hrm... I've looked at so many ModLoader logs tonight, it's getting hard to keep them straight. Thought the loader log had listed shown IC2 as loaded, but maybe I'm mixing in memories from one of the working logs I was looking at earlier. So... threw the mod back in to get a new 'broke' log to look at and there is definitely some weirdness going on. I think you might be right, Front half of a similarly errored ModLoader log is below, load order seems to be all over the place. RP2-World, RP2-Lighting, buildcraft-server-DA-additionalpipes-31-4, RP2-Core, then a single Buildcraft, forestry, crossover, where it breaks... doesn't even get to a couple RedPowers, several BC modules... yeah... definitely not in alphabetical order.
Suggestion on how I might get ModLoader to load things in the right order if it is indeed by file date? Copy them to the server in reverse order or something?
(front part of previous modloader.txt)
/edit: doing some last minute browsing before I sleep and I think I might take another look at this and possible give it a spin after I sleep for a few hours. http://www.greglincoln.com/tag/modloader/