Painting item pipes in Gregtech

  • not Sure this is the correct thread for Gtegtech questions...but here we go. Feel free to move this thread, moderators.

    The chest the pointer is on is the recipient of the dusts turned ingots i throw into the Automatic Furnace on the left. The pipe under that macerator on the right is coloured blue and the pipe to the left is coloured white. It should be impossible for the item to be smelted to end up in that chest. According to the pipes I have arranged, they should end up in a chest on the left, along with the items from the induction furnace (with a conveyor cover) and the alloy smelter.

    What gives, Greg? lol

    All outputs on all machines are facing down and auto item ejection is clicked on. Should I just update GT?
    -On Forge 695 with GT latest version as of a week ago or something.