Have you tried downloading new copies of the forge files?
Posts by Hidinginthelight
I never did get my cookies...
*edit II* - "Failed to load mod class mod_IC2class" - using Forge 1.97 - Using Forge 114 and IC 1.95b works fine.
Well, now you are using the newer version of IC2, with an older version of forge. Same problem, different order. =)Looks like you need to get on both the client and the server.
You don't need modloader.
Just forge. If you still have problems you may want to back down to 3.3.7.*
And while you are at it, unless you need ic2 1.95b for a specific server, you may want to upgrade to Ic2 1.97. It may be an issue of the older version of IC2 not working with the newer versions of forge.
Have you tried a pickaxe?
Try dropping optifine into the jar again.
Or if you are using a launcher type thingy, make sure optifine is loading last.
If neither of those fix it try a fresh install. It's an optifine install issue.
Looks like you are either not putting forge into the jar, or something is wrong with the copy of forge that you have.
Make sure you are putting them into the jar and in the correct order.
Forge -
Use tin cable going from the watermills to a batbox, then copper from the batbox to machines. Try to limit lengths of copper cabling to 4.
The crash log will help us to help you.
Wrong version.
1.90 is for 1.2.4
You need 1.97
Where has it been said that they aren't compatible? Those 3 work flawlessly together, with out having to touch the configs.
(I think forge comes with a built in id resolver now as well. I just did a fresh install yesterday, and didn't have to touch the configs for anything. Even with mods that I know conflicted previously.)
Nah, IC2 and thaumcraft use the same ID range. (unless thaumcraft has changed it's default values since I installed.)
But like he said, in the config folder there are files that you can open up in a text editor, and change the values of one or the other to get things working.
If you use forestry along with buildcraft, the bottler will take lava from the pump and fill cells with it.
SSP, SMP, Both?
Are you using IDresolver? 4096id fix? Which 4096 fix (mod author) if you are using one?
What version of Forge? -
Seems like a reasonable enough compromise.
And as far as adding something that would make people unhappy, why not add a config option? configs are there to help us customize how we wanna play.I'm with GT on this. If it bothers you that you can swap upgrades, don't swap them.
Making it a config option doesn't change anything. If you don't have the will power to not swap them, you're just going to open up the config file and allow yourself to swap them when you want to anyways.You want a personal preference to be added as a config option.
I personally don't use any of the IC2 armors as they seem OP to me. I don't need a config option to disable them, I just don't make them for myself while playing.
Watch direwolf20 on youtube. http://www.youtube.com/playlis…79447DB05EC8&feature=plcp
Start watching at with the first episode of season 4.
He uses a lot of other mods, but he explains things very well. And he gets to the basics of IC2 quickly.
This looks like a problem to take over to Mcportcentral. From what I can see this is a Tekkit or bukkit server, and your not going to get support for either of those here.
Post a screen shot of your setup if you wouldn't mind. It'll help people see what you have going on.
I don't see a switch cable on the wiki.
Just the splitter that turns on/off based off a redstone signal.