Posts by CrafterOfMines57

    Ok, so I figured out what is wrong. I reinstalled everything, in the order you guys gave me: modloader, mc forge, then the plugins: ic2, then rocketscience. However when I downloaded Computercraft, it was in zip format ( which was the main cause). However, changing the folder to a jar file still does not work. Is there anywhere I can download the jar file?

    Are you using Internet Explorer?

    Uh, I don't think that's how it works.

    Have you tried FTB yet?

    To the op, yes, I believe players also have to install it on their clients, although I am not certain about that as recent versions of IC2 have not added anything new funcionality wide and are for the same version of Minecraft.

    I'm trying to find (or atleast understand) what is the latest version of the beta of this addon. Is there a central site that is the master of this?

    I see in this thread there are links to drop box accounts, a jenkins account. Is the Jenkins account ( built of the current official working source, or is it someone else's dump of the code? (if that is the official beta builds, what is the difference between and ?)

    I'm not actually certain what the difference is (or that a second site even existed), but yes, those contain the absolute latest version of IC2 possible.


    Slot 247 is already occupied by ic2.core.block.BlockTex@5b4cd7 when adding src.train.common.blocks.BlockOrePetrol@122519

    This indicates a block id error, simple fix, go into the IC2 config file and find slot 247, then change that to something else under 4096, repeat until the errors stop, checking the bottom for something similar to what I quoted.

    I got this when attempting to use a power tool with the pickaxe and diamond drill upgrades on stone

    Go into your config and where you see the power options, just nerf geothermal. Make it output 1/8 its normal power.

    It's not that he wants to nerf geothermals per se, it's that he wants to nerf the way geothermals are used, so that if you find surface lava, that is a nice little bonus to energy, not make it so Nether pumps are absolutely essential to get any real energy from geothermals.