New problem: I got my piles sorted, but now I am having to do a little rewiring. The set in question is the one with 3 chamber units. I am think about just placing a line along them in the outer troughs made by the chambers with a single HV tranny at the end as a booster. I have already accepted the lag that it will generate, as the 96 piles in the hall will likely dwarf that, but possible losses from bounce-back will still be a problem. Is this something I need to be worried about or will the intersections be one way in nature? The new generators now produce 200EU/t each, giving the full 90 pile setup an output of 10440 EU/t.
I am also having a spot of trouble with wiring up the breaker room, but that would best be for another topic methinks.
An a side note, the arrays will work with snow cover.
The second setup (I found the space to expand the hall, which is in that hill):