Vanilla crops with growth 1 gain 1 resistance 1 are meant to drop vanilla seeds instead of a seedbag.
Posts by RichardG
If you want to make a LAN party without having to make everyone pay for Minecraft, you can use an offline mode launcher (the paid launcher's Play Offline button doesn't work since it labels you as Player) and turn online mode off on the server.
I recently asked some users and they have shown no interest in a CryPack as stepping stone between the batpack and lappack.
Wrong section.
The mod_ class appears not to be your jar, compare ModLoader's output for IC2's jar vs. your jar.
Al is too lazy to merge changelogs when making release threads apparently.
It's my link, works just fine.
I've noticed that, but need to look into it. If I can't I'll ask Al.
Used cropnalyzer with the seeds in your inventory?
Corrupted IC2 jar, redownload it.
Tahg mentioned during the Feed The Beast livestream that they are now using incremental obfuscation, reducing the chance of mods needing to update across Minecraft versions.
Was not in my changelog, how could I miss that? Fixed anyways, including on the wiki.
That's our fault too for not using MC's key system instead of LWJGL, thus causing the crash.
We plan on including example code sometime soon(tm)
MVC is also a common name for malware, I personally don't trust it because of that.