Posts by jppk1

    its a working idea, with time... but the storage should be about 90% of lappack, and energy production, idk probably about 128 eu/t
    could also charge mfsu/mfe/batbox while you access their gui's

    You basically just said that 2 uranium dust+Iridium plate=128EU/t*20(ticks)*200(days*minutes)=512k EU. If you would get that amount of energy from two uranium alone that would be inefficient enough, and you say that it also needs a 4,6 million EU, a diamond and some extra advanced alloy costing iridium plate? Balance? Never heard of it.

    Tier 4 lappack, ten new recipies without any other use and no actual values from someone with one post, no.

    Yeah, the RP2 ores don't work with the Miner (by default). It sucks, but it's true.

    You don't really have to add them resource wise in my opinion, as tungsten is completely useless right now and I don't need that much nikolite nor gems(for decorations) even as I do use RP quite a lot.
    I wouldn't use the battery even if it was implemented if the e-net with frames is fixed in the next version(casuc and blutricity powered spaceship anyone?).

    Stable reactors are already very easy to build, especially with the reactor planner tool, and the reactor having a chance to blow up is just one part of the fun. For the water pipes->reactor, it isn't a very good idea as casuc-reactors are quite easy to build and either it would be ridiculously OP or just plain useless.

    Do you want that poor Steve dies from radiation poisoning? Are you mad? Just 50 items for a refined uranium bar? I don't even...
    You haven't thought about your idea at all(I hope). With the energy from one refined uranium in the simplest possible reactor you can cook 100 times more in a regular and almost 200 times more items in an induction furnace. I know which way I would choose for smelting stuff.

    Try this:
    Backup your .minecraft somewhere else if you have have worlds you would like to save. Then delete the .minecraft folder in /roaming and launch minecraft. It should redownload all of the vanilla files. Install modloader, minecraft forge, 4k BlockIDs fix and then codechickencore and NEI in that order, delete meta-inf, launch minecraft and then install IC2 and redpower 2 to the mods folder. Do not install ID resolver at all.
    Start minecraft and create a new world. Go to the NEI options menu and select the block ID settings. Click on the "Create blockID dump" button and then install the rest of the mods and if it crashes, go to the configs and edit them according to the empty block IDs in "IDMap Dump.txt". This should work, otherwise the mods you are trying to install are incompatible with each other.

    You're trying with a fresh minecraft download every time, right?
    Try this version of forge, if doesn't work, redownload IC, if it doesn't work, list your mods. All of them. Possibly the modloader.txt when minecraft first initializes.

    Don't really understand how...
    If using buildcraft-matter of transportation, and Ghasts. If using just cells-runing over to the neither and back is kinda long+tin.
    Im not kinda the one who keeps tin, but in THAT case it will be waisted extremly fast.

    1. Mine tin ore, then macerate and smelt in and make it into cells.
    2. Go to the nether and find lava.
    3. ???
    4. Profit!

    Seriously to achieve the same amount of energy you get with blaze rods you need to burn 1,2 lava cells per minute. You can gather about two stacks of them in a minute in the nether if you are quick. That's enough for over 1,75h, so it leaves you quite a bit of time to mine the 32 tin(16 ore) you need for it. Not to mention geothermals don't waste energy in the beginning when it actually somewhat matters.

    Anyway i tried it it did not work and did not transfer 128 EU/t.

    If I let all Transformers 3-dot side face left it transports me 32 ok that`s good.
    But if i would face every second right, i would have to apply a redstone signal to every second and the copper cable would melt so please tell me again how do i transport 128 EU/t with copper cable and LV-Transformers

    derp. *facepalm* at myself :wacko: . I don't have an idea why I posted that as it should be like this:
    :Cable: :Cable: :Cable: :Cable: :LV-Transformer: :Glass Fibre: :Glass Fibre: :LV-Transformer: :Cable: :Cable: :Cable: :Cable: :LV-Transformer: :Glass Fibre: :Glass Fibre: :LV-Transformer: :Cable: :Cable: :Cable: :Cable: :LV-Transformer:
    :Glass Fibre: = gold cable with atleast 1x insulation. Three dotted sides facing the gold cable and transformers before gold cable redstoned. You can also remove the gold cable altogether and put the transformers right next to each other. Gold is quite useless so I recommend the first one, and it's transporting 4x more EU than a row of batboxes so it's a lot cheaper.


    8 minutes of fire resistance potion is enough to get ~32 blaze rods. And its only if you haven't got looting sword.
    32*6=192.000 EU.
    Sooner or later you'll get your looting III, i get 64+-15 rods. Sometimes more.
    But you can have TWO spawners nearby, so instead of waiting till blazes
    spawn again you can go to the 2nd. That will get you even more rods.

    That's still inefficient. You can earn energy way faster by spamming lava cells. Yes, it costs more to make the tin cells from UUM but at that point half a million energy isn't anything, and afaik looting 3 requires quite a lot of experience(at least 200 mobs). It's just easier to mine 0,4 tin ore per minute[lava cell=20k EU/0,25 tin, blaze rods w/o looting estimated for about 64k EU/min, that's 2,6 times more than in your first calculation] and you get other resources as well. And your calculations are wrong, a blaze rod gives 5 blaze powder, not six. Note to self: powder and rods: different.
    Edit:actually you gain 30k/tin bar even with massfabricated cells if the UU-matter is made with scrap.

    Gunpowder is renewable, but that is another thing you have to be sitting next to make it work, as mobs only spawn 128 blocks away from you. And yes, biofuel is worth than it costs to make it if you add gunpowder to it, but that requires you to be near the mob spawner, so you can't go mining while you do that. Going hunting for creepers nets you about 8k EU per gunpowder if used optimally, so in the long run, in under an hour, the time spent in mining has gained you way more energy even if you build your inefficient solar panels.
    Your suggestion of nerfing watermills that use water cells doesn't really work out as a tin bar used that way nets you just 8k EU.
    About the LV-transformers, set them up like this:
    :LV-Transformer: :Cable: :Cable: :Cable: :Cable: :LV-Transformer: :Cable: :Cable: :Cable: :Cable: :LV-Transformer: :Cable: :Cable: :Cable: :Cable: :LV-Transformer:
    This setup can be used to transfer 128EU/t, you will need to place every second transformers triple-dot side left and in the rest of them facing right.
    Solar energy is pretty much useless when compared to anything else as it costs a lot and doesn't really have any other perks than taking a small amount of space and being "fire-and-forget". Windmills produce more on average and watermills can be placed anywhere, though both require much more room to be used effectively.

    Yep, it is, but on the other hand IC2 has many different types of generators with a bit more variety in the resource cost than the RP solar panels which only really cost 36 nikolite,4 coal and a silver bar. And thermopiles aren't exactly great if you have the possibility of using the solar panels.

    Then the solution is quite obvious. Get the other version(and do a fresh install but copy the configs and saves).AND WRITE IN THEY GREY ARE, NOT IN THE WHITE ONE!