I guess I am lucky then. Taking a peek at my log too, I get the same thing, but thankfully I do not crash. I hope they will fix it soon though. I guess my fiance will not get close to my factories XD
Posts by weltall2
My fiance is having a problem with the game crashing as soon as she gets close to my base, where I have my machines set up. From the error she gets I am guessing its this mod, but I can;t be sure. Can someone take a look?
This is the error part:
2013-01-04 17:05:15 [WARNING] [IC2] removing ic2.snyke7.advMachine.TileAdvCompressor@6d266e85 from the EnergyNet failed, already removed: true
2013-01-04 17:05:15 [WARNING] [IC2] removing ic2.snyke7.advMachine.TileAdvMacerator@762215be from the EnergyNet failed, already removed: true
2013-01-04 17:06:26 [INFO] [STDERR] java.lang.NullPointerException
2013-01-04 17:06:26 [INFO] [STDERR] at buildcraft.builders.TileMarker.postPacketHandling(TileMarker.java:462)
2013-01-04 17:06:26 [INFO] [STDERR] at buildcraft.core.network.PacketHandler.onTileUpdate(PacketHandler.java:28)
2013-01-04 17:06:26 [INFO] [STDERR] at buildcraft.core.network.PacketHandler.onPacketData(PacketHandler.java:41)
2013-01-04 17:06:26 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.network.NetworkRegistry.handlePacket(NetworkRegistry.java:243)
2013-01-04 17:06:26 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.network.NetworkRegistry.handleCustomPacket(NetworkRegistry.java:233)
2013-01-04 17:06:26 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.network.FMLNetworkHandler.handlePacket250Packet(FMLNetworkHandler.java:71)
2013-01-04 17:06:26 [INFO] [STDERR] at ayh.a(NetClientHandler.java:1478)
2013-01-04 17:06:26 [INFO] [STDERR] at di.a(SourceFile:59)
2013-01-04 17:06:26 [INFO] [STDERR] at cg.b(TcpConnection.java:454)
2013-01-04 17:06:26 [INFO] [STDERR] at ayh.d(NetClientHandler.java:240)
2013-01-04 17:06:26 [INFO] [STDERR] at ayp.b(WorldClient.java:92)
2013-01-04 17:06:26 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.l(Minecraft.java:1872)
2013-01-04 17:06:26 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.J(Minecraft.java:846)
2013-01-04 17:06:26 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(Minecraft.java:771)
2013-01-04 17:06:26 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
2013-01-04 17:06:26 [INFO] [STDERR] java.lang.NullPointerException
2013-01-04 17:06:26 [INFO] [STDERR] at buildcraft.builders.TileMarker.postPacketHandling(TileMarker.java:462)
2013-01-04 17:06:26 [INFO] [STDERR] at buildcraft.core.network.PacketHandler.onTileUpdate(PacketHandler.java:28)
2013-01-04 17:06:26 [INFO] [STDERR] at buildcraft.core.network.PacketHandler.onPacketData(PacketHandler.java:41)
2013-01-04 17:06:26 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.network.NetworkRegistry.handlePacket(NetworkRegistry.java:243)
2013-01-04 17:06:26 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.network.NetworkRegistry.handleCustomPacket(NetworkRegistry.java:233)
2013-01-04 17:06:26 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.network.FMLNetworkHandler.handlePacket250Packet(FMLNetworkHandler.java:71)
2013-01-04 17:06:26 [INFO] [STDERR] at ayh.a(NetClientHandler.java:1478)
2013-01-04 17:06:26 [INFO] [STDERR] at di.a(SourceFile:59)
2013-01-04 17:06:26 [INFO] [STDERR] at cg.b(TcpConnection.java:454)
2013-01-04 17:06:26 [INFO] [STDERR] at ayh.d(NetClientHandler.java:240)
2013-01-04 17:06:26 [INFO] [STDERR] at ayp.b(WorldClient.java:92)
2013-01-04 17:06:26 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.l(Minecraft.java:1872)
2013-01-04 17:06:26 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.J(Minecraft.java:846)
2013-01-04 17:06:26 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(Minecraft.java:771)
2013-01-04 17:06:26 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
2013-01-04 17:16:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] [Mod Update Manager] Thread executed check.
2013-01-04 17:31:55 [INFO] [STDOUT] [Mod Update Manager] Thread executed check.
2013-01-04 17:36:04 [WARNING] [IC2] removing ic2.snyke7.advMachine.TileAdvCompressor@2027834f from the EnergyNet failed, already removed: true
2013-01-04 17:36:04 [WARNING] [IC2] removing ic2.snyke7.advMachine.TileAdvMacerator@21dc807 from the EnergyNet failed, already removed: trueThis is the full log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1497694/
I always used AtomicStryker's ones, until one version was really bugged in many ways both visually and mechanically. Ever since though I used this one, I was unable to like anything else.
ID-Conflict. I look at the Source of Omniwrench to determine the Problem.
Ofcourse its as broken as the BC-Config. I will tell KingLemming about that.
Yes it is, I plan to use that File later to seperate ID's and Settings in two diffrent Files.
@Sheldonite: try disabling "Cooperite", you should know that its only called Sheldonite in the Lang-File.
Thank you so much for the reply GregDarn your addon is one that feels more like a mod by itself, rather than an addon. Just for trucking awesome
I was wondering if it is normal for omniwrench to get disabled, when this addon is installed. I found in this thread that as it seems omniwrench dismantles machines in a glitchy way, but is it possible to keep it activated? I prefer to have two tools on me, rather a whole arena of them, for the difference mods.
I need to go through my Item Ids and check for conflicts it seems. All is good. On a side note, is it normal for the gregtech ids config to be empty?
It should, but I think it got glitched somewhere as Greg said he would begin working on fixing it, so the next version should have compatibility if it is not in already.
Thank you so much for the reply! I hope it was something minor. I did read something about crashers and whatnot. I just really want the iridium ore and the silk touch electic miner. Also every machine is always welcome
I know that Forge supposedly will keep ores that are the same compatible with mods that use them, but I wanted to make sure. Does this mod works with Metallurgy 2?
Thanks a ton Snyke
Time to go and make me a couple of electric engines! Hope you are having a great days.
The v1.7 link is still not working
Yes I did :D. Enjoy.
Oh thank you so much! Finally I can have advanced machines again. I have nothing again AS machines, but ever since I tried yours, I do not want to bother again with machines that have upgrades and such. Kudos as always
Mushroomhostage helped me by bukkitporting!
Hopefully I will be able to port it myself next update :).You better cause I will be unable to live without your machines from now on =p Just so darn happy!
I bumped the request thread in the mcpc forums with your post that you say its ok for someone to port it. I hope someone from there will try to port this for you! I really really really hope this gets ported so I can use this!
Holy alarm! From a simple thermometer to such an advanced addon! Now with the configurable alarm I can finally make a nuclear reactor that will be less safe and give more power without worries! Thanks a lot! I already LOVE this update for the addon!
If only I knew before that checking the pending addons would let me find such an awesome addition! I do not believe that this mod is so much needed for people that do not make Nuclear reactors. But when I made mine and it went kaboom I would feel happy if I could have it faaaar away from home and have this cute wireless battery in my basement
I m eagerly awaiting for you to update it to 1.2.5!
I'm actually glad there isn't sounds.
Even though 1.95 seems to have much less annoying sound levels compared to 1.71 or whatever i was stuck on, the other Advanced Machines mod had their sounds running ALL the time... so annoying. heh
Indeed. I loved the sounds from industrial craft but only for the first day. As soon as I settled the whole system up in a way it would never stop after a while the fun of hearing machines turned to a headache and then through IC's options off. I love these advanced machines. Can't live without them anymore! Thank you so much Snyke!
Yes thats true, its probably a port problem rather than the actual mod. Thank you both very much for the support and suggestions. I hope you will both have a good day
client have additional mods adding blocks and shifting index.
I am not really sure what you mean but would it not affect other blocks and not always the 4 dynamite and 2 luminator blocks? I changed a couple of ids and even replaced spots with other blocks and the other loaded right while these 6 still had a problem. Also I deleted both ic.cfg and placed the client one on the server but still the same.
Sadly no, I did run it by itself and it gave me the save error. When I say by itself I grabbed just the server jar and industrial craft and ran it and it gave me the same error. Also the client config is the server's config. Also I have an excel listing what mod takes what block id to keep a track in case I want to add/remove a mod.
Ok I started a new clean server wit hthe only thing being the industrialcraft mod and still got the same exact conflicts. I am guessing its an MCPC bukkit port problem
And yes my client works fine.