No wonder I was getting a stack of Green Sapphires from the Scrapboxinator. O.o
Fun Fact about the Scrapboxinator. It accepts 9 pieces of Scrap too, so that you don't need to craft the Boxes before.
No wonder I was getting a stack of Green Sapphires from the Scrapboxinator. O.o
Fun Fact about the Scrapboxinator. It accepts 9 pieces of Scrap too, so that you don't need to craft the Boxes before.
I have seen the IC² Changelog. It WAS RichardG.
P.S. I have seen that Bug too, btw.
Edit: Want evidence?
In case you wonder why the Link changed, it was because I derped at copying Links, because of selecting the wrong Tab to copy.
Edit: If you wonder why I was bashing RG so much, it's because I already got 5 Reports of this IC² Bug, what is definetly not my responsibility.
There was no reason. Everything worked perfectly fine before. Now it's broken by RichardG.
Yes, that is a serious Bug. RichardG broke it with full intention. Blame him. Send him flame and destruction, bla bla, you know the drill.
Sinnaj, the reference of the Beaver Brothers is "Because Science", and its always said when they have no Idea what the reason is.
There is BiomesO'Plenty for Beta1.7.3? Wow, that must be older than EBXL then.
Oh, right, but that is very Inefficient
Note that Galena Ore is very common. It has a Spawn Rate of 3xGold, but can only be processed via Electrolyzer.
I dont modify Charging Code of Electric Items. If there is a Problem, then you might wanna Check if your Glove still has the Capacitor inside. Without Capacitor you wont get any Charge into it.
Steam doesnt burn you. It cooks you. But it is hot so you will get damage.
Vanilla ISided (yes, that one is 100% Mojang) is far better than Forges Version. It lets you define, which Items go into or out of which Slot from which Side, and is not limited to Side and Range only, like the old and depricated Forge variant. It also lets you prevent outputting Input Items no matter, which Side your Automation is facing.
The vanilla ISided rules are:
a) Insert to Slot 0 (top slot) in vanilla furnace from top face
b) Insert fuels to Slot 1 (bottom slot) from side face
c) Extract product from Slot 2 (right slot) from the bottom face
c) Extract Output from ANY Side. (even though Hoppers are not capable of any other Side than downwards)
d) If Fuel Slot contains empty Bucket then extract that as well.
Buildcraft has no ISided anymore, and neither does Forge. Use the vanilla ISidedInventory.
I think this is enough to explain how RawCode always fails at something (mostly at understanding our moreless proper grammar).
Will a recipe be added to Remove the Upgrades and Loose them, but get the machine back? Or no?
Read the Q/A on the Main Thread.
@Beacon Power: You can already pull nonregenerative Energy from Nether Stars, and as you can see on that, you will probably also see that the Beacon is just a Solar Powered Effect distribution System, and not an Energy Generator.
Well, Alblaka still "just read the Bug section", so you know that he doesnt update his status.