Posts by FnordMan

    wow shit, the business against MC mob now get serious, we have original defense system like water, lava, trap door and now we going to modern defensive to fightagainst them?
    now..........add some SENTRY!!!
    so i could create Military Base :thumbup:

    Heh, that would be epic, sentry gun turrets.
    would also be quite hard to balance though. I know the portal mod has some but those are overly cheap for what they do. Plus they don't require bullet refilling at all. (it makes sense for what they're emulating but totally screws up game balance)

    Or you could use some glass fiber, and only lose 1eu per 512, so 4 per 2048, but thats just me.

    Isn't it supposed to be 1 every 20 block with glass fibre?

    either way I use it basically to the exclusion of anything else once I get established and have enough diamond.
    The one exception being solar panels. tin cable works better there.

    I use a mini solar farm to keep my machines running. I think total of 100 solars for all my machines. Most of it going into my epic scrap factory (1 scrap each second or so :)).

    Through eu hungry stuff like the mass fab are supplied tons of eu with my CASUC reactor. Solars/windgens just dont make enough eu for that.

    100? wow. i've got 64 feeding a whole whack of advanced machines and 4 recyclers. I sorta went a bit overboard with my processing room.

    If I get more than a few (like 5+ maybe) of the advanced machines running at once I get a small drain on the MFSU but it's nothing it can't handle. That's the same one I use all the time to recharge my quantum gear, it's always back to full when I get back to it next.

    course this from the person that has 128 solar panels, a 35EU/t Mk 1 reactor, 2 geo generators and a fusion reactor feeding his mass fab. I sorta needed the diamond and never bothered shutting it off. I've actually made a bit of tin with it when I was low and waiting for the quarry to get to where tin usually is.


    (Please note: This only works on MS Windows with the .NET 4.0 runtime.)
    When I'm happy with the code, and have most/all the bugs out, I will port the entire thing over to Mono, so it will run on Mac, Windows, and even Linux!
    But this won't happen for a while! D:

    looks like it won't be too hard, the Mono Migration Analyzer reports this:

    Calling Method 	                Method Missing from Mono
    void InitializeComponent () 	void LinkLabel.set_TabStop (bool)

    (ran it against 1.4)

    @Both the miner can and does mine RP 2 ore with the ore dictionary. Also, 1 pic is with RP2 ore the other is IC2 ore.

    Comp highlights are intel i7-2700, 16 GB ram, and a radeon HD 6970. I have minecraft set to use 4 GB of ram and don't notice any problems with this texture pack.

    The miner will only do RP2 ore if you add it's block IDs in the IC2 config file.

    Just fixed this bug, WILL be in the next public version, fragging one line of bad code = 5 hours of debugging...

    That sounds all too familiar... I haven't done Java in a long while but even being able to step through the code I had one project (.net, I forget which language.. they're all semi-identical) that took me a few hours to nail down one little problem.

    DEFINENTLY. i mean its massive amounts of power from WATER. i already made a setup of 6 of them to power my UU-matter production so i can produce an indefinite supply of tin,copper,bronze,and iron,AND diamonds. with my solar farm helping with the EU production.

    Wow. 6? are you using superconducting coil for them? I built one with a super coil and it decimated my coal supply. Totally worth it though.

    *light bulb* Advanced solar helmet crafted with a :Quantum-Helmet: to produce 5 EU while your under the sun. nuclear chest plate! crafted with :Quantum-Bodyarmor: allows a miniature nuclear reactor in your chest plate to produce power!
    geothermal leggings! crafted with :Quantum-Leggings: basically a version of the geothermal generator thats portable but produces 3 less EU per tick. water mill boots! crafted with :Quantum-Boots: produces 6 EU every second your in water... just a few ides.

    *blink blink* can we say horribly broken/unbalanced? I knew you could...

    i believe he was talking about the real minecraft release that takes place tomarrow at minecon also alblaka said that the next release of IC2 would be for 1.8 so im guessing it will be soonish

    *ding* *ding* *ding* we have a winner
    for "1.9"/1.0 you'll have to restart again as any 1.8.1 worlds won't work right. (they'll work but you won't get the new features)
    so better to just wait for the new version, forge to be updated and the next IC2 version before restarting.

    yeah this have nothing to do with IC but it's still MC :thumbup:

    so i just install other mod that included new ore / block, so i need to generate new world in order to have them in my world
    now the question is if i use same world Seed will it generate new block into that Seed too?

    you can always grab MCEdit and select the area you want to keep around your base and then do a world purge. (deletes everything except the selected chunks) I did that twice for the world I play on. Once was the 1.7 -> 1.8 transition, another one was when I changed seeds and installed Redpower.
    needless to say: back up your world first!

    probably just going to restart whenever the release version gets modded.

    interesting idea but I almost fail to see the point really.

    for 1.8.1 (discounting Better Than Wolves as i've stopped using it) I only really had to update the jar once and that was for the core stuff. (modloader/modloadermp/TMI/ssp commands/the forge)
    the rest just got dropped into the mods folder.

    Looks better constructed than many semi-lame area. Still, i'd say wait on a new world, the release version is almost out so your looking at around 2-4 weeks until you have to restart anyway.

    i've got a project idea though: make all power transmission losless with glass fibre cable and "repeaters" (a MFE or MFSU depending on how much power) along the way :)