Posts by narc

    It's an interesting idea, but it's also a massive change to the nuclear system, and we just recently had one of those. Do I understand correctly that you effectively want to replace the current system that's happening all in one block with one where all the reactor components are different blocks?

    I thought it would take about 5 minutes to write this addon. Turned out to take 10 minutes instead.

    It bugfixes IC2 v1.109.113 (the current 1.4.5 open beta) to re-add the uranium ore to ingot compressor recipe. If you're playing on a server, the server should have this mod installed -- clients can probably skip it, though that will mean any recipe guides will be unable to show you that it works.

    If you're curious, the source is available in the zip file and even on Github (for some reason). Yes, it really is that simple.

    Did I need to put anything else in here?


    "salty sweat" wich makes you immune to electric damage

    I'm not an electrical engineer, but I don't think that's how impurities in water work. Indeed, you may be thinking "makes you extra susceptible to electric damage", which sounds much more reasonable, if exceptionally useless.

    That was to explain the fact that even if something would takes 2 minutes to be implemented, if it's a minor function and if developpers aren't reading ... it won't be implemented. I'm not against this suggestion, why should I be ? It's convenient, but that a little thing, so I think develloper will simply missed it.

    Yeah, that's a sad but true fact of life.

    I'm suggesting that users expend no energy in fighting these suggestions and simply let them fail on their own lack of power.

    Oh! Well, that *is* what I do, but the tradition around here seems to be to ignore that everyone else has already said the same damn thing and repeat it. Maybe for post count, I don't know. If that's what you want to change, it's probably a bit of a quixotic struggle, but more power to you.

    Just grab Forge 318, put minecraft_server.jar next to it, put IC2 in the mods/ folder, and tell java to use the forge zip as a jar (java -jar This will work with any Forge >= 315, even. Lesser Forges require being installed in the jar, but you didn't say anything about 1.2.5. Bukkit may be different. know, the usual (yes, I am being facetious).

    They do have one, but it's hidden as the "EU/t" link in the first paragraph (in the case of the copper cable page). Might not be a bad idea to make a more explicit link.

    Let me go back and quote myself here.

    Make sense?

    Yes, but as I said, the raw material is basically worthless. Are you looking for brainstorming for every lightning-rod-equivalent suggestion? 'Cause, let me tell you, I have better things to do with my time.

    Honestly, I'm not sure you've been looking at the same suggestions forum I have. I've seen ideas that I wouldn't have given a second thought to being discussed and raised into vaguely interesting things, and I've seen interesting ideas get shot down (I even took one of them and turned it into an addon). The industrial potions suggestion I was talking about earlier? I personally think it's somewhere between boring and useless, but it's seen plenty of discussion and brainstorming.

    It's not quite random, but it's close enough that I'm more than willing to just put it down to different people having different opinions.

    Yeah right. But it would also takes 5 minutes for the dev to read that post ^^

    And I already made a 5-minutes-to-be-implemented suggestion (even less, in fact): Trade-O-Mat outputing redstone signal while trading 2 items. That would to me be useful to create "pay to enter"-like structures. But it has never been implemented. I think they simply forgot.

    So, because your suggestion wasn't implemented, you don't think this one should be, either? Or what?

    Incidentally, you should stop posting at the same time as I am, I keep having to go back and edit to avoid double posting, and that takes so much work! :P