Posts by Ranakastrasz

    Why are you assuming that overclockers use an inverted-parabola (-x^2) model? All we know is the overclocker increases energy usage at a faster pace than time usage.

    Good question. I suppose we could look at the code, or determine the energy costs and rates via experiments, and then plug them into an equation solver.

    Thats why they should only accept ~5 eus of storage from wires, and up to the standard 10k from batteries. That way, cut the wire, they die in one second, but a battery will keep em running for a while.

    You know, I expected the transformer upgrade to already allow the higher tier batteries. So I partly support that.
    I support storage space upgrade, although it will likely be somewhat difficult to add.

    Ive done about 5 or so.

    One particularly amusing event however, was on my old IC1 server, where me and a friend decided that this particular floating island was annoying. So we went, and set up a nuke.

    Now, when he went in and punched it, he said, Via voice chat, Wait a second, where did it go? About 3 seconds later, I realized that the multiplayer bug with industrial-tnt was true for nukes as well (where the object does not appear once broken, but it still works). So, I was like RUN AWAY!
    I then started digging straight down through the island, and unfortunately failed to get away before it exploded. Quite an amusing little event.

    Yes, pumpkin overlay is included as static hook in the basefile. Doesn't change much about the issue we cannot use the same hook, because it's an eclusive (if pumpkin then display overlay) thingy. With some creativity i could probably create an helmet inheriting the pumpkin class and messing and blahr and get something displaying the pumpkin overlay as well. Still not a nightvision, though.

    Can you somehow change the brightness option to maximum when you put a Q-helmet on, and reduce it to a stored value when removed? Also, If you could save the old value in the file, then it would also be able to have correct brightness automatically on game load.

    Great additions indeed! Just a few notes, not sure if all are bugs so:

    -If you hit and "destroy" a camouflaged FF block, it returns to it original form until you turn off and on the projector again.

    Ive seen the same with zapper, but because I was using a mod that adds mobs able to destroy blocks, it may have been a result of a bad removal method.

    -If you walk on a FF bridge that connects to a building with an entrance 2 blocks high, you can't unless you jump a bit first.

    Does it act like soulsand? Because that sounds like how soulsand works, except that I do not recall ever sinking slightly into forcefields from this mod.

    -It would be nice if the zapper upgrade would have its own switch, so if I connect it to a projector it stays in the default state (no damage) and starts glowing red when an additional redstone pulse is applied, in that way I wouldn't have to remove the upgrade anytime I want to turn the zapper off, but not the field. Other way to approach it is like the directional extender does, adding an scale from 0 to 3, so if you set it to 0 it turns the damage off, 1 is low, 2 medium and 3 is high damage.

    Possibly one could simply take a redstone signal to the upgrade block, but the UI for multiple levels of zappiness.

    As well, the official wiki IS near-exclusively community-based. But people are too lazy to actually contribute.
    Many ones don't know a "Wiki" is actually a colletion of knowledge gathered and combined by as many persons as possible and instead assume it's some sort of developer driven support side.

    I did contribute a while back, on a few things that were easy to determine through experimenting, or from forum posts, like reactor breeding tick requirements, new teleportation equation, as well as a number of UUM recipies (which were obviously removed).

    The issue is that most of the information the wiki is missing either requires someone to do significant careful experimentation (which tend to be impossible for multiplayer testing due to dysyncs), Require someone to decompile and figure out the code(I had fun last time with base minecraft, with simple non-descriptive variables names and so on), or require a developer to actually enter it(The easiest, except ofc that it IS a wiki, like you said). There is likely a small amount that is obvious, and a small amount that is simply forbidden.(UUM, Nuke, Synthetic gunpowder, glowstone (I think))

    So its not just laziness.

    i want to shield a really large object but alot of the shields are limited to a very tiny radius like the tube could do with the ability to modify both its dimensions so i can have a really long tube that is more easily shaped to fit my goals and long enough for the more advanced ideas 20 for a tube seems short in all respects

    I agree. Perhaps make more upgrades to add this flexibility (as in longer maximum values)

    Also, The ability to manually, via 3 more values, offset the starting point, would also help significantly, so I could, say, be evil, and make a sphere, powered externally, to trap anyone who rudely gets too close to my house, and then somehow kill them.. Hmmm...

    Also, tube projector, offset so that the potential door in your field can actually be projected by a HIDDEN projector, as opposed to it having to be on the edge of the field, easily visible, unless you make the tube massive in radius...

    With forestry you can (slowly) make dirt from cobble. Set up multiple peat farms. One stack of bog earth uses half a stack of dirt and half a stack of sand (=cobble), but turns into a full stack of dirt. It is slow, but you get some nice fuel while doing this. I had 4 peat farms running and had too much peat, even a setup of ~25 peat engines sending it into a EU-converter couldn't burn everything. Ended up feeding it into a recycler^^

    Sounds like you need...

    200 peat engines, to power your mass fabritor!

    Before I get a quantum suit, I use bronze armor. I also use a bronze hoe. Aside from that, the Sword/Axe is covered by the chainsaw, and the pick and shovel is covered by the drill. So bronze IS useful, but not THAT useful.

    Ofc, With my using redpower 2, I tend to use a gem hoe instead, but w.e.

    Now, If bronze was available earlier, like before you got a macerator or something, I would say it is reasonably useful. Oh, and I use it all the time, Making advanced alloy.

    So instead you'll have random chest hovering over areas where something/one decided to nuke your entire base?

    That's... very funny. I'd like to see the hilarious stories that occur with this change. :D

    Heh, yea.

    Alternatively, Disallow opening of personal chests that have something atop of them, like normal chests, so as to require a lot of gaps. Actually, that wont work, just requires some offsets, so yea, ignore super durabile materials.