No it is practically crystallized!
i think purely becuase of that post it must be implemented,
also: everyone aboard the quote train! choochoo
No it is practically crystallized!
i think purely becuase of that post it must be implemented,
also: everyone aboard the quote train! choochoo
also eating tincans give maximum food saturation level, making you require eating less often anyway.
the first is plausible but i see no use really. the second if deff disguised magic.
hows the rewrite coming along?
HV transformers can take oversize packets so connect it directly to a hv transformer
Yes, Adjustable Electric Engines can be hooked up to Refineries. It won't explode if you accidentally give it maximum output, but it will waste a crapton of energy. I'm not sure on how much MJ/t is required to get the Refinery full spped, largely because I'm getting it green with as little as 6 MJ/t according to the GUI (admittedly, after some waiting time), and I'm (pretty) sure that's not right. The Fast Electric Engine outputs 10 MJ/t, which is enough for full speed immediately.
I figure the Refinery expends 5 MJ/t, so the extra MJ/t goes to the buffer.
Why does the mod need Builders, anyway?
The Refinery and quarry both take upto 10mj/t i run 8 quarrys and set my adjustable engine to put out 81mj (10 per quarry 1 for line loss compensation)
the quarry works with a internal energy buffer. the more energy in said buffer the faster it works and the faster is drains its buffer. so it stays at a level speed after you fill the buffer to equilibrium (50% at 5mj/tick 80% at 8mj/tick ect) not sure if the refinery uses the same mechanic but i guess it would with the way it ramps up speed
well i already have a 32 engine powerplant feeding a HV pneumatic gen. I don't see any need for a direct fuel>eu generator, i prefer the planning and expense of a water cooled setup considering the HUGE amount of eu that is in fuel (500000eu per bucket ~480000 if you count the cost to refine) so by my calculations i have around 40 BILLION eu in fuel storage and another 120 billion in the umpumped oil deposit
there's a bug with the recipe for the adjustable engine. you got the metadata for the lapos wrong it can only be crafted with TMI'd lapos not legit ones (tried charged and uncharged)
works a treat in SP with forge build 90 + optifine Multicore, alongside: Buildcraft 3.x, redpower pr5, thaumcraft 2, forestry, no more lag than usual and no major memory leaks (runs my full multi-mod factory for 4 hours before it runs outta memory) thanks for the early update
i hope he pays for more than his share of electric then. and lets you get first dibs on the best buds (if you partake)
buildcraft forums are thataway >>>
So will this whole satellite infrastructure system allow for wireless transmission of redstone signals across large distances? That would be fantastic! Also, I'm not one to ask for an ETA or anything, but do you anticipate that it's something that might be finished within a month or so, or perhaps a more extensive period of time?…-11wireless-redstone-v15/
no need for him to do that to be honest
Waste of "Alblakas"(development time/effort of the team).
(i use railcraft personally)
have you actually TRIED canning food (and the eating it) before you came to post?
canned food heals hearts, INSTANTLY. but does not restore hunger. its fine as it is. if anything it needs a nerf. a stack of 64 cans of food and you can tank ~4 hardmode zombies beating on you for almost 20 seconds with NO armour. 1 cooked beef = 4 cans, 1 Zombie Flesh = 1(2?) cans.
sorha is right, the OD only does 2 to each side for 5x5
any way with the api to make the iFurnace work with pipes like they did in fistybuns patch? (link) rather than taking from the first stack, 2.2.1 and 1.15 work fine for the mostpart, this is the only real gripe
thanks fisty that patch works wonderfully. have you contacted spacetoad yet? might be able to get your edits made into a full blown IC2-BC compatibility mod hopefully getting it to work with IC2 addons like rotary macerator. i especially like your method of splitting stacks to get maximum usage of the double smelt. also could you extend the "any orientation input/output" edits to work with every other machine? i feel no need to ever put anything into the battery slot and this allows me to feed input from the side or bottom and catch overflow with obs pipes much easier then a top feed system.
i suggest that the mass fabricator puts out a redstone signal if it has amplifier charge or scrap in it,
reason: so that people can setup their powergrid to only power a massfab at a efficient power usage. turning off current when there is no amp