Posts by narc

    The proxy is just a class that can be replaced at runtime by FML depending on whether the mod is running on client side or server side. I wasn't developing for pre-1.3 Forge so I couldn't tell you anything about major differences, but annotations seem to be fairly straightforward and not all that common. A lot of things have probably been renamed from where you remember them being, though.

    Oh, darn, I didn't think of painters at all. Um. Since a toolbox would store its items "inside itself", you could have a toolbox of painters if I upped the maximum to 16. Then you could have another toolbox of RP2 paint brushes and another for your regular tools, that kind of thing. I only just realized the difficulty of reaching tools when there are a lot of them is a good argument to keep the maximum fairly low (but 16 is a nice, roundsquare number).

    The recipe for the toolbox shouldn't be terribly complex, so having more than one sitting around isn't an issue. Telling them apart might be, but good tooltips could help there. Also, for that matter, color-coding.

    Okay, I'm pretty sure now I want to write this, it sounds like fun. I'm currently engaged in getting LiquidUU to minimum spec, though, so it may be a while.

    So, you think the block could emit power all by its lonesome? That might work... but I don't think the EnergyNet will be terribly happy with that. Really, a TileEntity is such a cheap thing, you might as well have it.

    I haven't actually implemented this myself, so can't speak to the result. Nonetheless, I think you want to be looking at ic2.api.EnergyNet, specifically so you can use addTileEntity() to add your generator to the ENet, removeTileEntity() to take it out again when the TE unloads, and emitEnergyFrom() to actually output energy.

    Anything else you want to add on is purely your TileEntity's problem, as far as I can tell. Implementing ic2.api.IEnergyEmitter may also help (the TileEntityBaseGenerator implementation is just returning true for emitsEnergyTo() at all times).

    See, the reason I'm asking is I'm vaguely considering writing this as a tiny little addon and I'm curious which way you'd want to go on it.

    So here's the tools I seem to end up using regularly: chainsaw (doubles as sword), Builcraft wrench, (occasionally swapped with) IC2 wrench, mining drill, and rarely, crowbar. I might consider adding silk touch and fortune pickaxes if I had the toolbox space, taking me up to 7 items. If linking books count (and they probably will), I might add the following/intra-linking book for getting back home, and possibly a portal gun if I decide to put that on again. That is a large number of useful tools to have all in one inventory space, and the "no two of the same type" limitation would let me add even more on top of that (though it would deny me one of the two pickaxes). Realistically, I need the first two items often enough that I'd probably leave them on hotbar permanently and just cycle the others in slot 3 (with toolbox at 4).

    What are your thoughts on the matter?

    Oh. Doubly-linked list. I like it. Why the restriction on not having two tools of the same type? Would you consider a restriction of max number of tools instead (e.g. 9)?

    My solution is having three monitors, but that obviously doesn't solve your problem. You could try GregTech for a nuclear planner; not sure what crop stuff you need to constantly reference -- tiers/keywords of things you haven't crossbred yet? That might be a useful little add-on, if someone wants to write it.

    Teaser time! Here's a mock-up of the not-yet-implemented GUI for the not-yet-working UUM-powered accelerator:

    Note that the accelerator's internal tank will hold only one bucket's worth of liquid UUM, but since the quantities most recipes will be working with are so small, it makes sense to have the tank on the GUI be fairly large. Also note the plan is for the tooltip on the UUM tank to display both quantity and number of operations remaining, on two lines, like the information display in the image.

    Operation-wise, think crafting table: you put something into the left side, and if it's a valid recipe (e.g. iron ore in a machine tied to a macerator), the result is displayed in the output slot and you can pull it out, which instantly consumes one (or more, if applicable) of the input materials, as well as the requisite amount of UUM from the tank.

    When? Not sure, but not long now, Murphy willing. Minecraft 1.4? Probably after the accelerator is ready.

    Tell me what you think.

    What I got from that was clicking the toolbox to rotate the "active" tool (one slot left of the toolbox) through several others that are somehow in the toolbox -- I don't see how one could insert multiple tools in the first place, either, but if that gets resolved, it might be an interesting implementation.

    ...Maybe left-click to have it munch a tool (without replacing it) and right-click to have it pull a tool out and swap it with another if another is present? Simple interface, easy to use.

    Ah, if Multiverse does what I think it does (create dimensions), then any dimensions with id > 127 (I think) are a little bugged with IC2 in general. This might've been fixed in the 1.107/8 betas (or perhaps even earlier?), but that won't really help you as you're pretty much stuck on your Minecraft version. Another mod that elicits this behaviour would be Mystcraft, which basically does the same thing as far as dimension management is concerned.

    I'll echo the thanks for the storage monitors. I'm using three of them on this world: one for purely display purposes, one for turning on "emergency" power generation when energy drops below 10%, and one for turning on a mass fabber to drain energy when the storage is over 95%. It was really easy to set them up, and they do their job beautifully.

    The idea of using them to limit storage amount in a charging bench I hadn't thought of -- that's a brilliant scheme. Thanks again!

    Scalability, my friend. For the resources you put into producing 100 Eu/tic, I can produce 800 Eu/Tic. This continues to scale up as you continue to increase the size of your power supply to meet ever-increasing demands.

    Oh! I feel stupid now. Of course we have different power demands. I'm more than satisfied with getting some UU out of the excess power from my 200 EU/t generation system and stopping there -- so for me it was just an exercise in "what's the most fun and new way of getting there". I'm afraid I don't see the point of accumulating UU just for the sake of having it, and beyond the amount needed to make three quantum suits (for all three regulars on my server), I didn't really feel like scaling EU generation up. I suppose it just ends up a difference in playing styles. Sorry for coming off a bit harsh.

    [...]Lava is free, man. Go to nether. Pump out lava. Done. With Thermal Expansion, it gets easier with 'Go to nether, collect netherrack, throw in Crucible for lava', since it is easier to automatically transport solids than liquids across dimensional boundaries.

    Iron, on the other hand, is far less common than 'near infinite' and has actual uses other than being an energy source

    This is true, but getting lava out of the nether is something I've done before and didn't really want to redo... although now that you mention it, when/if I plug Mystcraft into the server I'll probably set up a short portal track to autogather via tank carts -- just to keep my home lava storage topped off and maintain the ability to generate power even when the humus (and ingredients for it) run out.

    More immediately, and purely for this one game, I had the iron a lot closer than the lava, so I used it. It was... less irritating than I thought, especially since I cheated a bit and pretended I had the Railcraft 6.7 recipe for two turbine casings instead of one. But still, it was a lot of up-front investment.

    Playing with steam is indeed fun, but not to generate Eu. At least not with a Turbine. You can run an entire Manufactorum on Steam.

    Yes, I'm working up to a buildcraft/forestry room to use some of that excess I still have! Goodness, that max-size boiler makes a lot of steam.

    I'm a big fan of the Biofuel powered steam boiler. Sure, it may not be quite as efficient as running it on charcoal, but hey... it's still at a cost of 'some hummus'. The top tier steam engine can run the refinery, and one of the middle tier ones on your fermenter.

    Does biofuel do that much better than biomass? I don't really have the option yet, as I'm still running 1.3.2, but I was under the impression the biomass to biofuel conversion was fairly energy-inefficient.

    Call me crazy, but I don't see 'spending eight times less to build something' as having a stick up my ass about efficiency. If it was less than twice... maybe. But that's a LOT of iron you're throwing down the toilet for very low return on investment.

    There's that... but they don't really compare. Again, one-time costs neutralize themselves over time, so comparing them ends up a no-op after a few days. I can say I have yet to have to replace the turbine rotor in my oldest of two steam turbines, and I have the spare already cooked up and ready to go. That's... really good for maintenance, compared to the time I was putting into keeping all the farms and stuff going before I started automating with Logipipes.

    Again, that scales differently in RC 6.7, where turbines die faster and don't return as much energy, but for this one game, it worked nicely. I don't think I'll be repeating it, but for anyone wanting a variation on EU generation, I'd recommend it at least once. Do you disagree?

    [...]Some four hundred plus STEEL (not Iron) to generate 100 Eu/tic is pathetic. By way of contrast, Geothermals produce 20 Eu/tic at only 10 refined iron. Some eight TIMES as efficient on iron, much less the blast furnace conversion into steel. Plus, yanno, NOT eating up 33 steel over time, which will need to be replaced.

    We have differing opinions on this, and I think I know why: as far as I'm concerned, one-time costs don't exist, except as an initial hurdle. They do not factor into a long-term efficiency calculation because, given enough time, they tend to zero out. So comparing the one-time cost of 12 turbine casings to the one-time cost of five geothermal generators is a no-op for me: they're both zero.

    As for running costs, I'm matching these to the contents of my storage, and I can tell you I have tons more iron ready to be turned into steel than I do lava ready to turn into EUs. As the boiler is effectively free (it makes its own fuel, given the occasional infusion of some humus for the tree farm), steel vs. lava is all that counts.

    Now, if I had a stick up my ass about efficiency, I'd probably use that tree farm to make scaffolds to burn in regular generators -- their operating cost would thus drop to "just some humus every once in a while", which is extremely low. But I don't honestly care that much, and playing with steam is fun.

    On that same note, I could probably go nuclear (I don't recall if I have two or three complete stacks of uranium), which would have even lower running costs, but honestly I got over my fear of using one piece of coal to smelt fewer than eight items a long time ago, and that's about the level of anal-retentiveness that would be necessary for me to forget the steam turbine altogether.

    I was playing with this recently and have achieved a scaffold-burning max-size high-pressure Railcraft boiler getting its wood from a single Forestry tree farm (it even makes some profit in logs once the boiler is up to full heat). The boiler could run four turbines, and the tree farm, and make a few extra MJ on the side. While the cost of a whole bunch of steel every four days isn't completely ignorable, it's also well within capacity for late-game automated resource collection.

    As a note, I'm doing this in Railcraft 6.5, and the turbines (and probably boiler, as well) have been rebalanced in 6.7. However, I do suspect the greatest cost in setting all that up is getting the turbine casings and rotors in the first place. It's not really something that can be set up in early game, but should be okay by the time you start thinking about making UU.

    Why was it made this way in IC2? Because of historical reasons -- it was that way in IC1. Why was it set up this way in the first place? Because machines are really designed to be stationary, so moving them should require some cost (or at least risk of cost).

    Personally, I just find it annoying, so as soon as I make a wrench, I pair it with battery and circuit and that's basically that.