*all laser turrets firing*
Alert detected a ship on collision course with this ship
Wait what? This cannot be true
*start transmission*
Thepowdertoy: This is Banhammer, do you read?
Thepowdertoy: Please change your course to 090, do you read?
Some random ship: kitchen kitchen kitchen
This ain't good, we have a spambot controlled ship in collision course with this ship, wait what is that? I can barely see the writing on the ship... It says RRU something something.. Wait, is that the same ship that Rock Raider talked about?
Thepowdertoy: This is Thepowdertoy, the owner of Banhammer. Raider, do you read?
Raider: Yes. what do you want?
Thepowdertoy: I need a full specification of your RRU ship, its weapon system, its propulsion system and your project to use the shield as an electromagnetic weapon
Raider: It can only ram
Thepowdertoy: NEVER EVER underestimate the power of ramming ship. It can easily create more damage than a nuke if it have enough mass and enough speed
Raider: Uploading all the ship spec to your computer
Thepowdertoy: Thanks now I just need to deal with this collision. AI, status
AI: Collision imminent
Thepowdertoy: Fusion reactor and air status?
AI: Fusion reactor are running at 78%, air reserve is for several years
Thepowdertoy: Override left dock safeties code Aghanim scepter
AI:Left bay dock safeties offline
Thepowdertoy: Overpressurize left bay dock to 20x atmospheric pressure and ready up left thrusters to full power
AI: Done
Thepowdertoy: Give me manual control and start counting down to collision
Then when the enemy ship is approximately 10 meters away from the ship, I press the button that vent the overpressurized left dock door and start the left thrusters, pushing it into right, dodging the ship
Thepowdertoy: How much time we have left?
AI: Approximately 2-3 hours before the enemy ship have enough velocity to destroy this ship