Well, hello everyone. I apologize for the delay, apparently those little gremlins from the Twilight Forest somehow got through the portal and into my reactor chambers with... unpleasant consequences. Fortunately, containment protocol did operate to specifications, therefore the only significant loss was the crew at Reactor Stations 1-4, and the materials of the reactors themselves. Unfortunately, it caused a massive energy surge running back through the system which wiped all data on the project, and the electromagnetic pulse from the nuclear detonation wiped all the backups, so we've been trying to reproduce our efforts and document our findings.
Since we had to start over, we also started shopping for new manufacturers for components, and GregTech had some very attractive offers which we have decided to take advantage of.
First off, we have the 360k Helium Coolant Cells, which are six times as efficient as regular cooling cells, which means six times the running speed and that many fewer coolant towers necessary for a full cycle. Fewer coolant exchanges means a higher effective energy output, which is always relevant to our interests.
Next are the Thorium Cells. While it produces significantly fewer Eu/t, it does so over a longer period of time, and has a LOT less heat. In fact, you can get away with a full cycle, even at five times the lifespan, without needing to recharge the coolant cells, and only needing 3 chambers. You can find the design here. Unfortunately, this also means it produces a distinctly lackluster 224 Eu/t.
Increasing the amount of Thorium to a five-chamber process and compressing the Thorium together nets you this reactor design, which can run for 70 minutes before needing to cycle, and produces 544 Eu/t, for a grand whopping total of 544 MILLION Eu out of the total cycle. While only able to run 42% of a cycle before needing to swap out coolant cells, this means you only need a single cooling tower. With an efficiency of 5.67, it's not a bad workhorse reactor which is fairly efficient and runs reliably for an extended period of time.
But what if that isn't enough for you? What if you really want More Power, and to you, that means more EU/t? Well, we've got you covered.
One option is the three-chamber Plutonium Cell Powerhouse (PCP) Reactor. At a whopping 2240 Eu/t, this baby matches the old CASUC's energy output. You'll want 7 cooling towers to keep up with it, and have a comfortable margin of safety. Each micro-cycle can be up to 22 minutes, which is around 13.44% of a total cycle, so breaking it up into 8 micro-cycles of 12.5% each gives you a generous buffer. While Plutonium is the most difficult fissionable material to obtain, 896 Million Eu from a full cycle is nothing to sneeze at.
If you are willing to deal with shorter micro-cycles and can get the Plutonium, Ubermensch dispenses a truly amazing 5440 Eu/t. Micro-cycles are around 7.5 minutes, or less than 5% of the total cycle. If you aren't willing to have 20 cooling towers, you will have to have a power down mid-cycle.
If you want to use bog-standard quad uranium cells, however, that's quite all right with us. This is a great example of our system in action. At 2720 Eu/t, it beats old-school CASUC reactor output, and with a micro-cycle of 17.5 minutes, which is just over 10% of a total cycle, you'll need nine cooling towers to prevent a mid-cycle cooldown period.
More math:
Our cooling tower provides approximately 8-16 cooling per tic per cell, depending on where in the reactor it is. This means, unfortunately, that means that each cooling cell can take up to 36.7 minutes to fully recharge, in worst case scenario, and half that in a better case scenario. Some lucky cells might go even faster, 'corner cases' in the reactor are adjacent to heat-producing cells which are only adjacent to two other cells as opposed to ones in the middle of the reactor which are adjacent to 3, thus would not be fully discharged.
With this in mind, you divide your micro-cycle time by this time to determine how many cooling towers you would need to run this reactor optimally. Thus, the five-chamber Thorium Reactor which produces 544 Eu/t would only need a single cooling tower, since the micro-cycle time is 70 minutes. The bog-standard quad U-cell reactor might be able to get away with two cooling towers, however that would be cutting your margin of error down, and might need a brief cooldown period mid-cycle to accommodate the small additional fraction.
While we are still developing multi-cooling tower setups, our engineers have stamped the blueprints for a single-cooling-tower system, using RedPower circuitry.
Single-Tower Automated Cell Transfer (STACT) System:
You have a Timer attached to a Counter for your countdown mechanism. For example, a Timer of 10 seconds and a Counter set to count down from 5 would net you 50 second interval. This system can be tweaked to meet your reactor's Optimal Micro-Cycle Time Guideline as is set down in your reactor's instruction manual.
Once the Counter hits 0, it emits a redstone signal to start the whole process.
Phase one is to disable the reactor, using a State Cell and a NOT gate to keep it off for a pre-defined amount of time sufficient to handle the transfer of cooling cells.
This also pulses the Filter attached to the reactor to pull all cooling cells out of the reactor, sending them to a Holding Chest. The Filter outputs a specific color tube, which matches the tube attached to the chest, ensuring that they will only go to the chest. While this paint is not necessary for this transaction to take place, it prevents a logjam in the next phase of the cycle.
That same pulse also hits the filter in the cooling tower which pulls all the cooling cells out of the cooling tower and paints them the same color as the tube attached to the Reactor (different than the one attached to the holding chest). This color IS necessary, because otherwise the Holding Chest would end up being the Nearest Inventory.
A Repeater is also pulsed, with sufficient delay to clear the tubes before it pulses the filter attached to the holding chest, sending all of the cells into the cooling tower, which has redstone signal continually applied (because it will never blow up due to never having any fissionable materials contained therein). If you wish to push the Safety Margin, this delay can be reduced significantly, as you only need to grab the cooling cells out of the cooling tower for the cooling tower to be the only available inventory for the cells to go into.
Once the cells have entered the cooling tower, the state cell attached to the NOT gate lapses, and the reactor continues to function with fresh cells.
Please note that it is ALWAYS recommended (though not strictly necessary for this setup) that you install Nuclear Control components with a kill-switch connected to a temperature reader in the event of an uncontrolled reaction. Small temporal fluctuations in the fabric of reality (i.e. server tick lag) could cause significant heat buildup without warning, and your reactor design should take this into consideration.
ShneekeyCraft LLC is not responsible for damages caused by improper maintenance or testing of mechanisms prior to going 'hot', or by insufficient safety kill-switches being installed. Viewer discression is advised. Void where prohibited by law. Women who are or may become pregnant should not subject themselves to radioactive materials for any length of time to avoid certain birth defects (known collectively as 'x-gene factors'). If your micro-cycle time exceeds four hours without explosion, consult your local nuclear physicist immediately (so we can figure out how the hell you did it).