Posts by FnordMan

    Attached error Bukkit #1597. Put mod contents into jar.

    why in the jar? probably better to use the mods folder. bukket is a bit different about stuff I'm the jar as I recall.

    I don't know what else to say except that the HVTF will soak up 2048 EU before spitting out a packet. Windgens can take /quite/ a while to do this, so you might not have been waiting long enough (they /are/ variable output, form 0 to 8eU/t in a storm with maximum wind otherwise)

    Gave it quite a while, as in long enough for the (slow) trip to the ground then down two levels to the MFSU and the (slow) trip back up to fix it. Reported 0 power at the cable to the HVTF even.

    I was looking at the main recipe page and then clicking on the silver bar which brings you to a stub page. So I need another mod. Oh well. Not gonna mess with it and I do not do anything with redstone circuts.

    RedPower is a *lot* more than "redstone circuits", take a look at it sometime.

    ^ This is something I could live with. I'm half considering taking a stab at working on this now.

    And plus, something like this would assist with Solar Panel spam on servers (tick updates and all, unless that was fixed...)

    Solar panels only cause lag when the chunks are being loaded and unloaded. A Friend is starting to run a lot of panels in his base on the server I run. They're all in chunkloader block areas so the lag is minimal.

    Just had my first windmill break. Normally not a huge deal, but it turned into a generator with a few... interesting properties:

    * Generator is burning, as if it were generating power
    * The "fuel" seems to be the same as the first item in your inventory. Attempting to take it out causes all sorts of inventory glitches (like how furnaces were hosed in 1.337 due to having the wrong GUI ID)
    * I can't take the generator down; right-clicking with a wrench makes the wrench sound, but just opens the GUI.

    Not a critical bug, but annoying. 100% legit, stock server. I can provide screenshots / saved world if necessary.

    I noticed #1 and half of #2 when one of mine broke but I could take it off with the wrench just fine. Although it was amusing seeing the generator "burn" with a water bucket in it's burnable slot. I was able to recover the water bucket fine.

    Diamonds (and possibly redstone) are much rarer in 1.0.0 worlds. Worse, both seem to be very sporadic.

    Haven't noticed redstone being particularly more rare but diamond... sheesh. I've got a pretty large branch mine around layer 8 or 9 and I have yet to hit a diamond.
    have a pretty large area mined with a quarry and I think I hit maybe 10 there so far, this being less than i've hit in previous large holes. Most of my diamond used to date has come from coal (industrial diamond) or uu-matter. (whee! 37 uu-matter per iridium plate)

    The wiki has silver ingots in a recipe for glass fiber cable, but there is no silver ore. Is this a mistake or is there a way to get silver ingots? If so, mind telling me how?

    Install Redpower2 and restart the world. (or do a chunk pruning with MCEdit)

    note the giant v1.23 on the subject line. As it only works on 1.8.1 v1.23

    I'm running MC on my laptop.
    Intel Core 2 Duo P8400 2.26GHz
    4GB RAM (but 32-bit OS)
    nVidia GeForce 9600M GT

    I found thread providing fix for that crash caused by OpenAL32.dll. But this fix is already included in lwjgl v2.8.2. I'm however, still getting that unload error during MOJANG logo screen. Sometimes game is even able to load into menu and then crashes. This gives only OpenAL32 error, unload is not mentioned there.

    That looks almost identical to my old laptop. (MSI GX620-001) Can't say I ever had problems with running minecraft on it but I also never got a chance to run IndustrialCraft 2 on it before it died on me. (motherboard killed itself. still have everything I could yank out of it, inclusive of the processor and GPU)

    First thing is - you can't be losing 3-5 EU per 2048EU packet on 70-80 block long way. Exact packet loss for 3x Ins. HV cable is 56-64EU per packet when travelling such distance.

    Wanna bet? input, as just measured a bit ago: input: 70 EU/t. energy output at the other end, around 65 EU/t. That's total loss after the conversion to EV and back to HV process. From there it gets distributed around my base.

    How long is your system ? How much EU/t your farm can produce ? Losing 3-5 out of how much ?

    right now it's making ~75EU/t at the end reciving point. The source is 20 wind mills and 8 solar panels* on the top of the world.
    They go through a LV, MV and HV transformers (tried using just HV, works in single player, fails in SMP) then back to the ground (70-80 blocks or so) to a HV transformer where it steps down from EV to HV and feeds a few sources from there. Right now it's a 3 way split to a MFSU, a MFE and the mass fab. In general just enough go to the MFSU and MFE to top them off and the rest goes to the mass fab.

    *used to be on the roof but i'm slowly tying everything together to one power grid

    The format is <blockid>-<meta>:<oreValue> where oreValue is used by the OV scanner to determine the ore density when you use it.

    hmm... interesting, last I saw you had to add something like this for RP2 ores:
    140, 140:1, 140:2, 140:3, 140:4, 140:5, 140:6, 140:7
    so does that effectively mean that if you don't care a whole lot about them showing up on the OV scanner you can just put in 140 into the valuable ores list and it'll snag all of the RP2 stuff?

    That's why I tested it with 2048 EU in the first batbox. The upstepped LV transformer should have pulled 32+32+32+32 to make 128, the upstepped MV should have pulled 4 of those packets of 128 to make 512, and the upstepped HV should have pulled 4 of those 512 packets to make 2048, then the HV should have downstepped that 2048 packet to 4 512s, and so on. There should have been absolutely nothing left over, but a large chunk appears to have just vanished.

    probably just something stuck in the buffers. I've got a EV system for wind power generation and it transmits to the ground fine, only losing 3-5 or so during transmission.

    Thanks for the suggestions. Turns out it WAS the redstone that was the problem... having the torches on top of each other was apparently shorting something out. I moved the top torch ot the other side and it works great now.

    I freaking HATE redstone. :P

    personally I just use a lever directly on the transformers. Works every time when I remember to hit the flipping lever. :)

    On this problem, direwolf20 is testing a new version which uses phantom stacks, so we don't actually use twice what's needed.

    nope, he's not "testing a new version", that's the normal alpha 0.13 version available on the site. It's only for that pipe at the moment.

    oooookay, just checked, looks like it's at alpha 0.14 now. Still can't wait for SMP.
    edit: just got a chance to read the updates. looks like all of the pipes do the phantom item thing now as of 0.14 alpha, looks nice.