades doesn't change, only the Rotation is stopped. The Blades would wear down EVEN FASTER when they get stopped.

    And before you ask "Why are those Turbines stopped during Storms", it is because the Dynamo behind the Wings cannot handle that much Rotation, and not because of the Wings themselves.

    But IRL those Wings don't really wear down at all unless during Storms, so the implementation of the Durability thing is a bit wrong compared to IRL.

    Can't they at least use the new : If hot biome, then only hot or mid temperature biome can be next to me, same rule can be applied with cold, and mid temp. biomes can go anywhere.

    That's how vanilla do biomes placements, since 1.7.10.

    Tell that to my 1.7.10 Desert Biomes which are right next to Ice Spikes.

    Because vanilla Minecraft doesn't make any effort to do so either.

    Worldgen works on Mathematical equations, and not on "this is here, so I need to continue generating with that". If it were making effort to fix Biome Borders, then the whole "same Random Seed = same World" would not work at all, since you can generate the Chunks of the World in different Order.