• Hello,
    I know how to get CF powder, but how can I put it in the CF sprayer?

    Correct me if I'm wrong: I think that I have to process it in the canning machine with a water can to get a CF cell (it is the NEI recipe I have), but the canning machine doesn't want to work following this pattern:

    So, I hope that I missed something and someone will give me the solution, because I cannot have it working.
    Thanks in advance for the solution.

  • You need to use water cells.

    Alternatively, you can just right-click the CF powder on water to get CF liquid, which you can right-click with cells to get CF cells.

  • You mean Universal Liquid Cell filled with water?
    It did not work for me when I tried...

  • I use this setup:
    [pump] [canner] [canner]

    + you need 2 liquid ejector upgrade, first one go to the pump, second to the middle canner

    pump drain water from infinite water source and eject it to middle canner
    middle canner uses water and cf powder to "cook" cf fluid and ejects it to the right canner
    right canner used to actually put cf to sprayer and/or backpack

    you optionally can make a buffer tank between middle and right canner to have some storage of cf.

  • Huhhh, it works now...

    Thanks for the tip!
    But then, it is really expensive......

    I'm trying to build a replicator and I'm out of everything. Diamonds, iron...
    I only have useless ores (even with the thermal centrifuge).

    Is there any way to take the liquid from the right tank to the left one? (in the same canning machine)

  • I also thought about something like this but I did not have time to test it.