Watch the project die... Thunderdark has ideas for content fortunately, so he will keep stuff alive content wise.
That really sounds like you are depressed. You should have some more fun. I don't mean the Troll kind of fun, just regular fun.
Watch the project die... Thunderdark has ideas for content fortunately, so he will keep stuff alive content wise.
That really sounds like you are depressed. You should have some more fun. I don't mean the Troll kind of fun, just regular fun.
There are a few Threads on the Forge Forum about fixing the Sound Issues by registering the Sounds properly.
Call this Client Side and put the Sounds into the "assets/*nuclearcontrolmodid*/Sound" Folder
public void onSound(net.minecraftforge.client.event.sound.SoundLoadEvent event) {
And when you play Sounds, just insert "nuclearcontrolmodid:whateversound" into the PlaySound Function as always.
The question then becomes, how could another mod's packets be getting sent on our mod's packet channel, "kaijinAdvPwrMan"? And for the block coordinates where one of our mod's blocks happens to be placed?
I can only explain the Coords thing, as the Coords can happen due to TileEntities not invalidating properly (happened sometimes with Universal Electricity Mods), but that it gets into your Channel is very unlikely. I forgot about the Channel ID's. I apologize for bothering you, as I made a mistake, while trying to fix a Problem.
Found it. Even though it is really not an Error of yours, I know where the negative Value comes from.
public void receiveDescriptionData(int packetID, DataInputStream stream)
final int a;
final boolean b;
final boolean c;
a = stream.readInt();
b = stream.readBoolean();
c = stream.readBoolean();
catch (IOException e)
[b][u]chargeLevel = a;[/u][/b]
isPowering = b;
blockState = c;
worldObj.markBlockForUpdate(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord);
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It seems that some other Mod sends out a Packet, which somehow gets into your receiveDescriptionData Function, and then causes Problems with it's random Data.
I have a Question, what happens at Line 187 of com.kaijin.AdvPowerMan.BlockAdvPwrMan. I guess you access an Array, right? That is actually the Error. You must check the boundaries of the Array, before accessing it!
Items can have all kinds of damage values, like -1 for Wildcard in 1.4.7 and earlier, or 32767 for Wildcard in 1.5 and later. If such an ItemStack somehow exists, like for example in a GUI, or if such Stack is spawned in the World it will cause that exact Error, when the Game tries to render it. If the Array Index is out of Bounds you should default to the Item, which has the damage value of 0.
Karma is the idea that if you do bad things, bad things happen to you, good things make good things happen.
Lol, so everything I ever did was good or what? I know that there are probably hundred thousands of people hating me, and I still did nothing wrong Karma wise, as good things always happen to me. XD
I ofcourse know, that Karma is more of a religious thing, but the way it is getting used nowadays means basically good things happen to good people and bad things to bad people.
Who spills out the rumors about me being in an imaginary IC³ Team?
I wasnt talking about Universal Electricity. I was talking about the internal Energy System of GregTech, which is indeed 1:1 in comparsion to EU.
Loader.isModLoaded("gregtech_addon") works only in 1.6.2 and up. Before that I had the Mod ID uppercased (what seemingly causes Problems with the Filepath of Textures in 1.6).
And yes there are Tesseracts in GT.
Wait? It needs how much RAM you say? I just need 200MB to let it run, and I have a dozen Tabs opened.
Sheep are too insecure. Use the Chickens from your Incubator. You can even farm the automatically in vanilla.
Lulz, the Topic is not about "Circuit Breakers", it's about awesome looking Levers.
Titanium Dioxide can also be used to make Glass Rain resistant, as of you dont have to clean it all the time when it was raining. But that would have no use in MC aside from adding that to Solar Panels.
I dont know if that is really possible, but I think you can replace Functions in Java using reflection. I dont know if Java actually allows replacement of a single Function, but every Class has a List of Methods, so I guess one could manipulate the return Value of that Function by replacing the Method with your own.
You don't have to waste Block IDs for multiple things. For example, look at Railcraft, inc.; they compact every block they add into only 4 block IDs. All Machines, Controllers, Casings, ores, and everything else in Gregtech could, theoretically, only use up one ID slot, if done properly. If every mod developer did that, ID conflicts would become an almost non-existent for blocks. That's another suggestion, for Gregtech, and all other mods, if possible, to compact as many Blocks into as few IDs as possible. Now go
spam the Forge forumstell other developers, get the word to as many as possible.
Sometimes you really need a new Block ID. For example if you want to add Wooden Blocks, but only have Machines, Ores and Storage Blocks. For every Material you need another Block ID. Also you should not make mass placed Blocks TileEntites, as done in Railcraft. Covert did a good Job at doing that only for Stairs and Slabs, as these are not that often Placed. Guess why he didn't do these TileEntities for the normal full Blocks. It eats up Memory for nothing.
When Player added the TileEntities to the CFoam Blocks, he added a buttload of senseless Memory usage, even when you didn't obscurate the Blocks. CFoam is a Block, which is very often used, and it now causes Lag just due to being a TileEntity. That is a case, where I would have used another Block ID for the obscurated Version of the CFoam Block, so that regular and just colored CFoam don't increase Memory usage.
Your Problem is that you had the 500 seconds for that Recipe while testing. That has added a Config option for the Duration in the Dynamic Config, and now it always takes the duration from the Config.
This slightly unintended behavior will be fixed for the 1.6 Version by adding the default duration as additional Value to the Name of the Config.
They return the Cells ofcourse, like the regular Liquid Generators.