Posts by CrafterOfMines57

    I definitely like the idea because then good suggestions wouldn't just get buried beneath the slew of crap ones, but I'm not certain the current forum software is capable of doing this, if it is then I am all for it

    There is no way to convert lv into 5 eu packets without using cable related losses, also, luminators kill mobs now? What? Theoretically even if you were to use the current running from a cable into luminators it would damage mobs very very slowly and not be an effective mob defense in any meaningful way, it would be probably more effective to just put cactus blocks in the area

    The reason why they are so expensive is because they are basically free set and forget generators, with your recipe tweaks I think that they would be even more op than they already are, due to the fact that coal is so common pretty much everywhere, and that glass can be made from cobblestone given a little energy, overall I think that the current recipe as it stands is fine

    From a coding aspect I can sort of see where this might be easier to implement if it is basically a battery that doesn't lose energy and instead gives it off, however conceptually it is the same as an infinite generator just in battery form correct?

    I understand that it is an item similar to a battery but with infinite power, but I still don't see much difference between putting this into an MFSU and hooking up an infinite generator to an MFSU, can you explain how your suggestion differs from a standard infinite energy source?

    Derp! get all mad about it! People aren't searching on purpose to piss you off!

    Are you a conspiracy theorist? Obviously hundreds of people are coming on here just to make suggestions that have already been suggested for the sole purpose of pissing people off, that is the most obvious explanation isn't it? It's practically standard for people to inform others that have not used the search bar of the existence of the search bar, as anyone stupid enough to be incapable of locating the forum rules which explicitly state on the first line in the first post in the first thread on the suggestions section


    First of all make sure that your suggestion isn't posted already.

    is going to need help locating the search bar

    FYI, I don't think anyone that matters as far as getting anything implemented looks at these forums to often, what you will see if you look thru a few threads is FenixR going full tard on almost everyone that posts like he owns and maintains the mod. I think your idea is good and that this sight has piss poor moderation and some of worst forum users I have had the displeasure of communicating with (if you'd call it that)

    FenixR going "full tard" as you say is completely justified here, if the ops of the threads such as this one, and to a lesser extent you, are not going to take the time to read and understand the rules of the forum, why the hell should anyone take the time to make a constructive response to anything they have to suggest?

    TL;DR I'll learn to manage being an asshole when people learn to manage their stupidity

    Damn, this has got to be one of the most though out suggestions I have ever seen, and finally one that I don't have to go "lolz lern to serch noob", that aside I will attempt to offer constructive criticism here.


    - Damage Resistance (Armor, ect)

    - Health Modification (Healing, regeneration, ect.)

    - FoodSaturation/hunger (foodSaturationLevel is a hidden stat that affects how quickly hunger degrades)

    Yes. Just yes. I believe that someone mentioned once that IC2 is all about providing industrial upgrades to existing minecraft systems, with booze being an upgrade to potions, however even though some of the current effects can be fun and occasionally useful, there are not really enough positive status effects to be truly worth the tremendous wait time in order to obtain said booze, instead turning it essentially into some fun on the side

    This is pretty well thought out in that they balance each other based on the ratio, almost allowing customizable positive effects. I don't like the brewed instantly for a regular brew though, I think the point of booze is that it is supposed to take time to earn it


    - Existing effects are not threatened.

    Yeah, this should probably keep existing effects in there, this suggestion should be seen as an addition not a complete rework (although it kind of is)


    - Some negative effects need to be much more rare the better the brew is
    (fermentation length), such as blindness or miner's fatigue.

    I completely agree with this, it would create a choice of being able to mass produce brews with a high chance of bad effects, or create a small amount of properly fermented brews


    - Water: This affects the strength of the brew's properties, such that
    more water (like Lite brew) will lessen the effects of the brew, but
    will also lessen the strength of the drunkenness.

    You definitely thought this through with balance in mind, I like it due to the fact that in order to achieve better positive effects (i.e. regeneration) you must take with them the negative drunkenness which

    was also pretty well done here with a clearly incremented system of negative effects, the only problem I note is in


    Slight screen shake on collision

    Are you talking about collision with blocks? Collision with anything? This seemed a bit vague to me

    I don't think we should needlessly implement additional booze types, although I do think the flavoring idea could be expanded upon and make a good addition to the main post and


    - Apples: Cider

    I think I know of a particular forum user that might like this idea a lot


    - Allow custom naming of a brew, so as to hide the type of booze it is
    and therefore the recipe to create it, also to add a little flavor to
    the entire idea of balancing the different stat bonuses.

    I definitely like this, mainly for the fact that it would allow alcohol shops to be created, although until Trade-O-Mat booze gets worked out I don't think this could be used to its full potential

    Overall, this has been one of the most thought out suggestions I have ever seen so here, take the CrafterOfMines57 seal of approval :)

    I don't really see much of a use for this so long as construction foam can cover cables, if you don't want to use construction foam, you can't just run a cable under a floor? That seems to work and hide cables for me extremely efficiently. I might see a use if this acted as a converter from one cable type to another, but I think that mechanic would require too much coding to be worth it and we have transformers for both that, and what you suggested as an electric repeater (to some extent)

    Firstly, it's spelled lapotron, secondly, things like this have been suggested and denied before on the grounds that the LapPack provides more than enough portable energy than is ever really necessary, and thirdly, there is an addon which adds the ultimate LapPack, a thing similar to what you are suggesting in the way that it is an upgraded LapPack, here

    I just read it and it definitely has an interesting take on vampirism, although is the setting modern day or in the future as the city is Neo York, was that a typo or a play on New York indicating that it takes place in the future? I would say that you probably shouldn't be worried about your stories' subject matter as Stephen King wrote Firestarter which ended up getting banned in many places for containing writing of more things than just the violence and death your stories contain, and he turned out fine didn't he?



    She was fucked... literally...

    I see what you did there :rolleyes:

    The problem I see here is practicality, assuming the currency would be IC2 coins, unless you have some other idea, what would be stopping people from just putting in dirt to receive the coins (or other items) and converting them (assuming coins) into refined iron? This would put you at a loss instead of a mutual gain. The good thing about the Trade-O-Mat is its simplicity in that you put in one item, you get one item out, this idea would require Trade-O-Mat owners to have a blacklist of items that their Trade-O-Mats would accept and ultimately, in its current state, I feel be a needlessly complex addition to a simple system

    I know Tekkit users aren't known for intelligence and you seem unusually low on it so I'll try to keep this simple. Do you see the giant red letters at the top of the page in the giant red box? It's a good idea to read them and pay attention to what they say. I don't understand how two people could make this mistake in the same day, especially when I said the exact same thing to the other thread stupid enough to miss the giant red letters at the top of every page on the site