Posts by GregoriusT

    Now you say "never allowed", but you actually never bothered about it until now.

    I told you right in the beginning when you first placed it.

    Bibliocraft armorstands looks way better though.

    And why again do you complain about FPS lag? Oh right, it is definetly not all those additional Polygons from the Armor Stand.

    You should try fixing that issue on your side though.

    And how? I might have missed the Solution for that Problem.

    SpwnX, the Armor Stand which I never allowed in the first place is crashing me when logging into K1. I wanted to fix Ishis Issue but now I cannot even enter K1 at all because of your "decision" to not use GT for that sake.

    Also, Invultri, did you remove some Recipes of the Carpenter such as Scented Panelling? Because it would be unfair to disable the Alveary since some people already have those.

    Someone can't understand simple fact:
    repeating same shit again and again in every article does not make it useful or fun, repeating NEVER fun.
    wiki is for information,

    Every single HAYO Text is different from the other ones. There is no repeating.

    if you want fun - go and post your hayo on XKCD.

    You cannot post on XKCD (it does have Forums though). But it would be too offtopic since that Site isn't about Minecraft at all.

    also pile of shit near your door does not interfere with anything, it smells funny!

    Wouldn't be funny for you cause "repeating NEVER fun", I guess.

    Boom, headshot. Do not use the terniary operator if the outputs are true and false.

    natura = (IEConfig.naturaSupport && Loader.isModLoaded("Natura"));

    The && Operator stops executing Code once the first condition is false, since the outcome would always be false anyways. Those Operators are all optimized in that way. The || Operator stops executing Code once the first condition is true since it would be true in the end anyways.

    While the Terniary Operator has those optimizations too it is very hard to read the Code if you use it for booleans.

    Even if you don't code, you can probably guess what I did wrong here xD

    Okay I gonna shoot you for that piece of Code, not because of the small derpup on the Natura thing, but for every usage of the word "if" in it. Also I gonna shoot you for every "else" you made in this Code Block. Edit: Oh and also for every Bracket inside the Main Block too. I think I should use a Machine Gun for that.

    You know how to do it properly? properly is like this:

    baubles = Loader.isModLoaded("Baubles");
    natura = Loader.isModLoaded("Natura");
    frails = Loader.isModLoaded("floatingrails");

    And you made 5 Lines of Code where only one was needed and that 3 times in a row.

    Oh great, I just crashed K2...

    Lets hope the Item which crashed it got deleted. Oh and Invultri, is the server setup to delete Erroring TileEntities? Because the Item is inside a Fluid Terminal, so the Terminal should remove itself when loaded again if it is set to true in the Forge Configs.

    Let's see it like that: What happens if Microsoft fucks this up? I mean if it fucks up the greatest Game in History? What a reputation would Microsoft get if the largest Game Community of all time hates them?

    I think they know what happens then and try to not fuck it up and leave it as is.

    Microsoft would fuck up everything if they would do the "PC/Xbox exclusive" shit to Minecraft, or if they would try to port it to non-Java Languages. But they said that they will keep Crossplatform Support as it is now, and that is only possible using Java, since it would otherwise for sure kill the Unix Support and probably also the Apple Support, to switch away from Java.

    I bet they just take over all the merchandise Stuff, since Minecraft Accounts aren't that profitable compared to it (I mean on the long run it won't make the 2.500.000.000 back by itself), and also help Mojang with their "MS-Lawyers" in case shit happens. Otherwise aside from some people leaving, everything will probably stay as it is.

    He should add something like this to his signature:

    Warning: May contain random Bullshit, random Hostility and random Grammar. if you feel insulted by him, congrats, we all do.

    And killing them did absolutely nothing to alleviate the lag, which is now so bad that you actually time out when a lag spike happens. (like 90% of the time the server is around 0.1TPS, and when it gets back to normal, the moment is fleeting).

    I told you multiple times that it wasn't the Source of the Spike every Minute, and you know that. The Spike itself is a Chunkloading Issue.

    What I said was, that your Chickens created a CONSTANT lag on the Server, which was larger than BAs place of laggyness.