Posts by CrafterOfMines57

    I hate to say it in this case, but already suggested here and here, however due to both of those threads being 5+ months old and not including recipes (it may have been deleted in one) I will give this a +1

    EDIT: I've gone 278 posts so far without being Ninja'd, so congrats to Cataclisto for being the first!

    I think I have it, The triangles indicate dusts, T for tin, C for copper, r for redstone, I don't know how I didn't see this earlier, everything in the original inventory image is there for a reason, so what does this mean for the gold?

    EDIT: I would assume this applies to the bars labeled T and C that I have seen in the recipes


    On the top-left, there is an 'o = [electricity]' equation, and in the top middle there is some sort of table combining 'o', a mysterious 'H', and getting a product -- looking at the table, I wonder if there is a relationship between o and H. I can't help but notice for the bit after the equal sign -- 1*1(4/1) = 4, 2*3(4/1) = 12, 3*6(4/3) = 24, and 4*10(4/4) = 40. Hmmm...

    Yeah I saw that, although I think it is some formula for reactor heat due to the note that says "Needs Cooling" and "HOT" after o reaches 4, so H might be heat, but I'm unsure where this leaves us in terms of o

    EDIT: Possibly uranium cells, it seems to make sense in the terms of both heat and electricity being produced

    Je, I intended to have my fun by leaning back and watching you in your attempts to decypher my crappy handwriting,

    It's. Just. So. Crappy! Something called D.C.P. is mentioned everywhere in it and apparently used in just about everything, but about the only word I can make out about where it is explained is "compress". Without that I was able to make out the following things

    -Reactors might have something about needing "air" to keep them cool which appears to be "sucked in" by something created by
    :Refined Iron: :Wind Mill: :Refined Iron:
    :Wind Mill: :Mining Pipe :Wind Mill:
    :Refined Iron: :Wind Mill: :Refined Iron:
    Where :Wind Mill: = Iron Bars (based off the inclusion of Iron Bars in the original image's inventory and the similarity between what they look like and the symbol #) and :Mining Pipe = Nothing
    It appears to be represented by a symbol similar to :Intergrated Heat Dispenser: in the image

    -There is something called an "LED" I'm not certain if it has a use, but it appears to be used in several crafting recipes (I believe it's the bottom-right red thing in the original image)
    The crafting recipe seems to be
    :Mining Pipe :Electronic Circuit: :Mining Pipe
    |T| D.C.P. |T|
    :Mining Pipe |T| :Mining Pipe
    As of the time of this writing I have yet to see any indication as to what T is

    -There appears to be a new thing called super-mesh, it's use is not known to me at this time but once again D.C.P. is used in its creation

    -I think the new alloy might be made by the following recipe
    :Mining Pipe |O| :Mining Pipe
    :Bronze Dust: :Intergrated Plating: :Bronze Dust:
    :Bronze Dust: :Wind Mill: :Bronze Dust:
    Where |O|=Orange Dye?? (Due to the note stating "make it Orange" however the note in the top left indicates that o= 4H and due to the inclusion of coal dust and water cells, I am inclined to believe H might be hydrated coal dust, although the graph to the next of it uses both o and H and does not seem to indicate this), :Bronze Dust: = Redstone, :Intergrated Plating: = Mixed Metal Alloy?? (complete guess)

    EDIT: |O| may indicate uranium cell, it doesn't exactly make sense in this recipe, but the note in the top left puts the symbol directly under what I assume is a uranium cell and the image next to it shows what I assume to be two uranium cells with two o's under them

    That's all I have been able to decipher so far, and most of it is probably wrong, so if anyone can read the writing above the giant D.C.P. label, or think they have figured out what |O|, |T|,|C|, and |r| are, it would be of great use in entertaining Alblaka with our hilariously wrong guesses

    This may not be the problem, but do you have Risugami's modloader for the server installed? If you do I think that is unnecessary and looking at the error log it appears as if Forge Modloader is not loading properly

    Not true either, if you're talking about solar panels (to which IC2's website redirects). One solar panel generates 1 EU/t, i.e. 1/20 EU/s == .05 EU/s.

    Dang dude, check the dates! The post you replied to is over a year and a month old, and I don't think Zane6888 posts anymore, not only that but your information is also wrong. 1 EU/T means it generates 1 EU EVERY T therefore it will output 20 EU/s if in the middle of day, you could have checked that yourself by seeing that your batbox connected to a single panel is making much much more than .05 EU/s, all of this combined with posting in the IC section (the wiki you checked is IC2 and therefore liable to not be correct here) as well this being your first post... I'm done here

    Your modlist says that Transmuting and Collecting of Energy is diabled, so what is the use of the mod?

    As someone once said, EE is only overpowered if you use it that way (which coincidentally is how like 90% of people use it), so I would assume that it is still in for the other neat things it can add to the game for people sufficiently advanced in the way of UU-Matter

    There's a thread for thanking the developers as well as an IC2 API, as long as you don't make money off it, your addons are perfectly legal and welcomed

    Did you also see what looks like a new alloy on the bottom row of the image? Possibly a new item to make these new components. I like the idea of quad-uranium and coolant cells, but did you see the top right most item? Some items apparently now stack in reactors, unthinkable!