Posts by master801

    Nice to see your inspiration shining through. If you need help with java, sadly that's not in my skill set, fraid you'll have to get someone else for that part. Inspiration wise though, I have plenty in that department. Since I actually have the day off, I get to work on my new map... yay me I'm so lucky (cursed). Story of my life, I can inspire others but when I inspire myself things go crazy. Well, at least it keeps life interesting.

    Nah, I probably won't need any help from anybody else (code-wise) since the people that used to help me, left. And, you are pretty inspiring. I mean, you actually lifted my motivation for making a second part of this mod. Sorry to here that. Though, I hope you find someone else that does the same for you. Inspire others, however inspire yourself, and go crazy. You know what I mean. ;)

    Wonder is the mother of invention, or so I heard once a long time ago. I still don't know how it exploded, I'm pretty sure the setup was sound and either the force field malfunctioned or I forgot to turn it on..... probably forgot to turn it on. Oh well, repair this or start a new map.... decisions decisions. Of course, if I start a new map that means the limit to power and starting from scratch... not liking that idea. Repairing this giant crater... really not liking that idea either. Rock... hard place... me in the middle. Meh.

    Relocate? :D

    *sighs* and back to the drawing board.

    Apparently, while I was out checking on my excavators, gremlins showed up at my house and built a crater in my house... I mean, where my house used to be.... oi vey.

    I'm guessing that reactor didn't work out as planned.

    Well that sucks I guess... you know, you made me remember something I had as an idea a long, long time ago... I wonder...

    Sleep? What's that? Oh wait, is that the new luxury item I heard about? Who has time for luxury items these days?

    Oops, hit the wrong button, what I was going to say was, there's only so much time in the day to work and do minecraft so my book is filled for the day. I'm supposed to get a day off... what month is it? Well, eventually. I think it's in august.... maybe.

    Meh. Sleep is nice. If I didn't have to sleep, I would probably be coding right now.

    there is a way to make blocks have a higher blast resistance so creepers can't blow it up. IDK what it is called in the code, but I know iron chest's obsidian chest is Nuke proof. So maybe you could look in that mod to see how he does it.
    or even look at the CF and Reinforced stone in IC2 to see how its done
    then you'd just have to copy something like the lamp or Glowstone and up the blast resistance and viola.

    It's called 'resistance' in the code. And, the reinforced-stone that was in the old mod, I quit working on since the connected-textures didn't work. Meh. I'll do it later if I want to.

    By the way Shadowranger, do you ever sleep? :D

    The original mod for the glowing obsidian was called glowblocks I believe, not completely sure, it was awhile back and I can no longer find the web paged for it.ore. The lava obsidian mod is in the more blocks mod here...…2/download/mirror/155684/ but as I said, any blocks in there could not be built on as they vanished the moment you tried.

    Hm, weird. Well, I'll try adding doing somethings later when I wake up from sleeping. :D

    Originally, way back in 1.0.0 I had a mod for lighted obsidian so if creepers showed up and exploded it didn't undo what I was working on since they can't destroy obsidian. Sadly, that mod was never updated and died in the rest in pieces area of no longer used mods. Another mod I had found was one for lava obsidian which generates some light and prevents creeper destruction. It was usable in 1.6.4 but no later, however, I discovered it had a problem. If you managed to get enough resources to get 1 and placed it, then did something... stupid, like... oh, I don't know placed a pipe on top of it, the block vanished as if it never existed and you put the pipe in it's place. So pointless to even use it.

    Mainly tho, no, I'm not looking to stop spawns, I want a permanent lighted source that can't be destroyed by creepers, or anything else for that matter. Also to give it that.... you know... artistic approach. Something that looks nice as well and aesthetically pleasing to the eye. Lave obsidian looked downright cool, but that was quickly negated when the whole block disappears cause you can't build on it.

    Like I said, not sure if it's possible, but it's an idea.

    What mod would that be? :D I would like to 'see' what mod it is... ;) So... you want a block that can give off light, and not blow up? Without taking any mj or eu power?

    Well, mine was reverse. Mother was one of the biggest witches ever, with a capital B, she in turn corrupted my father. Best decision I ever made was moving away, and I mean, away, the opposite side of the continent. Now they can't bother me or hassle me. Maybe not the best decision for you, each person should find their own solution that works. Meanwhile, just cause he's a jerk doesn't mean you shouldn't be creative. That's one trait you should never lose, creativity.

    Honestly, I don't think I will move half of a continent away from my parents. Even if I do hate one of them, I don't think I will ever abandon my mother with that idiot of a father. Creativity is not me. ;)

    EDIT: I gotta make the my main core file have capes now. I just need to figure it out for myself... (That's how you learn. You do it yourself. Never let anyone else tell you what to do. Especially spoon-feeding easy code.)

    Honestly, I hate my father (he basically ruined my childhood, my neices, and nephew). I like my mother however, she's quite nice most times.

    That sounds like a good idea, but I might not be able do that in my 'modding' powers. D:

    I still support you too :P

    Thanks. :D

    All mods are the extension of the creator, in my opinion, it is something that someone has taken the time to create, to push boundaries, push limits, create something out of nothing. That says something about the creator and everyone should be supported in their creative endeavors. Much like Michelangelo, Da Vinci, and many other artists, if they hadn't been supported in one way or another, then we as a whole would be a lot poorer for it. Certain buildings would never have been painted, certain paintings would never have been created in the first place. Mods allow us to do things we normally couldn't do. In the end it doesn't really matter how many support you, all that matters is that you are supported, whether by 1, by a few or by many.

    This is a good mod. So like other modders, get it to work, announce it, and maybe it too will take off like buildcraft, industrial craft, single player commands, and many other mods that hit it big, and the more popular the mod becomes, the more supporters will make their voices known.

    For instance, if Da Vinci hadn't been supported by his mentor Verrocchio, then his art work would never have existed. Sometimes all you need is one supporter, and from what I've seen on the boards, you have more than 1 supporter. Just remember, even the greats started off with little or no support.

    You are correct. I'm sorry for being so inconsiderate, unfortunately my 'father' is an ass-hat, and decided to piss everyone off. And, all those who supported me, they've all left me because of my immature behavior from a long time ago. I don't blame them, I did(/do?) have a immature behavior, and plan to fix that very soon. On-topic of course, I will try to stay up late tonight to work on this mod, since, before as I said, my father is an ass-hat, and only roams the world in the morning, and after-noon. Meaning he won't bother me in the night.

    Weird, I was using the teleport pipes in 1.6.4 and they don't work beyond 150 blocks. I tried various alterations, changes, etc, always ended the same way, once you hit 151 they stop working. Even tried setting 1 at 140, then extending it a bit with some diamond kinesis pipes, stuck in another teleport pipe at the end of that, ran it to 151 and nothing, no power was getting through. So I gave up on that mod, seeing as how it hasn't been really updated lately and I had to use an older version of bc like 4.1.0 and when they didn't work, I just dropped em and upgraded again to bc 4.2.2. That's when I started realizing I was going to have to move to a new location, setup generators all over again to get the power I needed. Which doesn't really work out either as the old wooden pipes only allow so much power. So it's been go here, build a new power station, supply power, move to a new location, rinse, repeat. I got tired of using tons of engines, so I swapped to energy conversion but still limited by those ancient wooden pipes. Then I saw this mod with the nice engines, got the necessary amount of input down to only a few engines instead of like 60 stirling engines, but I'm still limited by the output from those wooden pipes that need a serious upgrade. So yes, I managed to work around the shortcomings of the teleport pipes and now setting up a new power plant takes 5 minutes max instead of 20 minutes. So I consider that some progress. Still extremely limited on the output though, which is why I really liked this mod, the engines are easier to use, quicker to setup, and the pipe, would've been a nice addition. So I don't care about the teleport pipes anymore, too much work to try and get them to work right because they haven't been upgraded lately.

    My only problem is still the output, which this is the only mod I've found that could address that problem. So I'm hoping that this one can be made to work and I can finish each section in minutes instead of half an hour due to the lack of energy on the old pipes. Kinda gets... you know, repetitious and boring when you have to wait half an hour for it to finish mining/excavating cause you can only supply so much power. I mean power, with the engines in this mod, so not a problem anymore, getting the power to where I need though, huge problem still.

    I'm kinda re-writing the mod currently, so I can't really do much about this, sorry. It is nice though, that you support me, even when others have left me. ;)


    um, BC pipes haven't had a power loss since 1.5 I think
    and in 1.6.4 IC2 cables don't have any loss or explode if over powered. That wasn't added back in till 1.7.2 somewhere (maybe)
    if you are talking about the teleport pipes from additional BC pipes, those have a configurable loss and I set that to 0 (well 100% transmission rate in the config), I'm using them to telelport power over 2km with no issues.

    Oh, that's what you were talking about. Oops. D: Well, I'll try to in any-case. :D

    You know, I actually don't know if I could make the pipes have no power loss. :\ But, I'll try when I get enough supporters. ;) I'd rather not waste my time doing something that no-one wants me to do.

    Very much so, the other pipe is so outdated its not really worth much anymore. The you can only have so much power is completely limiting and annoying. From what I've seen you are the first to bother getting us out of this phase of stone age. This imposed limit is really kinda wrecking the fun of the game for me, you have a chance of restoring that. In the end, I guess it depends on what you get out of it, is it worth it for you, then by all means bring it back to life. If not, well, it would be sad to see it die like other mods have. No matter what I say though, it's what you decide that matters. Quite simply, you dared to push boundaries, everyone else seems to think, oh well, it's good enough to stay with limited power.... BORING. We could do so much more with things if we had a higher bracket to work in.

    Personally, I'm tired of being so limited in what I can do, I want more power so that I can set up 1 generating system instead of 50. It's just no fun that way.

    Actually, your message before is my inspiration for remaking this mod. :) I'll maybe add some more features in the future. Are there any features you would like implemented? :D

    3 Things from what I've seen:

    • The potionator doesn't work, but still consumes energy. Reminds me of Gregtech machines
    • The normal beacon is disabled, which doesn't make any sense
    • The potionator should use dense iron plates instead of iron blocks. They take the same amount of iron, but are more IC2y and need a compressor :)

    Dense Iron Plates are deprecated in the ic2 api.