Go ask mcportcentral.
Go ask mcportcentral.
Gah, I blamed lack of machines on creative and top/bottom of chamber being pink on Forge, when it was the creative population limiter and Player removing "redundant" sprites but one of them ended up being used by reactor chambers
It says it doesn't know what's wrong but paste the full report in here.
Eloraam is working on porting RP2. I finally got around to set up a coding environment and fix some bugs.
One thing: BuildCraft
First, Technic may be causing issues, because they work for us.
Second, Hyperspeed wasn't being triggered and will be fixed in the 1.2 version
Use Forge
Last time I tried, Forge had creative population issues and random texture glitches.
Install the recommended build on the server, might go check out if the creative population bugs are gone
First, Bukkit is not our jurisdiction, if the bug only happens on Bukkit ask mcportcentral.
Second, it's known, try logging off and back on to make the state steady
That one is weird
ITNT shares its block with nukes.
Server is down
I'll be there, but I need to make a jar first
Haven't read this in a while. Some ideas are nice but can't be implemented - how will I identify a nuke's placer while keeping piston pushability...
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