I have been using a bat box embedded in the ceiling conncected to a solar cell above it on the roof but im not happy with that setup. It seems like a waste of a bat box. I tried connecting the light right to the solar panel which should work but it doesn't.
The illuminator uses 1/4Eu/t and stores 10000Eu. A solar cell produces 1Eu/t so it should be able to charge the Illuminator up and have it run perminatly. All that happens is the light flickers during the day. All i can figure is that the illuminator is only drawing the 1/4 Eu from the cell but when i hook it up to a bat box it draws the full 32Eu/t packets charging up the pannle to full. Does anyone know why you can't just hook an illuminator directly to a solar panel?
Yup, its a bug, discussed elsewhere (too lazy to search right now)
Basically, The solar panel gets one Eu per tick, and gives it to the Luminator. The luminator eats the Eu, uses it up, and starts glowing. However, it then checks to see if it has power, and discovers it has none. So, it then turns off, until it has power.
Then, The next tick, the solar panel gives it anouther EU. The luminator eats it, becuase it's off.
So, basically, it does not properly validate a single EU imput when it is currently empty, and wastes it instantly. It also happens to waste the last 3/4ths of the Eu when it runs out normally, but that is minor in comparison.
Pretty sure a solution works like this. Set up the solar panel, and the luminator. Then, during the day, apply a small charge, via Re-battery, to the luminator. Because it has power, it should run with no issues.
I think the only other thing to consider is whether or not it's capacity lasts a whole night. If not, then it wont work.
I just calculated it to last ~33 minutes, and since a night is around 10 minutes, it should be fine afterwards, and fully charge. However, in the case of a rain-storm, or other interuption to the power supply for more than 33 minutes will require a manual restart via battery
Eventually, the bug will be fixed tho I'm sure.
Something like a ranged energy transmitter for luminators would be nice.
Me too. That, and a reduction in power consumption OR pseudo-extended light level.
Just that the 5 eu/second seens a bit much for what they do, especially with the bugs.