Pah, that's so orderly. How about having beer and milk in pints, distance and road signs in yards and miles, but use Celsius and weigh things in grams?
Meh. I still don't prefer the American system.
Pah, that's so orderly. How about having beer and milk in pints, distance and road signs in yards and miles, but use Celsius and weigh things in grams?
Meh. I still don't prefer the American system.
Why change everything when you can sometimes use the old way instead? Like Britain and metric
I actually prefer the metric system, than this 'american' system.
I think you had this error because in 1.7.10 IC2 function was changed from "int charge(ItemStack, int, int, boolean, boolean)" to "double charge(ItemStack, double, int, boolean, boolean)".
Changing integers to doubles is always good. Especially since IC2 changed from integers to doubles in some mc version. However they didn't change all of the methods from integers to doubles. :\
Good news everyone!…ental/513/changes#detail0
Based on the changed files, looks like IC2 is getting Chargepads
Lol, I was actually planning on remaking charge-pads.
I'm flying by with a helicopter, should i take this thread down in favor of the new one?
Yeah. Make sure to scout for more missing people, while I make an exit.
Nope. Fuck it. I'm done with MCreator mods. I'm creating a nerf in 801-Core to crash the game if a MCreator mod is present. There are way too many idiots out there that take all of the credit from the original MCreator team, when they don't have any experience themselves.
For example, this dip-shit does nothing, and MCreator is doing at-least something. As you could tell, I hate it when people make MCreator mods, and don't give any credit to the little people.
(Fun-fact, this person actually has the download links monetized. Meaning, MCreator gets no money, and no credit, while this dip-shit gets credit, and money from other people.)…uns-by-sonic_craftx-1-7-2…ubers-mod-by-sonic_craftx…mod-by-sonic_craftx-1-7-2…rmors-mod-by-sonic_craftx…ools-mobs-and-more-v1-6-7
Because you were annoyed at your unsucessfulness to achieve what you wanted and deleted them in a fit of rage?
I would never do that. And plus, if I was, I would go do something else besides modding. Like eating. Or playing Minecraft by myself...
Anyway, I found a forge bug today, and I'm not happy about it. I hate it.
Oh. I understand now. Yes, I still have the source-codes for all of my mods. Why would I delete them?
Well, I got my core-mod updated to 1.7 without any errors... the only thing not working that I can see though, is my custom sprite-sheet sprite loading method. Meaning, I'll do it later, when I don't have a head-ace, and when I'm not starving.
plz make transformer converters soon!I need a 1.7.2/1.7.10 BC<->IC conversion mod
Only if I have time. That and I need to port my mods to 1.7 first.
Oh, and if you could link Transformer Convertors 2 to this link, [Addon v2.0.367+] (Minecraft Version: Unknown) Transformer Convertors 2 it would be awesome.
Lol, you should really put "replaced by Transformer Convertors 2" for those people who want to know.
EDIT: Oh, and you should change "ChargePads" from update pending, to discontinued. Because Myrathi is not pleased with IC2's new Energy-net changes. And he actually said this himself. And that he might re-make it for RF instead.
Hey there people,
I might not be here tomorrow, but don't panic. My fun-killer-brother is hrre tothe stop everyone in my family from having fun with electronics. Seriously. He's working us to the bone with 'chores'. Fun-fact, tomorrow is my sister's wedding. Which is why my asshole-brother is working us to the bone, and not letting us have fun. Again, I'm pretty fuckin' angry about it. So, re-cap. My brother is an asshole, and won't us have fun with electronics, and instead with the 'family'. Meaning, I won't make any progress with anything in these two days. Oh, and I'm currently 'sleeping' right now, and on my phone to type this out. Meaning, this is the inly time I will get to type out any messages. So excuse any grammatical, punctuation and spelling mistakes.
Thanks, -Master801
The version in the Direwolf pack was 2_2.0.303 I now have 397 and will test. BTW, with JamPacked in full swing there will likely be numerous inquiries about including this and other refurbished mods in modpacks. Aside from "Founded by UnixRano, maintained by Zuxelus/master801" and a link here, what else do I need to do?
Remove the "/master801", link back to this page, and you're fine.