Hey there everybody!
A few days ago I added GregTech in all its glory to our little 1.5.2 FTB Unleashed Server. works like a charm and nearly everybody enjoys it.
But sadly I have three naggers who just won't shut up about the changed mixed metal ingot recipe. Sick of their constant whining I dabbled with
creating a mod to reintroduce these recipes.
- I tried to add a recipe using the standard GameRegistry.addRecipe(.. , ..) method -> no good.
- used ic2.api.recipe.Recipes.advRecipes.addRecipe(.., ..) -> also no good.
- Last but not least see the code below:
public void load(FMLInitializationEvent event)
ItemStack mixedMetalIngotStack = ic2.api.item.Items.getItem("mixedMetalIngot");
mixedMetalIngotStack.stackSize = 2;
//TODO: Change componentes. Bread for testing purposes only!
GT_ModHandler.addShapelessCraftingRecipe(mixedMetalIngotStack, new Object[]{ Item.bread});
GT_ModHandler.addCraftingRecipe(mixedMetalIngotStack, new Object[]{" "," A "," ",'A',Item.bread});
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Info: Mod recompiles & reobfuscates without any problems. ensured it loads after Ic2 and GregTech.
Adding recipes for any other item/block seems to work just fine only the mixed ingots seem to be an issue.
If you need any further infos please feel free to ask!
On another Note:
My eclipse tells me GregTech API has lots of faulty references.(eg: import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidStack; -> forge only offers net.minecraftforge.liquids.LiquidStack;)
Do I use an worng or outdated version of the GregTech API or is the API not for my Forge/Mincraft Version ?
Got the API from here. Forge Build 1.5.2- , MCP 7.51
Sorry if the question is stupidly easy to answer or was even answerd somewhere already. I tried using the search function but without any significant success and my modding experience is about 3 hours.
Thank you for your help!
PS.: Hope you can forgive me for my horrible english. It's not my native language.