As i have said befor its is not a blueprint and only a idea.. i will not take anymore time to draw out a plan cause you are fucking assholes..... i have real life shit to deal with AND REAL EQUTMENT to work on... fuck off you assholes, you think people need to do shit your way cause you think your so smart with code.. but couldnt change your car tire..
First, somehow I think you lack the capability to change a car tire as well based on your spelling of 'equipment' (assuming that's what you were going for). Secondly, you're not going to take the time to draw out a plan because A. Your idea is stupid, and B. I doubt you even had a plan in the first place. Third, yes people need "to do shit my way" because it's the way clearly labeled in the rules which nobody else here seems to have a problem with. Fourth, you obviously must be extremely busy so I won't waste anymore of your very important time or else you would check over your posts to make sure that they A. Don't make you sound like an idiotic prick (barring the idiotic part, there's some irony in that statement), and B. Actually help advance your "suggestion" in any way. Fifth, I've said this before, these are not "blueprints" or "ideas", they are suggestions, in other words you suggest something practical to add to the game after giving it some actual thought (See suggestions made by Esteel to see what actual thought means).
Conclusion: If I came off as an asshole in the above post, good, sometimes I find it takes an asshole to deal with an asshole, now where's my quote? Ah yes
I'll learn to manage being an asshole when people learn to manage their stupidity
What you could have said in that post instead of what you did say could have gone along the lines of this
"I'm sorry for coming off in the wrong way, I've had some real life stuff to deal with lately and I've been dealing with it by insulting all of you, now here's how my suggestion was really supposed to work [insert long and thought out suggestion that could be accepted by the community here]"
See the difference? The second one would have A. Not made me make this post and instead offer some constructive criticism on the topic, and B. I probably would have forgiven you for the whole "if you don't like my idea you're an asshole" attitude from earlier